Cheating on skins

31 March 2020, 21:11

Consider an unpleasant but everyday situation: you have been cheated on CS GO skins. And here you can blame all the deadly sins of anyone, but subconsciously prepare for the fact that you will be made to blame. And you'll have to say goodbye to expensive things forever. But not all is lost if the trade was made through an internal tradebot. Although Steam has a well-developed bureaucracy, but in the presence of solid evidence, correspondence and screenshots, the situation is often tilted in favor of the victim. 

There are not so many ways to defend the righteousness, and the most useless — appeal to morality and common sense. History has not yet known cases when a thrower woke up his conscience, he sighed heavily and gave all the squeezed + moral damage. And therefore, if you are trying to shalyalyat somewhere, to find a benefit and save money — always look at the reputation of the scammer through resources level SteamRep and save history. If you don't get your stuff back — at least block the account of the intruder.

Cheating on skins

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How to avoid getting scammed when exchanging

Thirst for free — thing is dangerous, and therefore let's discuss what to do to avoid getting into a delicate situation. Here, it's worth sticking to a pre-honed script:

  • Never rush. Even if a $100 Dragon Lore or a gradient knife for that amount loomed on the horizon. Euphoria, lust for profit and all that, but you don't have to lose your mouth. And if the scammer is also pushing you, provoking you to complete the trade on a third-party resource — immediately forget;

  • Don't fall for a third-party guarantor. Today, it is very easy to build up reputation on various resources for freelancers. Either a really trusted third party you've already dealt with, or no way;

  • Always thoughtfully read the description of gifts before finalizing a transaction. Pattern, condition, and general description are both influential;

  • Exchanges OUTSIDE of Steam are not considered in principle. Even if the third party proves something like «I have skins missing», «I do not trust the stimulus», «I have my own site» etc.;

  • When exchanging a very rare skin can not be trusted even a friend (potential kidala). If he suddenly asks for a trade supposedly «to ride a couple of rinks», don't be lazy to check his nickname with the right mouse button. It will be interesting to see two identical profiles on the Friend List.

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Action in case of deception

Let's assume that you slipped a deal in good faith. And what do you do if you get scammed for skins? First thing you do is open your Steam account and look for the «Report Abuse button there». To do this:

  • you open the profile of the scammer through Steam;

  • click the «More» button on the top right;

  • look for the command «Report Violation»;

  • choose one of the prepared templates (in this case «Deception attempt»);

  • click «Complaint», describing the situation in detail, and wait from 2 hours to 2 days in good faith. 

How much detail you give the essence of the problem depends on the promptness of the support service's decision. There's also a real chance of getting your case individually managed by an operator (rather than a bot). A live person is much easier to work with than a scripted system of template responses. 

About returning items

Can you


skins if you've been cheated? Unfortunately, this is no longer possible today.  The reason for this is Steam's policy against scammers. They believe that their trading platform is already reliably protected from scam, duping, phishing and other delights of dishonest trading, and therefore the lion's share of attempts to return the precious loot will be perceived as a disregard for internal rules. In other words, support will advise that from now on, it's better to read Steam's rules regarding a potential scam. And since cases of duping rare skins by rolling back some time ago seriously disrupted the economy of the trading platform, requests for help are treated with extreme skepticism.


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The only thing that Steam will really do — will give the cheater a ban of the account and trade, in parallel tracking how many people he still emptied within the system. A dubious victory, to be honest.

What to do if your account is hacked

And now let's look at a situation where someone has banally stolen an account. Either you got into another site with freebies (in 90% of cases), or you didn't notice the substitute link allegedly from Steam, or you just wrote down your login and password on a piece of paper, and someone needed it more.

Here you have to remember absolutely all the data related to the account. Actually, this is how you can return an account with skins, if cheated. And that is only if they have not been withdrawn and transferred to another account. Be ready to refresh your memory and the first e-mail, and a few keys from purchased games (mandatory) and some other account data.  

And let's start with the banal — password recovery. Here the order of actions is as follows:

  • open the registration window and click on the field «Forgot password?»;

  • look for «My account was stolen…»;

  • read (preferably) a long tirade that you can't be so irresponsible, then scroll down to «Change password»;

  • enter your e-mail, phone number or login (whatever you remember), then click «I no longer have access to this data». Only applies if the mail has already been deleted and replaced with a new one. In other cases, a confirmation code should be sent to your e-mail address. 

The system prompts you to fill in this field.

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And here you will have to do a lot of twisting to fill in the questionnaire as much as possible. Mainly focus on keys from purchased games and receipts from purchases inside Steam. It's a 99% success rate. The promptness of the response, the chance of recovery, and the total number of skins that were originally there depends on it. You can't screw around, or you could lose everything completely.

I guess that's all we can do to help. Steam — are pretty greedy guys. But if you provide them with irrefutable evidence, there is always a chance that Themis will smile on you. 

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