Some skins in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 2 have consistently gotten the attention of the community. Almost anyone who has thought about building their own collection knows what Asiimov weapon finishes or Fade skins look like. However, along with these well-known items, there are others, much less popular, but still worthy of attention due to their bright design. It happens that some skins do not gain popularity due to the fact that they are released at the same time with more notable ones, and sometimes they are simply forgotten about in time, because the game has existed for more than a decade, and the number of items in it is counted in hundreds. Here are a few examples of little known, yet noteworthy skins for CS:GO.
USP-S Business Class
The design of USP-S Business Class uses textures that are not often seen in weapon design: the gun handle is decorated with leather overlays, and the body of the gun looks like it is made of noble wood. Quite in the style of the «Luggage» collection to which it belongs. The skin came out back in 2014, but since then the likelihood of dropping it has been reduced. Therefore, new copies appear on the market not so often – and in the meantime, this design may appeal to many players.
AK-47 Jet Set
Another skin from the same collection – AK-47 Jet Set deserves mentioning. Its design uses another idea related to the theme of traveling – luggage covered with stickers with symbols of different countries. Now this skin is not so common, but in the meantime, it is worth paying attention to the fans of stickers, because almost any stickers will look organically on this design.
Sawed-off Copper
It may seem that some skins were in the list of unpopular skins quite deservedly. For example, the Sawed-off Copper design is considered a failure by many players because of the blemishes that cover the copper body, even on the low float version. But the thing is, this skin belongs to a rare category of items that look more interesting with a high wear rate. If you're collecting Wild West style inventory, this piece is definitely not to be overlooked.
AWP Snake Camo
AWP Snake Camo is one of the oldest skins in CS:GO. He is part of the Dust collection, which came to the game with the Arms Deal update. As such, it is literally one of the very first skins in the game. To replenish your collection with such a copy – is a great option for those who appreciate tradition. Plus, some players believe it brings good luck.
Dual Berettas Duelist
This vintage skin was added to the game in 2015, but over time many people forgot about its existence. But it's completely undeserved: the vintage design and unusual combination of turquoise background and silver and black engraving will make Dual Berettas Duelist a great addition to your collection. In addition, as the float increases, the surface of the guns darkens, but the pattern remains clearly visible, which allows for additional savings when purchasing.