When's, when's the new CS:GO operation already? The split net thundered back a few months ago, bringing albeit small, change. I want something new, something different. Even agents will be happy, or some other variety, had it been before the new year.
On numerous forums on the game are already in full swing discussing the new operation in CS:GO 2020, which will replace last year's Shattered Web. Preliminarily, new content is promised to drop in a decent amount, and either in late November or early December this year. From the most discussed:
new format of 1x1 duels (to finally prove that you are a real PRO not only in voice chat);
cooperative game «Survival» (possibly analogous to zombie mode from Call of Duty);
new dynamic locations that will constantly change during the battle;
winter themed map (new, or modified version of existing ones);
additional chips for the Danger Zone battle royal;
modified HUD in the game;
new cases with skins/stickers/agents.
It is not yet known when the new Operation — will be released in CS:GO. Some sources say the launch is already scheduled for November 27, 2020, while others claim December 4. If everything goes smoothly, you will be able to farm new skins in missions already this year, and BEFORE the New Year holidays. It would be logical to assume that the new CS GO operation will launch just in time for the Christmas season, which will bring a lot of interesting plushies, giveaways and events. It will also bring back the old audience, because they started to leave the game rapidly, replacing it with Warzone, Valorant, Cold War or Watch Dogs: Legion.
What we know before the release
If you play CS GO, you know that the new operation will be called «Winter Zone» or «Snow Zone». And yes, it's already uploaded to the servers, so check for Steam Launcher updates. If on your long-suffering PC flew update the size of several hundred megabytes, then the holiday is near.
On the network is walking a huge amount of insights about the tenth anniversary operation CS:GO, the release date of which is still finally unknown. Famous informational «Robin Hood» NorS2021 has already expressed his opinion on the date, name and other sensitive data.
There is also information about new maps, but which ones will undergo redesign, reskin, and «snowy» design — is still unknown. Preliminary can meet a few amateur renders, with a high probability of jumping to CS GO.
The next important information — rework maps Mirage and Office, where the main emphasis will be on rebalancing respawn points. Since these are competition locations, there will be special attention to them. If something goes wrong, the PRO division will be eaten up by Valve. It is noteworthy that requests to remake Mirage for current realities have been heard from the community many times already. On the Steam forum this is almost the most painful topic.
Anticipated changes
When the new CS:GO 2020 is released, players will be able to experience not only a change in gameplay, but also a new map design. First, the shooter may introduce a new Frostbite map for the Danger Zone mode. Earlier this location has already appeared in Steam Workshop by user Slimek.
.Secondly, the community is talking about a new item, which is so much requested in the game — stretch. It will work similarly to the grenade, but will have a different principle of activation: you need to hit the fishing line to activate the bomb, so you will have to look under your feet more often. Whether the explosives can be cleared or fired from a weapon — is unknown. We are waiting for the official patch note and the release of the update, because the thing is very interesting and will greatly change the current pace of CS:GO.
In the mode «Survival» players will not fight against each other, but in co-op. It is still unclear against whom exactly, but locations here will be created in procedural generation mode, and therefore it will not be possible to create sane guides — every time as in the first. And considering that the lion's share of gamers already know Mirage and Dust 2 with their eyes closed, it will be a breath of fresh air.
Price of the question
If we push back on the operation Splinter Network, which started in November 2019, the amount of the new event will cost players 950-1000 rubles. Considering the amount of content, skins, and stickers the crate gamers received, the average ROI was at just over 100%. And if you take into account that the lion's share of items, as usual, will be unique, the investment will quickly pay for itself within a couple or three months. Well, or wait a year or two for the inventory to pick up even more «fat».
I would also like to get a new set of agents, patches and other additional content for customization, because the current set of Colonels, Berbers and Workhouses the public has long been accustomed to. Like the agent-girl.
It remains to adjust to the famous Valve-Time, stock up on a couple of new keyboards and a case of energy drinks. The scramble for points and medals promises to be vigorous and long.