The most expensive skins in CS:GO

26 January 2020, 21:46

Have you ever wondered what the most expensive skins in CS:GO look like? On the one hand I wonder what the cost of this or that decal is, but on the other hand Gaben won't tell us anything anyway. Apparently, Valve has a special team of marketers who spend days and nights looking at skins, and then by blind lot method determines the value and desirability of each. 

But this is their personal problems, and we just want to show you the most expensive skins CS:GO at the moment. Let's say at once that it will not be possible to cover everything at once, but within the framework of this top we will try to cover the topic as much as possible. In the end, you can make good money on it if you catch a wave of hype for a certain skin and sell it in time for an event or the start of a new campaign. 

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Meet the celebrants

Given the fact that the cult Dragon Lore has been on the Internet for several years, its appearance here will not surprise anyone. You'll definitely be shocked by some of the candidates, though. Especially when you see their value on the secondary market. Some decals have heartwarming stories of robberies, copyrights, and attempted hype. It will be interesting, so read to the end.

Desert Eagle Flame

Chic but expensive CS GO skin for the gun, which, on the one hand, seems classic, but on the other — strongly stands out from the rest of the perfectly designed flame, which seems to burst out of the muzzle. You can even burn yourself on it, but that's not certain. And what can fry is the average cost of 12-15 thousand rubles.

The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment

P250 Nuclear Threat

A bold gun painted in acid green colors, as if someone had stenciled it and then carelessly applied several coats of paint from a can of auto enamel. But we must say, the concept is quite interesting and will suit those who like cool minimalism. Well and ready to lay out up to 15 thousand rubles for the factory gun. 

The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 2

Negev Mjolnir

Once upon a time this machine gun literally tore up the random, although it was back in the early days of CS. But even today there are guys ready to shell out more than 20 thousand for this awesome skin with Celtic symbols all over the body, made in red and gold colors. The name itself hints that it can do something even with an empty magazine.


The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 3

AK-47 Wild Lotus

For a long time the palm of superiority of expensive Kalashas was held by the Fire Snake, but this skin has overtaken it almost one and a half times, as now they ask for it from 47 thousand for a "slightly worn" version. But if you were lucky enough to get this red-green madness with a floral motif right from the factory — get ready to get rich for at least 100 thousand. Hurry up, while the offer is actual, and skins in the game are one or two and a few.


The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 4

MP9 Bulldozer

Bright yellow rapid-fire automatic rifle attracts attention with its simple skin, although it is almost impossible not to see its owner from afar. Today, Bulldozer is among the top expensive CS:GO skins for this type of barrel. The average cost is estimated at 20-25 thousand rubles.

The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 5

M4A4 Howl

A gorgeous skin of smuggled quality, around which a whole scandal broke out. The author of the project sued Valve, as the latter decided to use the creation without proper copyright. As a result, the old version of «Howl» has been completely removed from the cases, and the current version has been drastically redrawn, though the basic concept of the neon fire wolf remains unchanged. But even today for «modern» decal ask from 100 thousand rubles, but the old can cost up to 300 and more thousand. 

The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 6

AWP Medusa

One of the most beautiful and expensive CS:GO skins for sniper rifles. Factory quality is estimated at 100 thousand rubles, as there is something to pay for here. The gorgeous print across the entire body, the fine detailing and small objects, the predatory and haughty expression of the Gorgon herself, and the hype around the pelt. However, as «Worn» or «Battle-hardened» skin is extremely mediocre — half of the silhouette is erased.

The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 7

AWP Legend of the Dragon

And what top without this beauty. Yellow background in the form of stylized scales and a huge dragon girdling the entire body from barrel to buttstock. The average cost starts from 100 thousand rubles, while the quality of «Direct from the factory» will cost another 20-30 thousand more expensive. But there is also a legendary souvenir version, whose current price tag hovers around $25,000 to $30,000. Just imagine a skin for the price of a luxury car for 1.5 million rubles. 

The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 8

Holographic stickers «Katowice 2014»

We have not started to describe all stickers, as the cost of logos of such teams as HellRaisers, NAVI, Team LDLC, Virtus.Pro and Vox Eminor is estimated in the range of 100-120 thousand rubles. Colossal cost for a disposable sticker that can't even be removed. But you can't do anything for a profitable investment, because every year they become more valuable. Some of the most expensive CS GO skins in the sticker category. 

The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 9

Butterfly Knife Marble Gradient

Thought we'd forget about the knives every CS GO player prays for? How could we pass by this beauty costing from 50 thousand rubles. And all that would be fine, but this is the one case where factory quality seriously loses out to slightly shabby value, namely — by 20k. Cool rainbow and insanely expensive CS:GO skin, as if the blade is chiseled from a special kind of marble. It plays amazing in the light.

The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 10

Bayonet knife Bloody Web

It would seem that this skin costs from 80 to 120 thousand rubles, which is already significant. All thanks to the extremely rare and cool combination of a red blade with a black barely visible web spreading across it. And it's all hardcore military. But when you look at the StatTrak Straight from the Factory version, your jaw drops even more — 15,000 bucks. 

The most expensive skins in CS:GO at the moment 11

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