Gloves in CS2 definitely belong among the luxury items. It is quite difficult to find good specimens that will cost less than a hundred dollars. Still, if you've decided to add a valuable skin to your collection for the holidays, here are a few options that have proven to be among the most affordable gloves for 2023.
Driver Gloves Lunar Weave
The Driver Gloves catch the attention of players with their elaborate textures and a design reminiscent of mid-twentieth century style. For 5-7 thousand rubles you can find several variants of driving gloves painted in different colors – from red Rezan the Red to Queen Jaguar with a pattern resembling the skin of a wild animal. However, Lunar Weave deserves special attention due to the unusual texture of the braided surface.
Moto Gloves Transport
Another good option is – Moto Gloves Transport, , because for 4-5 thousand rubles there is a chance to find copies with medium float. The main feature of these gloves – are the protective overlays, which are clearly visible on the surface.
of yellow and orange, in which this version of the skin is colored, look realistic and at the same time perfectly combine with a variety of weapon designs.Hand Wraps Desert Shamagh
Gloves that cover not the whole palm and are made in the form of wraps – are an original solution in itself. Most inexpensive designs for this type of glove have a predominance of muted colors, but Hand Wraps Desert Shamagh – a successful exception. They will look especially good with skins that are associated with the desert or antiquity, such as weapons from the Anubis collection.
Hydra Gloves Emerald
If you want to add gloves dedicated to one of the operations to your collection, Hydra Gloves Emerald will be a good buy. The back of the palm is decorated with an image of the bright green symbol of the operation, which looks good against the dark natural leather. If you're looking for a dark colored inventory, these gloves will complement it perfectly.
Broken Fang Gloves Needle Point
Another design with the operation symbol that deserves attention – is Broken Fang Gloves Needle Point. Red-brown gloves with the surgery symbol on the back side can be found for 4-5 thousand rubles, including those with a few scuffs. And if you prefer more contrasting combinations, you can favor Broken Fang Gloves Yellow-Banded, which cost a bit more.