Images of fantasy creatures – quite a frequent theme in the design of skins for CS:GO. Such designs are liked by many players, because such drawings are usually made in great detail and painted in bright and contrasting colors. When it comes to skins for CS:GO, decorated with images of mythical monsters, first of all, remember AWP Dragon Lore and M4A4 Howl. Indeed, both designs have gone down in the history of the game, but in the selection we will focus on more realistic options: skins that can be added to your inventory at a much more affordable price.
SSG 08 Dragonfire
If you still can't imagine your inventory without a dragon skin, you should take a closer look at SSG 08 Dragonfire. A dragon spewing flames from its mouth occupies the most part of the body. The contrasting combination of different shades of dark blue and red-orange makes this skin recognizable even from afar. This style with dragons – is far from the only one. Other interesting coloring books decorated with a drawing of a fantasy creature – guns P2000 Imperial Dragon, Desert Eagle Kumicho Dragon.
MP9 Food Chain
Several frightening creatures are featured on MP9 Food Chain. The brightly colored creatures, drawn in a psychedelic style, continuously devour each other – quite a convincing reflection of the struggle for survival that often unfolds during a match.
MAG-7 Monster Call
The design of MAG-7 Monster Call invites the player to descend into the depths of the ocean. The body of the weapon depicts colorful sea creatures that have a decidedly unkind appearance. Particularly striking is the shark's gaping maw, which is aptly incorporated into the outline of this cannon.
Sawed-off The Kraken
The aforementioned – skin is not the only one featuring the fantastic sea creature. The Sawed-off The Kraken is a good addition to your collection . The most part of the case is occupied by the image of a fearsome underwater creature, equipped with powerful tentacles that seem to barely fit in the space allotted for them.
AWP Hyper Beast
The AWP Hyper Beast – is a sniper rifle that features a bright purple and red magical creature. The skin appeared in the game in 2015 and has remained quite popular ever since. This is one of those coloring books that you can look at for quite a while, discovering new details. If you wish, you can add other weapons from the same series to your collection, such as M4A1-S Hyper Beast.