A long time ago it was, and it is not true, only however it is axiomatic that this happiness in seconds small, sharp, generous to children and stingy for adults, sticky goo flowed through the trends of exchanges on third-party resources, where skins flashed, appearing for a moment and immediately lost among sales and purchases, and requests for withdrawal at the moment were executed, replenishing everyone's personal wallet or bank balance, well, and naturally cryptocurrency young and honest only just recently became popular. And what powerful drops were then, everyone could pay off confidently, having exchanged a hundred at least a hundred and a half. I then respected the site cs'market and this market fox skins, called true differently, but consonant. However, that tasty time gradually transformed from a chocolate factory in the army kitchen, until finally became a single sukhpaykovoy galet, which is unchanged to this day.
The result of this is that this service has been responsibly maintained and continues to work honestly and function stably