The process of opening cases in CS:GO many are interested even more than the gameplay itself. It is easy to understand such players: excitement, anticipation of profit, the opportunity to earn good money and new feelings from the top skin, which you can brag to your friends. I'm sure you've noticed more than once how your teammates hang around the owner of AWP Asiimov and, even more so, Dragon Lore, albeit of shabby quality.
Another thing is that opening it costs money, which not everyone is ready to invest for the sake of colorful pictures. For such cases, the Internet offers a lot of special resources with free attempts, test sites and even simulators of opening CS:GO cases, so that you can roughly imagine the number of attempts to acquire something expensive and valuable.
Relative freebies
Most sites with cases almost shout that they have a free attempt to get a cool drop with a guaranteed withdrawal on deposit, i.e. on their Steam inventory. One important BUT: to take possession of the skin, you will have to replenish the account on the site for the amount of 50 to 150 rubles, or even more. What is this being done for? To get at least some profit from you.
Most resources provide the opportunity to open daily CS:GO cases with withdrawal, but in order to pull roulette — replenish the deposit at least 50-100 rubles.
Also third-party sites can «recommend» (in a forced form) to make a repost on their page VKontakte, so that the gamer got another freebie. Not everyone affix their desire to spread about such actions, so you either have to create a fake profile, or forget about the attempt.
As an altativa offer the following situation: to try to open a case of CS:GO 1 time for free will have to add to your Steam-nick the name of the site and re-authorize on the site. Not everyone will go for that either. And there is no desire to do free advertising for a dubious site.
.Approximately similar situation is observed on other resources. The administration offers you a free case as an attempt to get something valuable, but it is required to deposit at least 200 rubles. Otherwise, your top opening of CS:GO cases will be ruined.
.So immediately note the following for yourself: there is no such thing as freebies. Nice bonuses — yes, but only if you deposit a certain amount as an attraction maneuver. Nobody forbids to multiply the capital in the future, but here everything depends only on your luck. Absolutely all CS GO case opening sites work on this principle, without exception. Otherwise, they would simply not develop and earn on visitors.
Opening cases through the simulator
Let's be honest: there are only a few lucky gamers — . The lucky and wealthy — are even less so. Let's look at the perfect new Prisma 2 case, which was introduced in early April 2020 as part of the latest update. If you don't want to waste your blood money getting a ton of useless armaments, try your chances in the CS:GO case opening simulator for free. You won't even have to register, but you will get the most sober idea of the chances to win back your deposit and get a top gun like Glock-18 Bullet Queen.
.For example, we took a popular emulator site, which shows detailed statistics on each item and demonstrates critical aspects:
the number of open cases;
current benefit from opening in dollars (ratio «invested/received);
the quantity and quality of items received;
the current price of each skin;
degree of wear.
Here is such an opening of cases CS:GO without investment many people will like much more than the real numbers. Further count yourself, how many attempts on average will take to get at least a classified gun in a slightly worn quality, not to mention the factory version, even with StatTrak.
To get a hypothetical knife for 500-600$, you will need to pour at least $ 200, and that is not a fact that you will be able to grab luck by the tail. In any case, you have all the statistics in front of you.
Among the top sites for opening CS:GO cases in virtual mode are not only standard resources, but also Android applications, which you can download via Google Play completely free of charge and roughly calculate the chances of success. This is especially important when dealing with very expensive and rare cases like Arms Deal ($12.6), eSports ($19), Bravo ($19.3).
Does F2P have a chance
Not everyone wants to donate for top skins, and they don't see much point in it at first. But over time, the desire to embellish a couple of basic guns does increase to the point where you start looking for sites to open CS GO cases for free with withdrawal to your account. Are there a lot of resources like this that don't set a stone on the ground? Unfortunately, no. But even if you got on a proven site — you will have to comply with some conditions, participating in simple events.
As an example — popular western resource Skin Club, which regularly draws a free case among its subscribers. Once a day, you have the opportunity to apply competitively, then wait for the randomizer's command and catch your lucky ticket. Lucky, of course, not always. But you don't need to inject anything extra. It's all purely down to luck. Well and at the same time practice your knowledge of English — site is made on it.
As the saying goes, I'll settle for such a thing. In any case, it's more reliable than contacting dubious VK publics, where you are offered «Medusa» for a repost and password from Steam-account.
Is there a better site for opening CS:GO cases? Not likely, but if you want to profitably sell stuff from your inventory — contact us. At you can exchange virtual skins for real money in a few seconds with withdrawal to any card or payment system.