Review of new KS2 skins

11 March 2024, 15:25

In early February 2024, Valve developers finally pleased fans of the KS2 shooter with new skins. It's safe to say that these are long-awaited updates: they haven't been seen in a while. Today we offer an overview of new skins in KS2.

The Kilowatt
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: contents and features of the new case

The Kilowatt gun case contains 17 skins for a variety of pistols, machine guns, rifles and shotguns, as well as a new type of kukri knife as a rare special item. Another awesome discovery of this case – is the first ever Zeus x27 stun gun skin for a shooter. Skins are developed by authors from Steam Workshop.

The release of the case with new KS2 skins occurred on February 7, 2024. At that time the cost of the container reached $50, but already now you can find offers 10 times cheaper.

Review of new KS2 skins

Review of skins from The Kilowatt caseIn

The Kilowatt weapon case you will find the following skins:

AK-47 Inheritance / Inheritance (Secret)

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A skin with a luxurious design decorated with a pattern that resembles traditional elegant gzhel. Blue floral ornamentation is applied to the white parts of the gun, gilded – to the white parts. The design traces the Chinese tradition of porcelain painting. The designer was also inspired by Dutch blue earthenware.

This new KS2 skin doesn't come cheap: in condition straight from the factory it will cost about $575, battle-hardened weapons – $116. It belongs to the category «Secret», it falls very rarely, so it is a subject of interest for collectors, and for ordinary players in general.

AWP Chrome Cannon / Chrome Cannon (Secret)

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The Chrome Cannon is a sniper cannon that can kill the enemy with just one shot. It is brightly colored with spectacular paint with mirror effect. The weapon is equipped with a carbon fiber scope.

Holographic new KS2 skin looks awesome and stylish in the game. AWP Chrome Cannon varies in quality and pattern. The probability of falling out such a valuable copy – is only 0.64%. Gun price in condition straight from the factory – $565, battle-hardened – $91.

USP-S Jawbreaker / Toothbreaker (Classified)

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The cannon is decorated with an illustration of a dog with an open mouth and powerful intimidating teeth. The muffler is labeled «GOOD DOGGY». This new KS2 skin is of classified quality and is quite a bit inferior in value to «secret» copies.

In condition straight from the factory this gun costs $69, battle-hardened – $16. The probability of the skin falling out is only 3.2%.

Zeus x27 Olympus / Olympus (Classified)

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This is the first time the Zeus x27 shocker has gotten a personalized skin. It now has a space design in spectacular black and blue colors, looking very aesthetically pleasing and themed. The case depicts the ancient Greek god Zeus throwing lightning bolts. The cost of a new shocker in factory condition – $57, battle-hardened – $17.

This new KS2 skin has undergone some other changes not related to its appearance. Thus, its mechanics were redesigned: the developers changed the position of the first-person shocker, allowed to use it in all CS2 modes after a reload delay of 30 seconds, added a new icon to killfeed about a kill made with this weapon.


Black Lotus / Black Lotus (Classified)


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The body of the rifle has a unique design, featuring a blossoming lotus flower on a black background. This plant is sacred, associated with enlightenment and purity. Dark blue shades give a special mystique.

The cost of such new skin KS2 in factory condition – $76, battle-hardened – $39.

Sawed-Off Analog Input / Analog Input (Forbidden)

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The shotgun skin has a minimalistic design with futuristic overtones. The design has a reference to the digital theme: when looking at the case there are associations with electronic circuits and wires. The surface has colored diagonal stripes (yellow, green, blue, red) and the letters X, Y, B and A.

Skins of forbidden quality are not as rare as classified or secret, so they cost less. A new KS2 skin Sawed-Off Analog Input in factory condition will cost $6, a battle-hardened weapon – $2.5.

MP7 Just Smile (Banned)

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The design is bright and stylish, you could even call it optimistic. The background of the graffiti shows a yellow smiling smiley face with a purple border. Contrasting colors and images on the body make this skin bright and memorable on the battlefield.

Cost straight from the factory – $6.5, battle-hardened – $2.3.

Five-Seven Hybrid (Banned)

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This new KS2 skin has an understated, stylish and technologically advanced design. The design harmoniously combines metallic and colored elements. Colors – black-silver and lilac. The presence of metallic textures and details create a sense of durability and reliability to this weapon. Five-Seven Hybrid will appeal to fans of minimalism and connoisseurs of unusual design.

Skin cost in factory condition – $7,3. Battle-hardened will cost $2.5.


Etch Lord/The Master of Herbalism (Banned)

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The new KC2 skin for the assault rifle has an interesting design, attracting attention with dark shades that give it a mysterious look. Silhouettes of snakes are drawn on the body in blue. The pattern looks etched into the surface, but this feeling fades over time. The design is sure to appeal to connoisseurs of all things unconventional and atmospheric.

The cost of a new copy in condition straight from the factory is $9. The battle-hardened weapon will cost $3.1.

Glock-18 Block-18 (Banned)

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Interesting new KS2 skin with a reference to the popular «parts» Lego. The design of the terrorist gun is very bright and interesting, attracting attention with its geometric pattern. The multicolored pattern and contrasting design will not leave this item unnoticed. This skin – is perfect for those who want to stand out in the game.

Cost of the skin straight from the factory – $8, battle-hardened – $8.

XM1014 Irezumi / Irezumi (Army)

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This new KC2 skin belongs to the army quality items, which are some of the most affordable. Despite this, they have interesting designs that are sure to find their connoisseur.

XM1014 Irezumi – unique shotgun with a stylish design. The case features a spectacular dragon engraving. Other elements of Japanese motifs can be traced here: flowers, waves. Even though this skin is not too flashy, it still draws attention and is memorable.

The cost of the skin straight from the factory – is only $0.9, battle-hardened costs $0.3.

UMP-45 Motorized / Motor (Army)

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This new KS2 skin for the submachine gun has a modern industrial design. The model name contains a reference to the technical theme. This line can be traced in the design: the hull is made in cold metallic shades, and also has pronounced details and accents.

The cost of the skin in the condition from the factory – is only $0.9, battle-hardened – $0.3.

Tec-9 Slag / Slag (Army)

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The design of this stormtrooper has references to the steel industry. The design utilizes textures that create an analogy with metallurgical processing products. The design of this new KS2 skin is quite laconic and at the same time aggressive, setting a warlike mood.

The price of the skin in the condition straight from the factory – $1, battle-hardened costs $0.25.

SSG 08 Dezastre / Disaster (Army)

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Spectacular sniper rifle skin with custom coloring. The game as a whole has few good and colorful skins on SSG 08, and the one presented is an intermediate option. The design is in black, gray and red, with an abstract pattern on the case. This skin will appeal to adherents of minimalism and restrained design.

Price in a state straight from the factory – $1,2, battle-hardened – $0,3.

Nova Dark Sigil / Seal of Darkness (Army)

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This new skin in KS2 features a custom design. The handle of the shotgun is decorated with a gorgeous engraving of a dragon with an expressive red eye, and the body is printed with ships. The combination of metal and wood gives this piece a special twist. In general, this skin can be called classic, without too bright and distracting details.

Price in new condition from the factory – $0.85, battle-hardened costs $0.27.

MAC-10 Light Box / Light Box (Army)

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Features this skin – minimalistic design and coloring so that it looks like you are looking at the back of a MAC-10. Metallized coating, patina and painting – all make the concise design memorable.

Price new KS2 skin MAC-10 Light Box in condition straight from the factory – $8. Battle-hardened weapons cost $3.

Dual Berettas Hideout / Hideout (Army)

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Dual pistols with multicolor design look attractive and effective, at the same time muted shades do not distract the player's attention on the battlefield.

The price is quite affordable: for a copy in new factory condition it will be $0.85, battle-hardened – $0.27.

Kukri knife

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A separate element of the Kilowatt case – Kukri knife, the most coveted new KS2 skin. It has a unique design, is among the rare items and therefore the most expensive. Exclusives have the lowest percentage of probability of falling out. The configuration resembles the wing of a falcon.

The item is available in different colors and degrees of wear, with a total of 12 variations available. The most colorful and elegant option – shimmering gradient. The cost of such a knife will be $1800. There are also cheaper types, such as Blood Web ($835) and Blued Steel (about $600).

Other updates in KS2

Besides the case with new KS2 skins, the developers introduced several other updates. This is:

  1. 5 stickers to trim weapons instead of 4. The stickers can be placed in any position by rotating them around their axis and moving them around the entire surface of the weapon. This opened up new possibilities for original crafts and designs. All 5 stickers are available for each weapon.

  2. Updated Smokies. Now they cast shadows. In addition, a bug where the player's shadow would seep through puffs of smoke has been fixed. The most important update is considered to be that smoke interacts with light sources, affecting the shadow advantage that players often resort to.

  3.  Changes to menus and killfeed. The developers have added a separate main menu and background map settings for new skin inspection. Killfeed has also been updated: in the top right corner, in the main menu or in the tab, you can see a reload of player experience.

  4. Map Fixes. Various bugs have been fixed in a number of game maps. For example, in Inferno texture gaps have been fixed, in Anubis – slots have been fixed, as well as holes in the lower tunnel, doors that did not leave bullet marks have been fixed, in Office – a bug where players could jump on the wall has been fixed.

  5. Updates related to network and ping. Corrections and innovations have addressed the reduction of the peaking player's advantage in most situations. A console command was also added to collect reports categorized by delay source.

Overall, judging by player feedback, The Kilowatt case turned out pretty good. Fans of the shooter have been waiting for something new from Valve for a long time and appreciated the proposed.

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