Agents in the shooter Counter Strike 2 – are characters for use on any maps that can be purchased on trading platforms. This new type of skin was added to the game in 2019, with the release of Operation «Splinter Network».
There are currently 63 agents in the game, with different types of them being used for different purposes: 29 of them are used for defense. In this article we present top 10 best skins of agents in CS 2.
Types of agents in KS2
Agents – characters, each of which is designed in a unique style, has its own voiceover, animations, costumes. Now they do not give a competitive advantage, as it was in the previous version of the shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Nevertheless, they are hugely popular because they allow the player to express themselves. In such skins the possibility of customization in the form of a patch is available, so you can put together an interesting and unique combination.
Agents from 4 rarity categories are now available in the game. They come in:
Master agents – are the most prestigious in the game, as well as the rarest. All other categories cost less, but also have an interesting look.
KS2 Agent Skins allow players to look incredibly cool and unique. Their only disadvantage is their high cost, although some types can be bought relatively inexpensively.
Top Agents in KS2We offer
familiarize yourself with the top 10 skins of agents in the legendary shooter:
Special Agent Ava (FBI)
The peculiarity of this skin agent from other special forces agents – the absence of a large voluminous helmet and large elements of uniforms in the equipment. Overall, this female counter-terrorism agent has a stylish and elegant FBI outfit. Due to the fact that the color of the scalp and hair, as well as headphones almost merges with the external environment, the agent becomes less noticeable.
This skin agent KS2 is quite popular and costs about 1300 rubles. It has a master rarity rating, was released in 2019.
The skin was released in the Operation Update «Shattered Web». First things first. When female agent Ava joined the FBI, she was not appreciated, but then she quickly proved herself to be a top-notch professional. Ava has received 3 of the 5 FBI Medals of Honor. She has a driver's license and is fully qualified to be an agent in the FBI.
Special Agent Ava – is a cold-blooded expert who can strike a really significant blow, and yet has a deceptively cute appearance. The model looks stylish and is hard to spot in-game, giving the player a slight advantage in the game.
Twice McCoy (Air Force and TACP Cavalry)
This skin of a KS2 agent is characterized by the fact that the character does not hide his face, and his image is fully visible. He earned his title after passing the TACP field training 2 consecutive times. He is characterized by high physical stamina and good mental ability. The skin belongs to the excellent rarity category.
Twice McCoy – available agent skin. It has 2 designs. A variant agent who served in the USAF TACP has a dark green uniform and gray arafat – neckerchief. The cavalry-trained agent has a light green uniform and a yellow arafat around his neck.
As mentioned, this agent's face is not hidden: the image of a bearded man is clearly visible
.Lt. Cmdr. Rixo (NSWC SEAL).
This is a counter-terrorist skin that is very popular among KS2 players and is one of the best in its group. It belongs to the master category of rarity. Lt. Rixo belongs to the unit «of the Navy SEALs» (SEAL), is a true symbol of calmness and professionalism, and knows how to be flexible in times of need. This rugged character is found in almost every competitive game. Skin released in 2019.
This KS2 Agent skin allows the player to eliminate the most important targets. He is a true hero, a veteran who keeps the whole team calm even in the most difficult situations. Rixo ran a lot of special operations. He knows that life is short and encourages all team members to make the best use of the time and resources available. Rixo has a wide range of tactical knowledge – from the formation of orders and orders to the most accurate determination of the location of the enemy.
You will suit the presented skin agent, if you want to be known as a true professional and stand out among other players with stamina and maximum calmness
.Elite Mr. Mohlik (Elite Squad)
The story of this skin agent KS2 is as follows: initially Mohlik appeared as a procurement consultant for the tycoons of the arms industry. He subsequently found himself on the world's wanted list as a felon. Many law enforcement agencies would like to find him!
This mysterious character has undergone elite military training and was also educated at a private international school. There are reports that he is the heir to a monarch from the Middle East who was recently deposed, and plans to restore sovereign power over lands that historically belonged to his family.
Skin is quite stylish, while belonging to the budget segment. He will give your character a unique look thanks to an interesting hairstyle in the form of Mohawk, as well as the features of the face, which is definitely traced «oriental» notes. Mohlik's outfit is the same as other agents belonging to the elite squad.
Number K (Professionals)
This is a very popular skin of a KS2 agent. He is truly a professional of the highest caliber. The unusual name is due to the fact that this character, when filling out his questionnaire, indicated the letter K in each field.
Agent has excellent abilities in working with pistols, as well as organizing high-end robberies. Otherwise, finding out anything about him is problematic: there is no information about his life. Even his face is hidden beneath the muggle mask that Number K wears, never taking it off. He also wears a blue tie and the same color shirt.
This skin is currently popular among players, although it is quite expensive. He is surrounded by an air of mystery, so he becomes even more desirable.
Dr. Romanov (Cavalry)
Another sought-after skin of a KS2 agent. This character has been smuggling pharmaceuticals (drugs) across disputed borders for 30 years. Dr. Romanov now became the Cavalry's operations manager for power outages. He's calculating, thoughtful, acts very precisely. Works on the side of terrorists.
The character is very stylish, decorated in an original way: he wears a chic coat, has a stylish modern hairstyle and spectacular glasses. All this makes its appearance interesting and attractive. This is the best version of the skin agent KS2, if you want to emphasize your own individuality.
With all the uniqueness of the skin its cost is quite affordable – it costs only about 6 dollars, so it can afford absolutely any player.
Professor Chess (Elite Squad)
Earlier this skin fell out in the game randomly and was included in the list of standard characters. It is currently only available as a paid option. Professor Chess – is a dark-skinned character with a completely bald head. Dark skin tone gives this character a certain advantage on maps with sandy terrain (for example, maps Anubis, Mirage and others).
This skin agent in KS2 is unique due to its intelligent appearance, which distinguishes Professor Chess from the standard combat characters. And this agent does boast a developed intellect: he graduated from university with honors. He subsequently tried to teach students, but his views were not understood or shared. Feeling that his mental acuity had begun to dull, the professor became quite successful in mastering the art of warfare.
Sir Damn Miami Darryl (The Professionals)
This character – is the leader of a team of professionals. From the outside, he is described as a rather brash and cocky character who doesn't think of others and may inflict suffering on them for his own gain with no regard for the damage done. For Sir Damn Miami Darryl, blowing up buildings and people – is just standard fun and daily entertainment. The skin was released in 2020.
The appearance of this agent skin in KS2 some people compare it to the Joker. The character wears a white hockey mask that completely hides his face and a colored shirt. He is always cheerful and carefree, even in situations dangerous to himself. He – is a master of humorous lines (most popular – «Let's get the party started!»).
He is one of the most expensive characters among all other agents. Its value is about 70 dollars.
Elite Hunter Solman (Guerrillas)
This character was added to the game in 2021. It's originally a tourist who was vacationing in the Caribbean and was kidnapped by guerrillas. He joined this company and secured his own release in exchange for bringing additional hostages to the guerrillas. He went on to engage in such activities while commanding the largest percentage of the booty for the hostages he took captive.
Hunter Solman – is a dark-skinned man who wears a Hawaiian-style shirt with a floral print. His look is completed with black sunglasses. The character is quite charismatic and interesting. Despite his disposable appearance, he lacks empathy. For him, money is very important: to get it, he is capable of many things.
The cost of this KS2 Agent skin is quite affordable and is about 16 dollars
.Burglar Woltzmann (Professionals)
This lady with spectacular looks – is a professional safecracker and also a genius in the field of technical innovation. Voltzmann's pilferer is considered rather odd. It is dodgy and out of control, constantly muttering to itself about things that are difficult for the average person to understand.
Many suspect that this character – savant (a person with severe brain damage who yet displays genius in a certain direction). Her hobby, in addition to cracking safes, is – blowing things up.
Volzmann wears blue-colored round sunglasses and has a mop of hair with purple highlights. The cost of this skin is quite affordable and is at the level of about 15 dollars.
How to get an agent skin in KS2?
There are 2 ways how to get such characters in the game. The first method, which is not always available – getting an agent during a transaction. At these moments, players have access to the store, where you can purchase the necessary.
Another, more realistic way to get an agent in KS2, – purchase on specialized online sites. Lis-skins – a trusted store where you can purchase the right game inventory, item skins and agents.