Due to the fact that few gamers received an invite to the beta and admission to the official servers CS:GO 2, then, like mushrooms after the rain, began to appear pirate servers. The cacer community wants to play the new Counter Strike, wants to try out the new game chips, to look at the updated graphics, but Valve's policy in this case is, to put it mildly, surprising.
Important Changes
.Imagine a very hungry person who was put at a table with exquisite, delicious-smelling dishes, and strictly instructed: «Just try to touch, we will punish». Did you get the picture? Now, project our example onto the current situation with the CS 2 beta. I mean, it's the same thing here. The developers launched 1-2% of gamers into the beta, chosen by obscure opaque criteria, and left the rest on starvation rations, watching others enjoy the game. And just try to cheat the system and go to the official servers of CS:GO 2, if caught, then immediately vleplyat VAC-ban. And, if since the announcement of CS 2 in March 2023, were still possible to play on official servers without an invite and not get caught, but now the situation has changed, and the risks have increased.
Perhaps Valve is fed up with the mess that is going on around the beta-testing of CS 2, when skillful enthusiasts made a pirate new Counter Strike, wrote a fix for it to play online and a special patch, thereby providing access to official servers to the entire Kaeser community. Of course, at the risk of the gamers themselves, it is understandable.
But on June 7, 2023 came the unpleasant news: Valve is improving the anti-cheater system in CS 2. Now for the use of cheats unscrupulous kaeser can be thrown out of the game right during it. There were no other details in the official news about the fight against cheaters. But we think that in any case, everyone who goes to the official servers CS:GO 2 via pirate should be careful. Until the situation is not clear, it is better to play not on the official servers or, in the extreme case, to get another Stim account, which will not be sorry to lose in the case of a ban, and fight through it.
How to start playing CS 2, if there is no invitation: algorithm of
dothis, you need to perform several actions:
If you still have not downloaded to your computer new Counter Strike, then do it. Links to torrents can be easily found on the web.
Next, you need to download the fixes required for multiplayer play. Here also use the search via Yandex or Google, typing in the search box «fix for online CS 2».
Upload the downloaded fix to the game folder bin/win64. Windows will ask you whether to replace the files, agree to replace.
The next step - go to Steam in your account. We repeat again: as a precaution, if you feel sorry for your main account, start another one so you don't have to fear a possible ban.
Click on the cs2.exe file to launch Counter Strike.
Now go to the official servers CS:GO 2 or create your own server.
Here are the instructions for those who have made their own private server. Pass the server ip to your friends, so that they can type the command "connect ip (number of ip, passed by you)" and go to your server.
If the console does not want to open, the solution is the following: check whether it is enabled in the game settings. If yes, then switch to the English layout and call again.
How to play on official Valve servers through pirate
For this we should thank the clever guys who found a way to bypass the lack of invites to the beta CS 2. We warn you right away, so that you and I do not have any misunderstandings: read the information below carefully, all actions you do at your own risk, all responsibility for your decisions and actions is also completely on you. The probability of getting a VAC-ban on CS:GO 2 servers in this case is maximum. So, just in case, make a new Stime account so you don't lose the main one with all your achievements and skins. We believe that the desire to play on official servers is no reason to take such a risk.
So, if you're ready, here we go. You will need to download a pirate version of CS 2. Of course, only if it was not previously installed.
Next, you need to find a special patch on the Web. Type in a search something like «patch to play via pirate CS 2» and download the
Then throw the folder with the patch into the game folder
You may be prompted to update your Stim. Accept the request and update it. And don't forget to make a new account just in case. Log into Steam again and join the rink you're interested in.
Where to find third-party CS:GO 2 servers (part 1)
first thing we recommend you do is go to cybershoke. Servers on it are presented in 3 categories:DeathMatch - meat grinder on the principle of «all against all». The winner is the one who will score the most frags in a limited time.
Public - an interesting mode in which special forces can detonate a bomb dropped by terrorists and thus prevent them from setting it on the plente.
5x5 - an analog of the classic matchmaking with a change of sides, where the game goes up to 16 wins in rounds.
When you open the rink you are interested in, you will see the ip server number. Next, everything as usual: open the console in your CS 2, type there the command "connect ip (number of ipi)" and go to the server.
To a weighty plus site include a good system of filters. In the case of CS 2, it's certainly not really needed yet, but that's just for now. After the official release of the number of servers will certainly increase, and therefore there will be a need to sort them.
Where to look for third-party servers CS:GO 2 (part 2)
We also consider it necessary to mention a good aggregator of servers CS 2 - ip-games. Here is a collection of servos from major sites like cybershoke or xplay. If you go to a specific server page, you can see detailed instructions on how to start playing on that server. This is very handy if you forget something. A big plus of the service is that the IP number is listed next to the server name, no need to follow the link, go to the server page and spend time on it.
In addition, you can add your favorite servers CS:GO 2 to your favorites, so that you do not lose them. And what else is cool: if cybershoke left only servers with the map Mirage, which Valve replaced Dust2 on June 7, 2023, then here you can ride both Mirage and Dust2.
On the downside: there is no normal filter system, servers are piled up and not sorted. If you are interested in retake servers, for example, you will have to go through the whole list. Extremely inconvenient, you must agree.
Where to look for third-party servers CS:GO 2 (part 3)
Another good site with German servers (so far only from Germany) is xplay. It now features 3 game modes: retake, deathmatch, and public. If you have not heard of retake, it is a mode in which the game starts at the moment when the bomb is already set and the special forces need to storm the captive to disarm it.
To the pluses of the site can be attributed the ability to see the number of gamers on a particular server and, which is important for quality smooth game - ping. Only Dust2 is represented from the maps, on xplay they haven't added servers with Mirage yet.
The minus of the service is the same as at ip-games: there are no normal filters and sorting system. Saves so far only that working servers CS:GO 2 a little, but when they will be more, then this disadvantage will come out the side.
Playing through a private server
This section is written for those who do not have access to the official beta of the new Counter Strike, but who wants to create their own private server for katka with friends or who wants to learn how to join such a server. And in this case you do not need to go to Stim.
First, you need to download to your computer prog Radmin VPN or its analog - Hamachi. This program will act as a replacement for Stim and create a virtual local network. Keep in mind that if you will make a server, your computer should be powerful enough, because it will have to ensure the performance of the server.
After server CS:GO 2 will be made, its creator needs to go to CS 2, open the console and write in it a sequence of commands: sv_cheats 1 | sv_lan 0 |sv_pure 2| heartbeat.
Now you need to give your friends the IP address of the server to connect to it
Nothing new here: good old connect ip in the familiar console. And don't forget, if the console doesn't work, switch to the English layout and try again.