Beautiful skins in CS:GO

26 January 2020, 15:50

No matter how gamers do not claim that they play Contra only for the sake of fan, but to have the most beautiful skins in CS:GO want everyone. First, it greatly increases attention to your account. Secondly, it is much more pleasant to see in your hands not a classic black AK or Digil, but a piece like «Empress», «Surface Hardening» or, what the heck, «Medusa». Objectively, this is a top skin, which is a head above «Legend of the Dragon», although the latter is valued much higher.

We tried to collect for you some really beautiful skins CS:GO, while most of them cost quite adequate money and drop from most chests. The main thing — to want to get them if you're drowning for creativity and want to stand out from the monolithic crowd. In short, here we go.

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Top beautiful CS GO skins according to LIs-Skins


Let's say right away that we will not rank skins neither by cost, nor by beauty and elaboration of details. It's subjective. Suddenly you like «Ghost Fanatic»much better, which would be at the bottom of the rankings, while the leader in the form of «Fire Snake» evokes a lot of mixed feelings. Everyone decides for themselves. We just provide a list of the most beautiful and cheapest CS:GO skins.

P90 Emerald Dragon

Not to say that P90, but in common «Rooster» is characterized by great popularity among gamers. Though at close ranges it hits pretty painful in skilled hands. The skin is a weave of Chinese green dragons with a yellow belly across the body of the gun, with the print looking high quality not only in condition «Straight from the factory». In shabby condition it's interesting too.

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO

P90 Dark

Don't like the china? Then look at this handsome man. Green with black is also predominant here, but the skull on the buttstock and the evil spirits all over the body create a slightly spooky atmosphere. With such a machine you can run around the map, feeling if not a horseman of the apocalypse, carrying death, then definitely one of the sellers of souls. 

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 2

P90 Elite Equipment

Why in the top of beautiful skins ks go so many P90? It's just that this skin looks bombastically cool on him. There is an AK-47 option as well, but it doesn't look as epic. At first glance there is nothing unusual, but every detail of the buttstock, sights and other elements is so detailed that you get the feeling of a real gun in your hands. And the bronze elements only emphasize the awesomeness of this ramshackle machine.

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 3


Famas Survivor

At the first look at the cannon you realize that they have seen some … that very thing. Lots of serious scratches, buttstock and horn are taped with red duct tape to make this wreck last until the end of the battle. And the distinct claw marks hint that the former owner of the machine clearly did not share something with the sanitizer of the forest in the form of a huge bear. Who knows.

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 4

AK-47 Empress

This skin can be called a local work of art, as well as the whole series in general. Fine detailing, an understated red and yellow color scheme, and a subtle royal profile on the case that faces in the direction of the muzzle. We'd love to run with such a gun, if we found it in one of the cases. One frustrating thing is — costs about $60 for the shabby version. Naturally, without StatTrak.

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 5

Five Seven Speed Beast

Perhaps the most beautiful skin in CS:GO in the category «pistols» in our humble opinion. Although it looks pretentious and is more suitable for fans of monsters, mystical creatures and other toothy critters. Several things at once pay off: the perfect detailing of the print, the attempt to play up the placement of the pattern (the tongue of the monster moves smoothly onto the trigger) and the color scheme. The combination of pink, green and blue can be very organic in skillful hands.

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 6

MAS-10 Nuclear Garden

Everyone loves the ultrasound for its rapid-fire speed and roomy magazine. But with this skin, he turns into a cool toy altogether. A toxic yellow color scheme, an abundance of skulls and radioactive symbols, and complete chaos in the arrangement of objects. You want to stand out — go ahead. If anything, the same skin has both Glock and AWP in it. This is a fun collection for fans of unusual sets.

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 7

SSG 08 Ghost Fanatic

Apparently, the author of this cheap and beautiful skin for CS:GO was inspired by Shepard's adventures from the cult trilogy Mass Effect, where most of the rifles looked similar. The emphasis is on the gray-blue color scheme, clear geometric lines and a successful mix of geometric lines. It doesn't look like much, but it makes you want to grab that gun and go smash the Reapers. Or whoever  you meet at random.

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 8

SG 553 Flight

The coolest machine gun that combines cool metallic with a bronze forend and buttstock, and the grip is visually covered with a denim pouch made from old worn pants. It looks frankly awesome. The stylized flag in the center of the case harmonizes with the schematic eagle on the clip. And all this splendor is completely devoid of flashy and inappropriate elements.

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 9

AWP Medusa

Far from cheap, but damn beautiful skin for CS:GO in black and blue colors with flecks of blue and green. The majestic and proud Gorgon is placed on the front part of the stock, but it does not prevent her from spreading her «hair» all over the rifle body, reaching even to the muzzle. Colossal detail is retained even in «shabby» quality, though it depends on the fleet here. If the skin quality is low, you may be missing a part of Medusa's face.


Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 10

Karambit Surface Hardening

What's the top of skins without knives. It feels like it was hastily quenched at a high temperature, but then improperly cooled and not concerned with further processing of the metal. Arbitrary «iridescent» divots, like a barrel that was often fired in the cold, a classic black plastic grip, and an invariable twist ring on the finger. With such a knife to approach someone from behind — a real pleasure.

Top beautiful skins in CS:GO 11

I'm sure you have your own idea about the top and most beautiful skins for CS GO. But such rankings are extremely problematic to compile based on objective data. Either way, hopefully you'll find a style or two you haven't noticed before.

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