How many people play CS GO

28 April 2023, 15:35

There are at least a few answers to your question about how many people play CS GO. They depend on what you understand by the number of players: either it's the number of gamers who are in the game right now, or it's the total number of people registered in CS GO, or it's those who have logged into the server at least once, or maybe you want to find out which countries have the most Kaesers in absolute value and as a percentage of the total number of inhabitants.

How many people play CS GO

Further in the article we will provide statistics officially provided by Valve from Stim, as well as information from studies, which, among other things, will indicate how many people play CS GO broken down by gender and age.

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number of gamers online right now

We will immediately make a necessary clarification: it is impossible to find out information about the number of casers passionately shooting at each other on game servers in real time. The reason for this is that the data arrives with a delay. Information


usually updated in the range from 20 minutes to 2 hours, sometimes longer.

If you want to track the number of gamers online, there is an official English-language resource that accumulates such information from Stim -


Following the link above, on the page you'll probably first pay attention to the graph, but that's not what you need. Above it will be a number showing how many people played CS GO some amount of time ago. The data might look like this: 672, 536 playing an hour ago or 1, 011, 739 playing 27 minutes ago.

How many people play CS GO 2

Peak Caesers OnlineIn

February-March 2023, there was a rush of excitement in CS GO amidst the never-quiet rumors that Valve was preparing to announce a big announcement of CS GO version 2.

So it's no surprise that in February 2023, the record for Caeser server traffic was updated 5 times, which had never happened before in 1 month in the entire existence of the game. People were playing CS GO more and more actively. The number of players increased by 10.87% compared to the previous month, January 2023, with 1,354,248 gamers in the game simultaneously at its peak in February 2023.

But that was still the flowers. Berries came to us in March 2023. You may have heard about the long-awaited event that took place on March 22: we are all waiting for CS:GO 2 in the summer, there will be beta testing until the summer, and the major in Paris in May 2023 will be the last on the current version of Counter Strike.

And on the next weekend after the announcement, March 25 and 26, 2023, the servers were red-hot because of the frenzied influx of gamers who wanted to get an invitation to the beta from Valve. So 1,519,457 Kaesers on Sunday, March 26, 2023, apparently wanted to see the coveted invitation and, without knowing it, set an absolute record at the moment on the simultaneous presence in the game.

How many people play CS GO 3

How many people play CS GO by countryLet's start

with the total number of players who have ever registered in Counter Strike and indicated their country of residence:

  1. Russia - 11.65% of the total number of gamers. Russian Kaesers, you have a reason to be proud of yourselves. Our country has the largest community in CS:GO.

  2. USA - 10.65% of players, the second largest base. By the way, the representation of all other countries does not reach even 6%.

  3. Poland - 5.32%. Yes, there's a reason they hold a major tournament in Katowice every year after all.

  4. Brazil - 4.87%. Be careful, Brazilian guys can shoot you not only in favelas, but also on CS GO servers.

  5. Germany - 4.55% of the total number of people playing CS GO from this country.

Now let's tell you an interesting statistic on the number of casters per 1 million inhabitants of their native country. Here Denmark is out of the competition with 78,892 players. Now, we think, you've understood why a few years ago the powerful Astralis team rattled all over the place, and where the strong Heroic came from. It's simple: the Danes have a lot of people to choose from. Estonia is in second place with 77,260 gamers (broky and ropz from Faze Clan say hi to us), and Finland is in third place with 76,873 kaesers. 

How many people play CS GO by total number

Officially, according to data from Steam, Counter Strike has been installed by more than 50 million people, but less than 100 million people. This number takes into account both those people who purchased the game for money, and people who received it as a gift from other users.

According to statistics, not every gamer who has installed CS:GO, at least 1 time for all time went into it. Approximately 5% of all gamers have never run Counter Strike.

That said, a relatively small fraction of people play CS GO often and a lot. Active caesters play an average of 12 hours and 16 minutes per 2 weeks.


median time value for 2 weeks (if every registered player logged on


the server) is 3 hours


34 minutes.

In addition, Counter Strike is the leader among online games in terms of total hours played (607,771,927) and with a large margin, 2 times, overtakes the second place Dota 2


How many people play CS GO 4

This is interestingLet's give

some interesting facts about what people play CS GO.

First. We think you will not be surprised that CS GO is a predominantly male game, which is typical for any shooter. The male audience of the game is 78%, respectively, girls get the remaining 22%.

Second. In terms of age, the largest group is young people from 19 to 34 years old. That's 50% of all kaesers. At the same time, the average age of the gaming community is 27.1 years old.

Third. Why people play CS GO, what is their motivation? 13% of cacers are simply bored, 23% appreciate activities that require teamwork, 35% of gamers feel the game will help them improve their skills, and finally, 21% of players want fame and recognition.

Fourth. CS:GO broke through the ceiling of 1 million players simultaneously online in March 2020, which was greatly «helped» by the covid epidemic and the quarantine measures imposed when people were locked in their homes and forced to come up with all sorts of entertainment.

Fifth. The maximum growth in the number of gamers within 1 month occurred in August 2012. - 1 559,43%.

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