Manual output of skins: update the purchase process

18 May 2023, 01:26

We have updated the process of buying skins to make it more convenient for you!

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How the purchase was organized before:

If a user bought skins with a hold, after the hold they were sent to him automatically. At the same time, if the user had problems with the tradelink, his inventory turned out to be private or some other error occurred, the transaction was canceled and the funds were returned to the buyer. After that he had to re-create the purchase. 

How everything works now:

If you bought a skin with a hold, the trade will not be created automatically after the hold. You will need to go to and click on «To get the skin». 

The system will check your Trade URL and availability of your inventory, and only then will create a trade. Accordingly, if something goes wrong, such as if you left your inventory private, you will receive an error message. Fix it and try to create a trade again, and if you have any questions – contact support. Now in such a situation you won't need to make a purchase again, risking to miss the skin you like. 

If everything is in order, then everything is as usual - the system will send you a trade, which you will need to accept through your browser or Steam app.

Manual output of skins: update the purchase process

Now in your personal cabinet there is a tab «Inventory» with information about all the skins you bought with the status:

  • skins without hold;
  • skins, from which the hold is removed, but you have not taken them yet;
  • skins that are currently on hold.

Please note: You will have twelve hours from the moment you unhold a skin to retrieve it. To make sure you don't miss anything, we will send you an email about the sale and notify you with a notification on the website.

Manual output of skins: update the purchase process 2

Manual output of skins: update the purchase process 3

We wish you successful purchases!

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