The famous shooter Counter Strike: Global Offensive is considered the best not only due to the gameplay, but also cool skins for guns and equipment, and therefore the question "How to get skins in CS GO" is even relevant today. There are many ways to get top-end skins like “The Story of the Dragon”, “Medusa”, “Azimov” and more. And you can do this for free, if you make certain efforts.
The only thing the website administration will never call for is to leave the details of its Steam account to suspicious individuals and offices with an unverified reputation. There are always those who want to steal your gear, and thoughtlessly logging in in an attempt to get a freebie is a bad idea, often ending with a profit from fraudsters.
The main ways to get skins
To get a cool skin, you first need to know where you can get the CS GO skins besides the game. Not everyone has the opportunity and desire to play 100+ rinks a day in the hope of knocking out a case from which the next copy of the African grid or the Desert Attack falls. In extreme cases, something is better, but this happens too rarely.
Consider the most familiar ways:
Steam. The traditional way, but wildly expensive. First of all, old Gabin drives prices in a way that is beneficial to him, and the living model of the economy does not particularly work here. Often things only become more expensive over time, because the collections from which they are lying are no longer relevant, are changing with new collections, etc. Yes, you yourself know how everything works there. Plus a bilateral commission, a hell of a price tag, etc.
Tournament and competitive games. Here the chance of falling out of cases and ready-made skins is higher than in a random house, but often any consumer goods or “army-quality” skins are felled.
Internal exchange. We will not surprise anyone if we say how to get skins on the character cs go through the Steam platform. There is already a more interesting option, but you need to at least a little bit to study the value of things before the trade. Suppose a friend has a couple of interesting kerambits, and you have something of equal value, or he doesn't care so much about his inventory that he can give you a pair of skins purely symbolically. Nobody has yet canceled a freebie, so always be in a good relationship with friends.
Contracts. Here you are only hoping for your luck. The drop chance of something really cool is very small, only 5-7%. And at the same time you should already have 10 skins in order to craft one of them, but of higher quality.
Gambling sites. This method is directly dependent on your luck and ability to sacrifice money for the sake of top clothes. The procedure is standard to disgrace: you throw money into the account, choose a category, spin the tape measure and cross your fingers. Often any consumer goods are poured, but sometimes there is a goodness like "Azimov", "Gradients" and other "Speed animals." You look, and the "Medusa" will fall, but you shouldn’t really hope for it. At some sites, by the way, you can spin roulette for free, but a limited number of times. And one more thing: play only on proven services, but do not overdo it - the thing is very gambling.
Purchase and sale sites. Do you have something to sell, and you know what you can buy for it? Register, log in, upload the contents of the inventory and actively push your belongings to other CS players.
Tasks. Today, CS GO skins can also be obtained for tasks, and often this is completely free, but you need to look for proven VK groups, telegram channels, etc. Everything is simple: you write to the administrator or bot, execute tickets on his behalf and wait for the coveted color for "M4A4", "AK-47" or gloves. Again, check the sites so as not to fall for a divorce. Although free, but the time spent is a pity.
Rating of ways to get skins
Everyone wants a cool skin, also for free, and also StatTrak. Another thing is that to get it in itself is a test, and without a nail - a whole saga.
The most logical and explicit method is to buy. We must say right away that we are not campaigning or forcing anyone to donate to virtual pixels, this is purely the choice of every gamer. The prices there are not the most favorable, but you know perfectly well why you need this and how it raises self-eSteam, especially in the late stages of the game, where every second one is worn with top gear, knives and gloves, and you have everything stock or not presentable.
Next in popularity is the exchange of skins through the same Steam. The procedure should be clear to you, but we recall:
Choose a friend on the list and offer him a trade;
A friend confirms the exchange, if it is online;
You select one or more items, then click "exchange."
This applies directly to the online option, but there is also offline. There will be no problems with this either:
Going to a friend’s Steam account;
Click on the "More" at the top;
In the selection field, click on the skin that you want to transfer in the "Your inventory" tab, switch to "Their inventory" and select the skin that you need "
Click on the button “Offer exchange” and wait until a friend enters the network. He confirms the deal and everyone is happy.
Important! The comrade’s inventory must be public, otherwise you will not be able to manipulate his gear and “hint” him to one or another skin.
If you have really bad skins that no one needs at all - get the trivial benefit out of them and turn in everything right away with Get real money in the shortest possible time, which you can spend on anything, at least for new clothes, at least for real goods. As a last resort, replenish the Internet to comfortably play CS: GO the whole next month.
Well, the last option is a freebie. She, of course, is loved by all that is already here. But this way to get any top skin for cs go is extremely sharpened for luck. To catch the suit, you will either have to shovel a lot of groups and channels in Telegram, or be subscribed to all the streams of top bloggers like Shimoro, Shroud, or Anomaly. Well, at the same time pump your level of English, because foreign bloggers are much more likely to share the profit, and, frankly, they have it more fat.
How does the gear drop system work in the game
CS: GO players have long had a myth that no more than 4 skins can be knocked out in a week. Although after graffiti was introduced, lucancing something sensible became even more difficult. In fact, there is a certain pattern, and you can get a thing an unlimited number of times. Another thing is that with the increase in-game time spent in a shooter, the drop chance decreases almost exponentially. Such a move was invented by the developers, so that CS did not turn from a competitive discipline into some kind of Fortnite clone. And the value of things in this case would fall to zero. So just sit there for the contract for Dragon Lor, the cost of which exceeds 100,000 rubles, and a week later a good number of gamers appear on the server. Gabin wouldn’t have laundered such a thing in his life.
The fallout pattern is something like this:
- White - frequent and most affordable (consumer);
- Blue - infrequent and already industrial class;
- Dark blue - a classic rarka that falls 1-2 pieces per month with a certain amount of luck (or bad luck);
- Violet is a mythical quality; it falls extremely rarely;
- Pink - the legendaries who make up the legends;
- Red is an ancient item, the chance of which is an average of 1/100 000, if not less;
- A star is so rare that it doesn’t fall in ordinary rinks, only from chests that still need to be knocked out.
Another caveat: things like StatTrak (which fix all your keels) never lie in a random house. Only from chests and with an extremely low chance.
From this all it is worth making one conclusion - for the sake of a cool skin you will have to sweat more than one day, a week, or even a month. Legends like “Code Red”, “The Great Demon” or “Bloody Sport” can often be found either on screenshots, or on streams, or, what’s the most annoying, in a friend who doesn’t really know how to play and is not interested at all . So arm yourself with the gift of persuasion, pump all your luck skills and go for it.
We wish everyone more top skins, which will surely become a source of pride in any inventory.