Speaking about the top white skins in CS 2, we must immediately take into account: they will not catch the eye. The lack of bright colors can be considered a kind of advantage: with such inventory cold-blooded player boldly goes into a virtual attack, without distraction. Others also see that empty bravado is not peculiar to a person, they begin to treat with more respect. At the same time, the aesthetic qualities of white shells are not worse than those of colored ones.
Such models are always in demand, they are sold at stable prices. Importantly, the conceptual quality of the design completely eliminates the possible «fade», which is feared only by the ignorant. But, to quite enjoy white skins for CS 2, you need to carefully choose the best ones. That's what we're gonna do now!
USP-S Whiteout.
A lime-stained wall — is one of the common standards of whiteness, albeit not as promoted in the popular consciousness as chalk or a piece of paper. But the owner of a USP-S pistol designed «Whitewash» (literal translation «Snowdrift») has no time to ponder such associations. The simple and laconic look of the weapon harmoniously emphasizes its killing power.
Important: The paint will quickly scratch with constant use. Look for specimens in as good a condition as possible. But you can also choose «a little worn» weapons, still it will not differ much in appearance from brand new, and the rates will be much more affordable. You can get this white skin for CS 2 by crafting or buying, it belongs to the collection «Tren», it appeared as part of Operation «Predatory Waters». The Stattrack supplement is missing. However, even without it, the effect of hard brutality is fully ensured. It is not recommended to buy such a color in the status «Battered in battles» , it is almost complete loss of decorative properties.
Desert Eagle | Flow of information
The famous «Desert Eagle» looks even more impressive thanks to the decorative Printstream shell. The expensive weapon is very accurate at long distances (compared to other guns, of course), so its appearance should match its formidable reputation. The Stattrek skin fits perfectly. The combination of white top and black bottom creates slightly sinister associations… in the enemy, if he manages to discover that he is in the crosshairs. Dark elements are harmoniously combined with light, so we can confidently say — other white skins CS 2 should be equal to this sample.
The wear factor is very small, obvious traces appear only after reaching the status of «battle-hardened weapons». If the float reaches the highest values, the characteristic «patina effect», which makes the gun dark and mysterious, appears. The pattern index does not affect the appearance of this model.
As an alternative for the «Digle» shell «Mechano-Gun». It is emphatically futuristic, also based on a combination of white (dominant) and black paint. A very positive feature can be called a small wear and tear.
AK-47 Asiimov
To characterize this representative of the group of «secret» weapons, the definition «bright» is not a template epithet invented by marketers, but a real fact. At first glance, it is even hard to believe that in front of you is one of white skins for CS 2. However, after a closer look, you realize that the flashy flicker of orange spots stands out so strongly precisely at the expense of the light surface in other places. Keeping the color black in a few areas only added to the skin's sophistication. Not surprisingly, such a modification of the image of the popular assault rifle is especially sought after in the community of counter-strikers. When the player holds the weapon in front of them, the colored areas aren't as conspicuous, and it's clear why this design is considered more of a white design. The modification with the Startrak meter is quite expensive, though not the most elitist of the bunch. The understatedly peppy futuristic style appears in the «Winter Offensive» case («Winter Offensive»).
M4A1-S | Printstream
An unusual example of «covert» weapons using white skin for CS 2 in its own way presents the image of the once popular assault rifle made in the United States. The collection is designed in a very diverse way, there are:
catchy inscriptions in a futuristic way;
ornaments with holographic elements.
But the main thing — is the color scheme itself, which was chosen as successfully as possible. When light falls on the surface of the weapon, a pearlescent effect appears. Such an achievement has inspired many designers to try to develop something similar, but to throw the leader off the pedestal is not yet possible. Strict and brutal specimen shoots almost silently, which complements the overall impression of the gun.
The butt and grip are left black, but the trigger is pure white. The model is part of the selection «Recoil». Formalization of this kind is available at all levels of quality. A closer look reveals a short inscription and a few icons. If there is a stattrack, the rates go up appreciably.
AWP Asiimov
The name of the next white skin for CS 2 again refers to a famous science-fiction writer. «A covert» weapon would have to be stattracked to be able to use such a design. The sniper rifle contains not only white, but also expressive orange elements, and is painted black near the muzzle. However, this combination does not prevent it is the lighter details from visually dominating. The specific coloring was done by hand and is inspired by the aesthetics of last century's literature.
The AVP was first introduced on computer screens in 2014, when the case of the same name was rolled out for Operation «Phoenix» . The innovation was the fact that before in the same collection came out more calm designs, and here they sharply began to experiment with flashy colors, crosses, geometric figures. Such white skin for CS 2 has no degree of wear and tear «straight off the assembly line», or «a little worn». In recent years, there has been a strong appreciation in the price of such a model as it becomes increasingly rare and valuable. Specimens with particularly high wear and tear even received a special name of blackiimov. They are maximized among virtual equipment collectors.
FAMAS | Mechano-Gun
The French rifle is a classified weapon in the game. As is often the case, there is technology here that controls the performance achieved by the gamer. The design is similar to the one previously described «by Asimov», which is largely responsible for the popularity of this design. In addition, the cost of white skin for CS 2 is very modest, even if you pick up models with factory quality. The modification perfectly fills the niche between the high-end and the cheapest decor options. Automatic rifles are more effective but more expensive, submachine guns are more cost effective but throw bullets without much point. And this way you will have a quite futuristic-looking practical model in your hands.
.Galil AR | Tuxedo — Israeli AKM replica- allows you to use one of the cheapest white skins. The «Tuxedo» modification contains far fewer light colors than competing designs for this weapon, but it remains exceptionally popular. Playing with such weapons is to be on a terrorist team. A kind of artisanal aerosol coloring corresponds to this purpose.
In English white skin for CS 2 MP9 | The airlock is called Airlock. The classified submachine gun is distinguished by its silver-dirty-white coloration. At the same time, the expressive red bottom of the handle looks bold, defiant. There are no pure white colors for this gun model. Of the ones out there, it is «Air Gateway» that is closest to ideal. The product is part of the collection «Bank».
Two Guns
Tec-9 | Bamboo Thicket — another inexpensive but well balanced aesthetically skin. The gun is painted in a discreet color, which is diluted by competently used green spots of different shapes. The cheapness of the shell is due to the fact that it is not pure white.
The name Glock-18 | Franklin is very aptly chosen: the gun was designed in the colors of dollar bills. Find even more white skin for CS 2 specifically for this version is impossible. In factory quality is almost never found, most of the sold models — in moderately worn condition.
Hand protection and attacking points
Driving gloves «Kingsnake», though beautifully designed, cost much more than other weapons. The character's hands will be safely protected from injury, the accuracy of sensation is not impaired in any way. The surface consists of a combination of white and snakeskin, hence the characteristic brutal appearance. Sometimes silver inserts are present on the inside. An attractive alternative can be considered «Snow Leopard».
Fans of hand-to-hand combat, it is almost impossible to find a knife that would be in tone with light-colored gloves. But there is white skin for CS 2 that solves this problem. Flip Knife | Damascus Steel looks quite attractive. Her curved blade became noticeably lighter in color than before. The secret weapon is now also characterized by an extremely expressive appearance of patterns that give visual volume.
AK-47 | Inheritance
If you are interested not just in white design things, but in those that have appeared recently, then another variant of a cool machine gun will be to your liking. The power and reliability of the weapon is emphasized now more clearly than ever before. It feels good to shoot with it, because you know for sure that the enemy will be defeated. A patterned surface can be seen as a hint of very different cultural traditions. The most likely (given the theme of the game) is that it's a reference to the Middle East. But some sources claim that the authors were inspired by the styling of antique Chinese porcelain. In any case, the ornament white skin for CS 2 looks both eye-catching and minimalist at the same time. A deadly object in this design fascinates even more than in its usual form!
M4A4| Urban DDPAT and Nomad Knife Stained
A souvenir design of the rifle with «industrial» quality shows a special version of the white color: pixelated «urban» camouflage. The design is sometimes considered very simple, but this is a grave mistake: it fulfills its purpose. And the goal is not to stand out, on the contrary, the weapon is shown exactly as it should be in reality. A stark calm camouflage saves a fighter's life, and even on a virtual battlefield this fact is very important. In the community, this white skin for CS 2 has been nicknamed «White Howl». A SWAT officer with a weapon like this feels very confident. A water resistant dye was used to create the decoration.
«The nomadic» knife is once again not pure white, as one might think. Its handle is painted in metallic color, which looks very noble and refined. The beige and white blade is also perceived quite nicely. Keep in mind that as the float level increases, the metal tarnishes rapidly. Calm appearance emphasizes the ergonomics of such a sample, its convenience in battles with opponents.
Now it is clear that the white set of skins CS 2 is a combination of interesting and thoughtful. Calm, rather cold-blooded appearance of this coloring should not deceive: the designers have tried their best, using various techniques to emphasize the crushing power of the weapon. It is quite possible to equip yourself with the most famous armament strictly in light colors — or use individual samples of this kind as a highlight of your collection. Of course, the described variants of white tooling is not exhausted. So, for WUAs, you can still apply «Gungnir», available at different quality levels. However, having hardened in battle, this inventory loses its ivory coloring completely. Protocol «Lift» is also difficult to call pure white initially, the coloring is diluted with pink and bright orange inserts, different inscriptions and badges. Therefore, the right thing to do is to opt for proven options.