CS 2 settings for weak computers

19 December 2023, 23:03

The new Counter Strike gave us not only improved graphics, but also made higher requirements for «iron» compared to CS:GO, in connection with which some of you are likely to need special settings CS 2 for weak computers. Let's be honest though, the main problem is not the pretty picture. Unfortunately, until now, the developers from Vala have not solved all the shortcomings of the game related to its optimization, so even owners of medium-powered PCs can easily encounter freezes or insufficient smoothness of gameplay.

Separately we warn: recommendations for settings CS 2, which will be set out below, are given with the expectation that your device pulls the minimum system requirements of the new Counter Strike. If this is not the case, then our suggestions are unlikely to help you. The game is almost guaranteed to slow down.

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Minimum system requirements for the new CS 2 

We remind you that before you go to settings CS 2, it is advisable to check the compliance of your «comp» the following requirements:

  1. Operating System. Currently, the new Counter Strike only runs on Windows 10. Neither «seven», nor the eleventh version will work, let alone earlier ones.

  2. Video card. Needed with at least 1GB memory, must run Shader Model 5.0 as well as DirectX 11.

  3. «RAM». At least 8 GB.

  4. Processor. At least not weaker than an Intel i5 750 or an analog from AMD.

  5. Hard disk space. Only 34 GB. will be needed, while Valve officially stated that the game needs at least 85 GB.

  6. And of course DirectX 11.

There are 2 easy ways to check your «hardware information». First - go to Control Panel (you will find it in the menu called «Start»), then double click on the icon «System». Go through the tabs of the window that opens and get the information you are interested in. The second is in the same «Start» click on «Execute». A line will appear where you need to type dxdiag. All, the information is available.

On Macs the game does not work, so the question about settings CS 2 on them, respectively, automatically removed.

Adjusting the graphics (Part 1) 

The main cause of lags and freezes, as well as problems with low FPS - the mismatch between the graphical settings of the new Counter Strike to the capabilities of your computer.

To go to the menu, where you can set the most suitable for you parameters, you need to do the following: in the game already running through Stim to find in the upper left corner of the icon of the gear. Click on it. A list of tabs will appear at the top, you need «Image», go there. Now look for «Advanced Image Settings». Click on the tab. Great, you're there, let's start changing settings for CS 2. Going over every point, not missing anything.

CS 2 settings for weak computers

Increased contrast of players. Leave in the ON position, this setting usually has little or no effect on the performance of your device. Turn off only as a last resort.

Vertical synchronization. Also keep the position ON.

Current graphics settings template. Do «Custom», so that the system will allow you to manually change further CS 2 settings.

Customizing Graphics (Part 2) 

Continuing with advanced image settings.

The next item is the multiple sampling smoothing mode


It is very important to turn it off as it is one of your FPS eaters. As a side effect of disabling it, it is possible that forests may appear along the borders of the image.

Overall shadow quality. Put in position «low».

Model and texture detailing. Also lower the value of «low». Of course, it will not be beautiful, especially if you have good eyesight: you will probably notice some pixels in the picture, but you will definitely raise the FPS, and there will be fewer frezes.

Texture filtering mode. Also, don't mess around with that CS 2 setting, set it low. Unfortunately, there «either-or»: either beautiful textures or smooth gameplay without the annoyance of eternal lags.

Shader detailing. In this case we are talking about, for example, beautiful refraction of sunlight on the water surface or shading effects. Turn it down to low, a weak «»


card will not be able to handle such loads.

Customizing Graphics (Part 3) 

Go to the next items of the CS 2 settings.

Particle Detail


As usual, set it low, weak «iron» won't pull out good detail, but at least you'll be able to play.

Global Shading. If it is enabled, you can observe so-called contact shadows between game objects during the game. Disable this setting.

Extended Dynamic Range. Its purpose is to adjust the picture detail at the extremes of the contrast scale, i.e. the lightest point and the darkest point. Set the parameter to «performance».

FidelityFX Super Resolution. With this setting of CS 2 the picture is scaled without losing its quality. Used on Radeon graphics cards. Go to «performance».

Low Latency NVidia Reflex. This parameter, of course, has a minor impact on FPS, but, in general, on weak devices it is better to disable it. The problem is that this feature does not run correctly in CS 2 due to poor optimization.

CS 2 settings for weak computers 2

Additional chips 

When you are done with graphical settings of CS 2, it's time to enhance the results and optimize the new Counter Strike on your device even better. The console will help you with that. As an inheritance from CS:GO to the second part of Counter Strike, some teams have passed to the second part of Counter Strike. Some of it is worth applying. Recall that the default console is activated after clicking on «~».:

  1. cl_forcepreload 1 - starts preloading of all objects displayed on the map, respectively, dynamic loading of objects is not applied, which increases performance. On the downside, you'll have to wait longer for the map to load.

  2. novid - the start logo is no longer shown.

  3. fps_max 0 - allows you to squeeze the maximum out of your computer without limiting it by the upper threshold of FPS.

  4. nojoy - improves performance by deactivating joystick support.

Best resolution 

We should note at once that this parameter of CS 2 settings does not play a significant role in increasing/decreasing FPS, but if for you raising the frame rate by at least 10-20 points is a matter of life and death, then read this chapter. Perhaps the information given here will help you.

Kaesers conducted tests of different resolutions at medium graphics settings and measured FPS. No measurements were made on low settings. As a result, it was found that the game gives the highest FPS (373) at the resolution 1440x1080, in second place in FPS (372.9) - 1280x960, in third place in FPS (371.9) - 1024x768.

CS 2 settings for weak computers 3

It is curious that on Full HD (it is 1920x1080) the game behaves the most stable, i.e. it does not drop in FPS so much as on other resolutions. The difference in the sag between Full HD and other resolutions reaches 20-30 FPS, which proves: Valve, first of all, optimized the new Counter Strike for powerful computers, not for weak ones.

If adjusting the settings of CS 2 does not help 

So, you have done everything we wrote above, but it was not enough. Most likely, the problem is not in the game itself, but in your video card.

CS 2 interacts very badly with «NVidia's» vision cards, so you'll have to dig into their settings. Freezes can be caused by NVidia Reflex Low Latency. It's a chip whose purpose is to reduce the delay time between mouse/key press and the result of the action being displayed on the screen. Test results have shown that this feature now works out of hand and, on the contrary, only increases lag time.

You need to open the NVidia Control Panel, look in the left column «Manage 3D Settings». Now in the right column find Reflex Low Latency, right-click and disable the function via the menu that appears.

As a result of such settings CS 2 frame rate should increase by about 7%. Perhaps you will be enough to enjoy the game to the fullest.

What to do if nothing helps at all 

Hangs and freezes still remain, previously proposed settings CS 2 did not work. In this situation, the following measures can solve the problem.

Raising the priority of CW 2 to the maximum. It's done through Task Manager. Open the Manager, find the name of the game, right-click, select «Set Priority», then «High».

Clean up autoloading and get rid of background programs that take up CPU resource.

Solve problems with firewall or antivirus program




ooling system deficiencies. Fix cooling system deficiencies


Cleaning the coolers from dirt and installing software that monitors temperature readings and can control fan rotation will help.

CS 2 settings for weak computers 4

Overclocking the processor. We warn you right away that this is a dangerous measure that can lead to critical damage «prots». If you do overclocking, you are solely responsible for


Defragmenting a hard drive.

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