The most expensive skins in Dota 2

26 August 2020, 17:52

Want to know what the most expensive skins in Dota 2 look like? Then get ready to see virtual items with a prohibitive price tag. Valve was one of the first to create a next-generation in-game store in which items do not affect the in-game performance of heroes or increase their stats in battle. 

Instead, gamers have the opportunity to visually decorate their favorite fighter, be it Pudge, Invoker, Shadow Fiend, or Slark. If you see a hero in non-standard equipment, it means that the gamer controlling him is far from being new to MOBAs, and therefore you should stay away from him. Or he's one hell of a lucky guy, but you'll only find that out during the fight. And it's not a sure thing that you'll come out of it a winner.

To make it easier to navigate, we have alphabetized all the places.

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Riding Pet Genuine Tsukumo The Moon Cloud

The most expensive skins in Dota 2

If you think that this «item» has any special value, you're mistaken. At one of the offline tournaments, the marketers came up with the idea of giving away a plush replica of the pet to all fans. And as a bonus there was an in-game copy of it that you could add to your account. It is noteworthy that the box originally cost 1500 rubles, but the print run was so small that they were immediately taken apart by resellers who jacked up the price later on. As a result — almost 65000 rubles at the moment.

Dragonclaw Hook

The most expensive skins in Dota 2 2

Expensive skins in Dota 2 appear not only by chance. Now you're observing in some ways a unique collectible for Pudge. The peculiarity of sknn is that you could get it only in the period from July 12 to July 31, 2012 in one of the events. At that time, the game was just gaining popularity, and therefore there were few people willing «to sweat» for the sake of decoration. And some were selling the hook for a token price. Bone Hook is now valued at R52,000, continuing to rise in value.

Courier Baby Roshan

The most expensive skins in Dota 2 3

And this is the most expensive skin in Dota 2 at the moment. And the Gold version of the courier for transporting artifacts to heroes is considered the most valuable. New models of the skin Valve release only on special occasions, and therefore the item instantly becomes expensive and in demand. The final cost is shaped by a number of parameters, including the importance of the event, availability on sale, and even the specific configuration. The most expensive to date — Unusual Golden Baby Roshan, the price of which can pass over 200 000 rubles.

Genuine Monarch Bow

The most expensive skins in Dota 2 4

Another item from the box with «plush toy», only it was caught much rarer than a pet, and therefore has an increased value among the gaming community. You can't say it instantly grabs your attention though. With regard to the bow very competently acted gamers, inflated the hype almost on nothing.

Today the skin is estimated at 155 000 rubles. Given the exclusivity, expect the price tag to rise further as well.

Sword Shattered Greatsword

The most expensive skins in Dota 2 5

Quite an interesting piece of memorabilia for those who are used to playing the hero Sven. The release of the sword was timed to coincide with the launch of Dota 2 in South Korea in 2015. The famous publisher Nexon was responsible for localization and server organization, and offered Valve to make some exclusive skins. 

As you understand, the items are no longer given away, and the existing ones have long since settled in users' inventories. Current price — from 48000 rubles.

Cloak Golden Ornithomancer Mantle of the Benefactor

The most expensive skins in Dota 2 6

A very expensive skin in Dota 2, if we talk about cloaks. And a handsome one at that. Golden feathers, lights up like a Christmas tree, gamers are in for a treat. You can only put it on Rubik, so think three times whether it's worth investing in a hero you don't particularly own. The price tag of 148 000 rubles is quite easy to justify: the cape lies in an exclusive Dota 2 chest, the chance of falling out of which is only 0.025%. Valve loves numbers like this, there's nothing to say.

Golden Silent Wake cape

The most expensive skins in Dota 2 7

Look at this cape and tell me that the expensive skins in Dota 2 are not very «». This item for the Drow Ranger is perfect for the hero in every aspect, still looks fantastic. One problem — in a crowd everyone starts to single you out because of the screaming design. And considering her element — stealth, we have a bit of a pattern breaker. Adding to the cost is the very short window of opportunity to get your hands on the skin in 2016. Today the cloak is valued at 60000 rubles.

Staff Golden Staff of Perplex

The most expensive skins in Dota 2 8

Another item for Rubik, and again made of gold. Why not, the character's not bad. In the right hands, it's a cannon. In 2015, Valve had a gold boom: modifications of ordinary items in noble metal literally flooded the server, but the chances of getting this particular staff were minimal, so the hunt for it was especially fierce. In addition, you still had to manage to knock out a certain chest with a chance of less than one hundredth of a percent.

Today this «light» on the secondary market can be snatched up for 55000 rubles.

The Alpine Stalker set


The most expensive skins in Dota 2 9

The funniest item in the game. Its fate is similar to the M4A4 Howl from Counter Strike Global Offensive in that the original version of the skin did not meet the requirements of the game. The Ursa Set was originally sold to all Dota 2 players who had just downloaded the MOBA. And then the designers got the idea that a bear in a hat didn't fit into the harsh concept of the world, changed the item's status to Immotral and removed it from sale. However, gamers still have it. All parts of the outfit can be bought for about 100 000 rubles, only you still have to look for them.

Axe Genuine Axe of Phractos

The most expensive skins in Dota 2 10

The most expensive skin in Dota 2, which could be extracted from «plush» toy. But unlike the same pet and bow, the lava gradient axe was nearly impossible to get — the chances are critically low. And if you take into account the professional traders Dota 2, who have a sniff for exclusives, the price tag at the moment has been pushed to the sky.

You want to decorate Axa with a similar toy — be kind enough to lay out 123 000 rubles at the time of publication of the rating. Is it worth it? It's up to you.

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