How to run CS 2

08 June 2023, 13:51

Only 2-3% of gamers are given the right to enter the legal beta test of the new creation from Valve, so it is very understandable the desire of the vast majority of the kaeser community to learn about how to get access and how to run CS 2.

In principle, at this stage there are 3 ways to

get into the

new Counter Strike


First, wait for an invite in Steam, but as mentioned above, the chance here is minimal. If you are not satisfied with just sit and wait, the second option - to buy or rent an account with an existing admission in CS 2. The idea, let's say at once, is not without flaws and pitfalls, which we will talk about further. And the third way in case there is no free money, — use the good old torrent distributions and download pirate.

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Method № 1: official invitation

In this case, to run CS 2 is easy. To do this, you need to:

  1. Log in to your CS:GO account in Stim.

  2. In the main menu you will immediately find an invitation. It's just impossible not to see it, it's a big pop-up window for almost the whole screen. At the bottom of the invite look for «Enroll» (in English "Enroll"), click there.

Solving problems with accessing and launching CS 2

  1. This will activate the download of the second part of Contra to your device.

  2. After the download is finished, close your Steam and re-launch it.

  3. Now you have the opportunity to choose: ride in CS:GO or go to the beta of the second part.

  4. If you choose to play the new version of Counter Strike, click on «Limited test» (in English "Limited test").

  5. Congratulations, you are one of the lucky few  to run CS 2 before the summer release.

Method #2: buying or renting an account

As you probably know, Valve launched the beta of the second Counter Strike on March 22, 2023. Immediately, like mushrooms after the rain, on thematic sites began to appear ads, the authors of which lured caesers tempting opportunity to play the official beta on a Stimov


. It is clear that the accounts were provided not for a healthy living, but for a fat price tag. The minimum prices started from 6,000 rubles, and at the maximum — up to 55,000 - 60,000 rubles. The value of the price depended on the number of skins transferred, the presence/absence of bans, rank in the game.Solving problems with accessing and launching CS 2 2

But, as usual, gullible and impatient gamers, burning desire to hurry launch CS 2, here awaited an unpleasant ambush. There is always a risk that you were sold a cat in the bag, which means that the account may have had problems initially (due to cheating, for example), which will most likely end up with you being banned and, consequently, losing money. And the second reason is as old as the world: scammers. The most popular way of taking money from gamers was vaparivaniya for a huge price tag ordinary account for CS:GO, which was not even close to a hint of beta-test of the second part of Contra.

As for rent, a day of play will cost you 2 000 - 3 000 rubles.

Way № 3: pirate versionIf

you still have not waited for the invitation and you do not want to buy/rent an account to ride in CS 2, then at your service numerous torrents, where «skillful» already on March 23, 2023, ie the day after the release, pirate poured second Contra.


Immediately warn: we do not support piracy and encourage you to use only legal versions of games. If you run CS 2 in an illegal version, the responsibility for this will be entirely on you and only you. The information below is for reference only.

The pirate version, of course, does not have the ability to connect to the official Valve servers. Proubuy can only with bots or, alternatively, with friends on your own server.

Perhaps the only good reason to go to the illegal CS 2 — is to admire the beauty of updated graphics, see the changes in the maps and, of course, get high from the new visual effects, such as smoke from smokers, tracer bullets and more realistic blood spatter.

Solving problems with accessing and launching CS 2 3

We will not give links to pirate, we are sure you will find them without difficulty and then run CS 2. The main thing — do not get viruses.

How to solve problems with the launch (part 1)

So, first let's deal with the situation when you installed CS 2, but the toy does not want to start. The reasons may be as follows:

  1. The game files have been corrupted. To check, go to Steam (this method is only for the official version), search for CS 2, right click on the game name, in the menu click «Properties». In the menu on the left side of the opened window click on »Local files», then click on «Check integrity of game files». If there are any problems, the toy will download the corrupted files again.

  2. An old version of Windows may not allow CS 2 to run in normal mode. Check the current version on your PC and upgrade to the latest version if necessary.

  3. Not an up-to-date version of DirectX. The cure is the same as with Windows: look for and download the latest version. The official drivers can be found on Microsoft's website.

How to solve launch problems (part 2)

We continue to tell you what to do if CS 2 does not start.

If the solutions suggested in the chapter above did not help, you should check if you have the latest version of Visual C++ and the .NET Framework


If necessary, you can download them on the off-site Microsoft.

Another problem, because of which you can not run CS 2, can be a banal conflict toy with your antivirus. There are two solutions in this case: either you disable antivirus protection for the duration of the game, or in the antivirus settings add CS 2 to the exceptions.

Further, interfere with the normal launch of Counter Strike can video card. Either the graphics card is old and not pulling, or the drivers are outdated. Solution: video card — change, drivers — update.

Sometimes Counter Strike 2 refuses to start due to the fact that on the hard disk path to the files of the toy is written in Cyrillic. Once you rewrite the names in Latin letters, then the issue is resolved. Emphasize: the entire path must be completely replaced with Latin characters, all letters.

What to do if the game crashes during the game

Start CS 2 you got, but here is normal play — no. The reason lies in the startup file, in its execution. The following are the causes of problems and solutions in order of priority:

  1. Use of Russian letters in file names or folder names. Rename them with Latin letters.

  2. Corrupted game files. To learn what to do in this case, read the chapter «How to solve startup problems (part 1)».

  3. Outdated drivers on the OS or video card. Here the advice is one: update them.

  4. Mods conflict with game files, so delete the mods. If you do not want to remove all the mods at once, remove them one by one and see if will start CS 2 or not.

  5. The system does not pull high graphics settings, so you will have to dig into the settings and reduce the clarity of textures, detail, anti-aliasing and other effects.

  6. CS 2 does not work in your version of Windows. You can try to do this: find the file cs2.exe (with it you run Counter Strike), right-click, go to «Properties», select the top tab named «Compatibility», then look for «Run this program in compatibility mode» and check the box next to it. If it doesn't help, upgrade your Windows.

Solving problems with accessing and launching CS 2 4

Troubleshooting other problems

Another common problem when you try to launch CS 2 is a black screen. In this case, to diagnose the fault, it is necessary to understand the timing of the fault. If the black screen occurs immediately after launching the executable file, the reason is the drivers for the video card, which require an urgent update. If the black screen appears during a game, the source of trouble is the Visual C++ library. Download the latest version from the off-site Microsoft.

Sometimes to run Counter Strike is not the case at all, because the game stubbornly does not want to install. If you're downloading the official version, using a VPN may help. Because of the current situation, some Russian ISPs may block connection to Valve's servers, which are located in the States. If you decide to install and run CS 2 from a pirate, then when installing your antivirus can cut some of the code in the files where «sat» trojans and other unwanted programs. As a result, the files become broken and inoperable. Exit — do not use dubious torrents.

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