Useful commands for CS:GO

12 November 2020, 14:36

In this article we will look at useful commands for CS:GO, which can (and sometimes you need to) write in the console. Let's say right away that we wouldn't recommend writing commands mindlessly. Firstly, it may cause system problems like lower frame rate, increased ping, etc. Secondly, everything is done at your own risk, and therefore you should not blame administration for providing false data. We are just sharing useful information with you.

To prescribe useful console commands for CS GO, it is enough to enable this very console in the settings, and then call it with the button «~» (aka Tilde, aka «Yo»).

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most useful commands in CS GO

We would be happy to somehow categorize the commands, but many have similar functionality, and others are difficult to attribute to a certain type of improvement. So let's just highlight them in bold, and then you can figure it out for yourself.

Display ping

One of the most useful commands for CS:GO in the console, if you are constantly monitoring FPS, ping and the general state of the network. For ordinary casual players these numbers on the screen do not mean anything, but for more or less competent gamers and, even more so, professional gamers these data will say a lot. To activate the panel, type in the console:

net_graph 1

Change the value to «0», if you want to disable the parameter. We wrote more about ping in this article, by the way.

Increase FPS

This tweak will be useful for those who can boast monitors at 120+ hertz, while their system allows you to produce more than 100 FPS at high settings, and even more. In other words, write in the console:

fps_max 0

Useful commands for CS:GO

This way you will disable the frames per second limiter and see the exorbitant numbers of 300+. Considering that today there are already 300hertz matrices in PCs and laptops, the feature will be useful.

Removing the store

This problem probably pisses off those who periodically pick up weapons on respawn, while inside the game the store immediately flies out when you click «E». Fix problems with the following command:

cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0

Now no false clicks and unnecessary movements — pick up what you want.

What's in it for teammates?

Very useful console command for newcomers to CS:GO and for players who want to replicate «cybercote style». To do this, you can run up to a player at point-blank range to see the weapon, or you can write the following:

+cl_show_team_equipment (plus — is not a typo)


Useful commands for CS:GO 2

Voila, now above the heads of all participants you can see information about the inventory (grenades + weapons), and at the same time the health percentage.


Speed up startup

Who is already tired of the CS GO sign at game startup? Probably all of them. Especially since it's very time consuming and takes up precious time. For such gamers there is a command:


Now the initial splash screen will not be an eyesore. Quite useful command to start CS GO.

Playing with sound

Voice chat within the game — is good, but in 90% of cases teammates have the most «bassy» voices and measured manner of speech. In other words — hysterical squealing and pseudo threatening shouting towards your relatives. To prevent this, use these commands:

voice_scale 0.3 — muffles the sounds of voice chat, which will allow you to focus on the game;

voice_enable 0 — completely disables the voice, if you are tired of mute everyone separately, while playing in random, where it is not possible to control everyone.


Playing not according to the rules

The following set of useful console commands in CS:GO will be of interest to not the most honest players, or cheaters, to put it simply. But immediately note that in multiplayer some commands are useless, so consider them as a starting point for honing your skill in single player:

sv_cheats 1 — the main command that allows you to conduct almost any experiments on a private server and during games with bots. Possibilities are almost limitless up to flying across the map and insane speed;


Useful commands for CS:GO 3

sv_grenade_trajectory 1

sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10 — will allow you to practice throwing grenades and learning the physics of flight. The first command enables the mode, the second — increases the trigger duration to 10 seconds.

r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 — removes bullet holes from most rifles like the AK-47. This way you will be able to control the spray better and you will be able to train more successfully with your new gun;

noclip — the very mode of flying all over the map. The thing is cool, but it works only on its own server. You can bind the function to any button (e.g. — bind f1 noclip);

Useful commands for CS:GO 4

kill — kills everyone in the game. Useful in case you need to restart the roller for a host of reasons;

god — god mode, which doesn't need much introduction. You just become immortal, but it gets boring very quickly, to be honest. 

Recording clips

Among CS GO players there are also so-called criators. They are streamers, lethsplayers, lovers of beautiful slices and more. Valve also prepared a certain package of console programs for them:

cl_drawonlydeathnotices 1 — great thing for muvemakers. Completely removes the HUD (ammo, health/armor and other data), but leaves killfeed alerts on the TAB key;

demoui — command to bring up a demo movie window. Here you can speed up/slow down playback, run demo files and more;


Useful commands for CS:GO 5

spec_show_xray 1 — is a useful command for CS:GO, if fps allows. It removes all walls, allowing you to follow the trajectory of all players on the map (your own and others).

Let's finish with two standard commands:

disconnect — disconnect from the current server. You don't have to do it through the ESC and waste time. Some people like this way much better;

quit — quitting the game bypassing all menus, including the main menu. Simple and accessible. 

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