Let's get away from the new modes, cyber sports, other troubles and just talk about such a topic as getting CS:GO achievements. Since this is an official Steam game, there are an obscene number of achieves in Global Offensive.
To be exact — about 167, and they are divided into 5 categories:
Team Tactics — 37 items;
Battle Mastery — 40 items;
Weapons Specialist — 40 subjects;
Explorer — 17 subjects;
Weapons Master — 33 items.
On the sidelines of the game and on the forums there is information about 21 more awards, but to date in CS GO they are not implemented, or are in the production stage. Valve traditionally does not cover this topic, so let's leave them alone for now.
Choosing the best map and server
Experienced gamers have determined that the top CS:GO maps for achievements are the Hostage Achievement Map and Achievement Lightning Roads. You can try your luck on the classics, but why go against trends and make it harder on yourself?
Let's also talk about the servers where you can knock out different types of achieves. The best CS:GO servers to get achievements — everyone knows IDLE, which features Achievers and Idles teams. The first team gathers to improve their in-game icon stats, while the second team enters the game solely to farm items. To avoid losing a server like this, just find its IP address and add it to your favorites tab. Done, you're great. Now let's move directly to the achievements, and there are plenty of them here.
Themost difficult Achievements by time and level of skill
Do not assume that all the merits in CS GO are scored almost independently. Some, of course, are easy. For others, it will take a little time and a dose of luck. The third — is practically impossible. We'll highlight just a few hardcore ones:
Blood Money — rack up 50 million in-game currency throughout the game;
Interrupt a little — make 1000 wins in modes like Object Destruction and Arms Race;
King of the Corpse Mountain — complete 5000 rolls in the same Arms Race and Destroy Object.
Experienced gamers note that such achivkas can take anywhere from a few months to a couple years to complete. It all depends on your pace of play, skill, perseverance and amount of free time. Some are frankly irrational, but you decide for yourself.
Now let's move on to the categories and talk about them in more detail
Team Tactics
We won't speak for all of
at once, because few people are interested in that. To begin with, just note that to facilitate the task, you need to create your own server with bots, the game is loyal to this in most cases. And you'll save yourself a lot of time.The most problematic achievements here are:
Rewardist — get 100 achieves in total;
Barely had time — manage to defuse the plant literally a second before the explosion (hint — knock out the bots and wait about 39 seconds before going to defuse);
Short Fuse — manage to lay the charge 25 seconds before the round ends. Naturally, with a positive outcome;
Bomber — try to blow up five people at once with one bomb;
Prairivanthus disarmus — start demining, then interrupt an enemy, and then go back to what you were doing;
There will be no explosion — total defuse 100 bombs or more;
Fast Samaritan — try to rescue a hostage within a minute and a half (hint: enter «mp_hostages_max 1»into the console, which will reduce the number of captives to one);
Humanity's Leader — defeat total 5000 times.
Achievement «Blood Money» is also included in the list, so you will have to pick a very long time.
Art of Combat
There are 40 Achievements available in this category, and most of them are easiest to accomplish on dedicated IDLE servers. Not all of them, of course, but you'll save time. We also recommend to find the map All Weapons and Hostages Achievements from the author TrilluXe.
.Here from the problematic achievements we note:
God of War — shoot 10000 enemies;
Speed Shooter — kill four in 15 seconds in competitive mode;
Indestructible — take 80 damage from grenades and survive to the end;
Blind Resistance — kill 25 people while blind;
Discharge — manage to drain a player who is disarming a plat with a fragmentation grenade;
Stalking Dead — win with 1 XP;
Damage by a Million — deal a total of 1 million damage;
Road to Hell — blind an enemy into shooting his partner.
There are more twisted achivkas, but these — are the most hardcore.
Weapons Specialist
There are also 40 achievements, but they are all elementary and reduced to banality: kill a certain number of times and this or that gun.
Though hardcore ones are also present:
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Premature Funeral — kill an enemy with a grenade while dead;
Gunsmith — earn all of the achivas for kills with each weapon. Recall that there are more than 30 of them in the game, including knives and grenades.
IDLE-servers are the best place for these achievements.
General knowledge
There are 17 achieves, the lion's share of which are knocked out by knowledge of console commands. The difficulty is minimal, as is the value of the rewards in general.
From the difficult ones we would like to mention:
Veteran of the map Aztec/Dust — to get supremacy on the corresponding locations 100 times;
Veteran of the map Shorttrain (now deleted as Dust with Aztec).
Download these maps from third-party resources, add them to Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/maps folder, open the game and type one of the commands in the console:
map de_aztec
map de_dust
map de_shorttrain
And then do what you need to do.
Arms race
Here are the most hardcore achivkas that require a huge amount of time, a steely ass and the same nerves. The remote maps above also add to the complexity.
And now for the brutality itself:
Hands off! — kill a bot with a knife on the last level of Arms Race;
One shot — one kill — merge three with one bullet;
Conservative — win the Arms Race without using reloads;
Don't touch me! — kill 20 enemies that you have gained superiority over in the Arms Race;
Overkill — merge 4 times an enemy over whom you gained superiority;
Hat Trick — surpass three players at the same time.
And that's not to mention the achievements Interrupt for just a little bit and King of the Corpse Mountain.
If you have a lot of free time — dare. But we warn you, some of the achieves are unbearably difficult and even a little absurd. Though who are we to change your mind about your own skillet.