Immediately warn that the most beautiful skins in CS 2, which today will be discussed, are such according to our subjective view of them. Everyone's concept of beauty is different. If we talk about skins, some people like them to look «expensive and rich», others love the informal style, and others appreciate minimalism. So, if you do not agree with us, and you have your own vision about cool and beautiful skins, then welcome to the comments, where you can express your opinion.
In this article we will talk about beautiful skins in CS 2 on the most popular weapons, primarily on AK-47, Deagle and AWP. The main focus will be on inexpensive coloring, because we understand that not all of you can afford rare, but expensive options for coloring weapons.
Beautiful and cool skins for AK-47
Let's start with our native «kalash», rightfully became iconic. Because of the popularity of this machine skins on it are made a lot, literally on any, even the most spoiled taste. And all because AK-47s are used in essentially every match. Kaesers playing for terrorists, usually take «kalash», if the economy allows them.
Within 1000-1500 rubles you can buy 3 beautiful skins in CS 2 specifically for AK-47:
- Elite Build (Elite Equipment)
As a Straight from the factory, if you don't bother with StatTrak, you can currently get one for under 1000 rubles. With StatTrak up to 1500 rubles you will be able to grab only a little worn. - Rat Rod (Kolymaga). Without StatTrak there are variants Straight from the factory for 1500-1700 rubles. If you are interested in StatTrak, then now only After Field Tests for 1200-1300 rub.
- Slate (Slate) falls within our limit of 1500 rubles. For lovers of minimalism in beautiful skins in CS 2. Directly from the factory costs in the neighborhood of 1200-1600 rubles, you may find cheaper. We're talking about models without StatTrak. If you need a StatTrak, then only quality After field tests and a price tag of 1200-1300 rubles.
Elite Build appeared in the game in April 2015. The skin is made in a minimalistic design, with a predominance of gray and deep black colors. The coloring book is decorated with beige colored stripes. If you look closely, you will notice a camouflage pattern on the receiver and a wing emblem next to the sight. In our opinion, the skin looks simple, but also very cool for its price.
Rat Rod became available in November 2019. The skin looks like a racing car sticker. On the buttstock you may notice the number 71. This font and writing is similar to that used in NASCAR racing. The receiver shows the mouth of a beast with teeth. Next to it is a sticker that says ”Car Oil“. Another interesting detail of this beautiful skin in CS 2: wrapping the magazine with ribbons of dark blue color. Reminds of the custom of the military to connect two magazines together with duct tape, so that if during the battle cartridges in one magazine will run out, not to climb into the cartridge case for a new one, and immediately, without wasting time, reload the weapon.
Slate - another beautiful skin in KC 2 for AK-47. Of all the coloring for «kalash», which we talked about, was added later than the others - in May 2021.
Slate is great for sticker lovers, as the skin is monochrome, black and differs only in the depth of color on different parts of the weapon. The trick to coloring is in its textures. We assume upon inspection you noticed the diagonal lines on the magazine and forend. The handle is decorated with textured dots.
Skin is good because the black color gets darker and darker as wear increases. Therefore, scuffs on it is simply not visible, unlike bright skins.
And another plus of this coloring: with it you will be less likely to «
scare» during rolling, especially on maps where there are dark locations, such as Ancient or Overpass.
Beautiful skins in CS 2 for AWP
As shown
tournaments on Counter Strike, snipers play a significant role in the victories of their teams. Players like Simple, Zaiwu, and now Monesi are on the rumor mill in the cacer community. So it's not surprising that some players strive to emulate their idols, as it's cool to be a sniper. So AWP - without options weapon No. 2 after «kalash».In our opinion, 3 beautiful skins in CS 2 for AWP and at the same time inexpensive, within 1000-1500 rubles, is:
- Black N ile (Black Nile)
This is one of the few skins that doesn't come with StatTrak. At the time of writing this post it is quite realistic to buy it for 600-800 rubles as Direct from the factory. - Mortis (Mortis). Without StatTrak for 1000-1500 rubles without any problems at all you can find coloring in any quality. If StatTrak is principled, then for our sum of 1000-1500 rubles, taken as a starting point, you can definitely buy quality Slightly shabby. Straight from the factory - not a sure thing, but you might find one.
- Fever Dream (HotDreams ). With StatTrak - maximum Battle-hardened about 1500 rubles. Without StatTrak - in any quality.
Black Nile - one of the latest coloring, became available in April 2023. The sniper rifle is fully painted in black, with individual elements of the weapon highlighted in gold. A silver pattern of curved and flowing lines has been added to the case. The pattern is an abstraction.
Mortis might be a desirable and beautiful skin in CS 2 for fans of Tarot cards. According to the designer of the skin, he was inspired by the 13th Tarot card «Death». Actually, yes, there is a lot of death in this coloring book. The first thing that catches the eye is the death with a scythe depicted on the buttstock. A horse skeleton in a checkerboard pattern can be seen on the body. The infernal motif is added by the red and brown colors that dominate the color scheme.
The idea behind Fever Dream is that the skin resembles children's chalk drawings on the asphalt. The body of the sniper features monster faces along with the inscriptions Living Dead as well as #Headshot. The predominant colors are white, blue and pink. Drawings of monsters scattered on the rifle haphazardly, giving the impression that they are made in a feverish delirium.
Beautiful skins in CS 2 for Digl
Now let's move on to coloring on the most popular gun in CS 2 - Digl. It's less high-speed than its brethren, but an order of magnitude more deadly. In skillful hands it is a formidable weapon, and not only in pistol rounds.
In our opinion, among inexpensive skins in the area of 1000-1500 rubles the most interesting are:
- Sputnik (Sputnik )
Be warned that it does not come with StatTrak. Quality Straight from the factory is available in the price range of 150 to 300 rubles. Battle-hardened costs approximately 80-100 rubles. - Directive (Directive). Complete with StatTrak, but as a Straight from the factory together with the counter costs just crazy money - more than 5000 rubles. In this case, a little worn with a counter will stand already in 700-900 rubles. Yeah, that's a lot of price gouging. Well, without StatTrak you can easily buy and Direct from the factory for 1100-1300 rubles
- KumichoDragon (Dragon Leader). Beautiful skin in CS 2, but quite expensive. With StatTrak for 1500 rubles, you can't buy it in any capacity. Minimum 2500-2700 rubles for Battle-hardened. Without a counter, it may be possible to find Worn or Battle-Hardened within the range of 1500 rubles.
Sputnik became available to Kaesers in September 2021. It is made in space dark blue color and additionally decorated with geometric abstraction. A drawing of a satellite is placed in the center of the composition. You may also notice images of stars on the skin. As the wear increases, the area of scuffs becomes larger and the coloring itself becomes darker.
Directive is a rather old skin, which players could install on their Digil as early as August 2016. Created for fans of futurism. There are several panels of metal with distinct textures applied to the barrel. When looking at them we were reminded of the movie «Terminator». The handle stands out: fluted, with two screwed-in bolts. It seems as if the pistol is designed to be comfortable in your hands. And with such a gun there is only one directive - to crash your enemies.
Kumicho Dragon - another old-timer among beautiful skins in CS 2. The design is built on the steep contrast between the barrel and the handle. Although the trunk is painted gray, the white dragon draws attention to itself by unusual drawing. It's like the dragon is made of smoke. The handle, on the other hand, is made in bright purple color, and decorated with the silhouette of a writhing dragon.
Beautiful skins in CS 2 for M4A4
And, of course, it would be a crime to pass by the main weapon of special forces - the M4A4 assault rifle. Of course, there are also many different skins for it, and we had to seriously sweat to choose 3 of the most beautiful, but at the same time inexpensive skins for a budget not exceeding 1500 rubles:
- Desolate Space (Desolate Space ). Available in a counter version. If you want to buy a skin complete with StatTrak, only the Worn quality is available for 1500 rubles. Without a meter you can buy quality Slightly shabby or lower quality.
- Temukau (Temukau ). To anime fans. With StatTrak, the models are insanely expensive, above 10,000 rubles. Without a counter within 1500 rubles is quite possible to buy quality After field tests.
- Griffin (Griffin). The first beautiful skin in CS 2 in our selection with the image of an animal. Mythological, really. The prices are pretty awesome though. For 1500 rubles there are options as Straight from the factory and with a meter. And without StatTrak, the highest quality is available within 500 rubles.
Desolated Space is included among the game skins in June 2016. The central element is a skeleton of a cosmonaut in a spacesuit, which is wrapped by purple tentacles. The forend shows a missile that was also caught by the tentacles. Space in the skin is represented not only desolate, but also infinitely dangerous. On the buttstock you can notice a bright ray of blue color, similar to an electric discharge.
Temukau will interest anime fans. In play since February 2023.Of course, this is a very specific skin not for a general audience. It may not be the most beautiful skin in CS 2, but we chose it mainly to show you how great the variety of skins is. The barrel of the rifle has a picture of a special forces girl throwing a smock. The main colors used by the designer are white and blue. Rays of pink color can be seen on the store. And, of course, what is an anime skin without inscriptions in Japanese.
Griffin depicts a griffin. Added November 2014 This is a creature from myths that has the body from a lion and the head from an eagle. The barrel and buttstock are covered with matte black color and decorated with feathers.
Expensive and beautiful skins in CS 2
Until now, for several years, the palm of superiority among skins is held by Surface hardening on the kerambit. It is estimated to be around $1,500,000 to $2,000,000. Its uniqueness lies in the color pattern - 387, availability in a single copy and quality Straight from the factory. Just imagine: the total number of open cases for all time is approaching 2 billion, and there is still no second such knife.
The owner of the knife, by the way, was offered to sell it for 1,500,000 dollars, but he refused.
In second place in the list of expensive and beautiful skins in CS 2 is the skin Surface hardening for AK-47. This is the only coloring book with Slightly Shabby quality, 661 color pattern and StatTrak. You may have a question: where is the quality Straight from the factory? And it doesn't exist, not yet. Additionally the skin is decorated with 4 holographic Titan stickers from the tournament in Katowice 2014.
This skin was involved in the deal, so the price is known in the community. For example, in June 2021, it was sold for 780,000 dollars.
In third place is Dragon Lore (Dragon Story) - the coolest and most beautiful skin for AWP. Of course, the coloring comes straight from the factory and is additionally decorated with 4 holographic Titan stickers from the 2014 Katowice tournament.
The skin is estimated by experts at around $350,000 - $400,000.
Most of the skins described in this post you can buy on our site Foxskins
It is very easy to find the right skin. We have developed a system of filters that allow you to easily find what you are interested in. You can sort the skins by weapon type, price range, Float, wear rate, rarity, StatTrak availability, sticker availability.If you
you can combine two or more filters.If you know the exact name of the skin, you can speed up the search by simply entering the name in the line «Search by skins».
And you can also sell your skins at bargain prices and earn money on it. Read more about the algorithm of actions, methods of withdrawal and commissions at here.