It's done. A new operation «Broken Fang» with a lot of cool content, skins, quests, Achivas and New Year's gifts has been launched in CS GO. They've crammed everything in, and by a huge margin, so there's plenty of content for the next few months inside the game. Our task — is to tell you about all the innovations and draw appropriate conclusions about the benefits of buying a pass. He, by the way, will cost $15, or about 1150 rubles.
Immediately note that Operation Broken Fang CS:GO — anniversary tenth event within the game, moreover, timed to coincide with the New Year holidays, so that gamers are not bored during the pandemic until April 30, 2021.
How to get in
To break in to the new achievements, you need the Operation Broken Fang pass, which is available immediately after installing the patch.
To avoid engaging in rash decisions, we recommend looking at all available star bonuses beforehand. The pass, on the other hand, is available as an item from the Steam store. If you want to participate — it is better to do it now, because the domestic rate periodically changes, and the price tag of 1150 rubles may eventually grow under the influx of those who want to participate. The Operation Broken Fang pass must be activated to receive the special Operation Broken Fang coin. Sounds like a pun, but that's the reality of CS GO.
After that, new missions, stats, stickers, stickers and skins are unlocked. But most importantly — new modes. Some are only available to snake token holders, you can't just get into «closed» club. Other things to note:
coin can be upgraded over time to platinum status;
access to rewards remains available until April 30, 2021;
there is a new premier mode;
there are statistics on the operation;
a profile rank booster is present, which you get when completing missions.
Ready to collect the stars of Operation Broken Fang? Here we go then.
How assignments are formed
When you activate your pass, a list of assignments available during the week is dumped on you. Special rating stars are mined on them in limited quantities.
Compared to Operation «Broken Net», the perks have been redesigned. Now they are no longer opened sequentially, but are available as stars. It's up to you to decide what you want to get over time:
cool new agents;
random weapon and armor skins;
a case of Operation Broken Fang, and more.
Valve wouldn't be themselves if they didn't offer the option to buy missing or extra stars. Here everyone decides for himself whether to spend real money. Another thing is that independently you can invest in an unlimited number of five-sided gold marks.
What you can get from the mission
Developers and designers were not lazy and presented several new collections at once, as well as a branded case of Broken Fang operation:
branded case (17 items + chance to get gloves);
The Control collection weapons (19 items);
Chaos collection weapons (19 items);
Ancient collection weapons (19 items);
stickers «Broken Fang»;
patches for Metal Skill Group agents;
Recoil graffiti and stickers.
This is what the cool new gloves look like.
The set of custom agents has also been greatly expanded. For the side of Special Forces now you can race in the SWAT branded equipment, as in real American action movies. Terrorists now have access to the Professionals faction. Depending on the rarity of the agent, they are priced accordingly in stars:
honored — 5;
exceptional — 7;
excellent — 10;
masterful — 25.
We also said that the pass coin from the new Broken Fang operation can be improved. It comes in 4 variants:
bronze — is given for buying a pass;
silver — collect 33 stars;
gold — collect 60 stars;
platinum — collect 100 stars in an event.
In the first week you can get 10 stars, further — no more than 6 stars within 7 days. Don't forget about it so you don't have to buy the missing ones.
New Game Modes
As much as we'd like to, Valve has not decided to add competitive 1-on-1 matchmaking. Instead, they introduced:
Sweep Mode — 3 terrorists vs. 4 special forces, fighting for up to 8 rounds. Available to absolutely everyone during the promotion period. The principle boils down to a bomb being placed on the Retake. Special Forces appear near the captive and have to demine the object, and the terror in every way to prevent this.
Premier mode — analog of the captain's battle Dota 2. Only here it's not the characters that get banned, it's the cards. The match is played until all locations that are discarded by the dominant group are out of the list. Available only to pass holders.
before the start is determined by:
who will be the first to ban a card;
which 6 cards will be missing;
which side you will belong to;
the start of the match.
Other changes within the update
addition to the new skins from Broken Fang, gamers have been given a few interesting perks that many have been asking for for a long time. The first thing — did was bring back player achievement statistics, making them as detailed, intuitive and high-quality as possible. You can track your progress over a specific period of time by selecting any game mode.Valve has also introduced a chat wheel for communicating with your teammates. It's not quite clear why it's needed when Voice chat is available, but for some people the chip will be useful. It is divided into several stages with corresponding replicas:
preparation for the game;
teams and team management;
bomb test;
There are also new maps, including Ancient, Engage and Appolo for matchmaking, Elipson and Guard for partners, Frostbite for Forbidden Zone mode.
This is probably the biggest update of Coutner Strike Global Offensive in recent times. And even though the cost of operation has gone up compared to Splinter Network, the amount of new content covers the increased price tag. And remember that all game values can be obtained with a very good discount on the trading platform Now is the time to monitor the market and buy bargains, exchanging them for unnecessary skins in your inventory.