Skins for P2000 in CS:GO

14 July 2020, 11:14

If you've been playing shooter on the side of special forces for a long time, then the standard skins on P2000 in CS:GO you've probably already had enough. So why not replace them with something more unusual, especially since they cost mostly quite adequate money. Even in the industrial and army divisions there are some goodies like Economy Class and Granite.

And if you are interested in something more unique — check out our selection of interesting skins, where you will surely find something for your collection.

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50 Shades of Style

The P2000 pistol — is a pretty accurate weapon in skillful hands, if you play as Special Forces or manage to trim the barrel while rolling. However, it has the main disease of all small-sized firearms in CS GO: there is no scope for fantasy. Therefore, most of the submitted works in the rating are either gradient or abstract. 

But we can't say that the authors didn't try and come up with interesting design concepts. In short, we present our top ten interesting skins. And lest you accuse us of bias, we've alphabetized all the models.

P2000 Urban Danger 

Skins for P2000 in CS:GO

This P2000 from CS GO is definitely worthy of a place in the top. The designers went to a lot of trouble to change it, even affecting the normal map. The work on changing the color, detailing and other aspects of the weapon has been done tremendously.

The burgundy bolt is very harmonious with the black and gray underside. The latter, in addition, also got a protective coloring. Just one dollar — and it's yours.

P2000 Spirit of Fire

Skins for P2000 in CS:GO 2

And this is the top of the market, and one of the most expensive P2000 skins in CS:GO. Many people probably have the association that the author of this model must have designed the Spirit of Water for the Glock-18 as well. And yes, you're right: both works belong to a talented guy with the complicated nickname FLaMmenWerFeR.

Fire Spirit looks more brutal largely due to the successful combination of a dark blue base and a bright orange disembodied evil guy with burning eyes. At the same time, the overall composition is coherent and does not cause the desire to finalize it with a file.

P2000 Defender of the Empire

Skins for P2000 in CS:GO 3

The case when minimalism turned out to be appropriate and unobtrusive. The ruby base of the pistol is emphasized by thin yellow inlays on the bolt carrier and grip, and the P2000 nameplate is skillfully emphasized by engraving.

To emphasize the authenticity of the model, the author also added traces of natural wear, exposing the bare metal. As a result, the gun doesn't look toyish, but seems like a very real gift for a former sophisticated mobster.

P2000 Imperial Dragon

Skins for P2000 in CS:GO 4

If you didn't fall for this skin as soon as you saw — we have nothing to talk about. Stunning work and successful interweaving of masses of hues, red, orange, yellow and brown. If you look closely, you can see the texture of fine scales as a substrate.

Dragon is rather guessed here, as the author obviously did not have enough space to fully develop the idea. However, at the front of the trunk is clearly visible, a maw spewing flames. The back, however, shows the torso and part of the tail girdling the handle.

P2000 Acid Etching

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The most recent skin for the P2000, introduced at the end of March 2020 as part of the Prisma 2 collection. The idea is quite original: a lot of multicolored lines, chaotically intertwined with each other, acidic color scheme and complete confusion. 

The skin has no definite thought or message — everyone guesses for himself the motive and creative intent of the author. But there are a lot of patterns in guns. We advise you to find one with a four-leaf clover clearly drawn on it. It is said to bring good luck.

P2000 Red Pieces

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Another gradient top representative. But here the emphasis was already on the geometric ensemble. Although today you can find this type of camouflage as well. The author used a combination of burgundy, gray and dirty beige colors, diluting the picture with scuffs and steel metallic shine.

Despite several colors, the gun still feels like a monolithic piece of metal, which can also spit bullets. Simple and tasteful. 

P2000 Obsidian

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Wildly beautiful skin on P2000 in CS:GO. Yes, it is completely abstract and does not carry any semantic load, but will anyone care at all if there is such a red-and-black masterpiece in the hand?

From the side it seems that a bright red paint was dripped into the black liquid, which smoothly spreads from the grip in streaks and tends to the front of the gun. That's the first thought that comes to mind. The skin can also be compared to lava, which slowly spreads over the weapon and freezes near the muzzle.

P2000 Pistol

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P2000 Pistol «Pistol»  from CS:GO — is a rofl. Especially when they start asking what the skin is called. Although the idea, of course, cool, and realized very decently.

On a dark blue background with elements of sea wave is drawn a hand with a raised thumb and outstretched middle and index fingers in a glove, which are directed in the direction of the flight of the bullet. There's even a humorous BOOM inscription added to the front of the shutter. All that's missing is a flag when fired and a nasty laugh in the background.

P2000 Pulse

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Miss the geometric print gradients? Well here's another option that looks suspiciously like the Red Fragments. Only in this case, the main color scheme — is green. And both standard shades and intermediate shades like navy are used. And all this on a black background.

But unlike «fragments», where the basis was camouflage, here rather the author was inspired by broken stained glass. The small triangles are quite reminiscent of shrapnel flying into the darkness. Ominous, but beautiful.

P2000 Amber Gradient

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And the last skin in the queue in gradient version. Unfortunately, it only looks beautiful from the factory when it shimmers in all shades of gold and bronze. In other cases, the luster is lost, and a half-peeled coating does not make the P2000 look good.

The appearance depends directly on the pattern. If you need more green — catch 27, 32 or 96. The rest are dominated by gold and copper gloss. But in the light, the weapon shimmers like a full-fledged amber.

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