Regardless of the purpose for which you buy skins – to make the game more diverse, to show off in front of other players or just then more expensive resell successful purchases – logical to select an inventory based on what weapons are used most often. Sometimes a skin with a very interesting design costs less than it could because the opportunity to showcase it in-game is too rare. Therefore, starting to collect your collection, it is useful to pay attention to the coloring for weapons that are regularly used to play for one of the opposing sides.
About skins for playing as special forces we have recently mentioned, and below you will find a selection of skins that will make the game for terrorists more colorful.
Glock-18 Neo-Noir
This skin often appears in the picks, and quite deservedly so: expressive image of a woman, stylish drawing, minimalistic color scheme in combination with average price make it very attractive. In addition, Glock-18 Neo-Noir can be complemented with other skins from the corresponding – collection, you may also want to add AWP Neo Noir.
Desert Eagle Light Rail
Another inexpensive pistol with a memorable design – Desert Eagle Light Rail. It was added to the game in 2019 and is remembered by players for its design, combining a metallic sheen with a golden gradient that brightens the barrel of the weapon.
Tec-9 Decimator
This skin – is a great option for those who love futuristic designs in neon colors. The protruding elements of the weapon are covered with turquoise-pink mesh, which creates an optical illusion, as if turning them into geometric frameworks. In addition to Tec-9 Decimator, there is another skin in the game in the same style – for M4A1-S.
MAC-10 Disco Tech
Skin from another series, but in the same color scheme as the previous one – MAC-10 Disco Tech. In addition to its contrasting coloring, it has other features. First, it is the only skin for SMG with a shimmering effect that makes the color look different depending on the angle of view. Secondly, this effect is retained even at high float, so you can save money when buying this already inexpensive skin.
Sawed-Off Kiss♥Love
Despite all the disadvantages of the Sawed-Off Kiss, it may well find a place in the inventory of someone who prefers an aggressive style of play. However, the design of this skin as if on purpose creates a contrast with the powerful capabilities of the weapon: Sawed-Off Kiss♥Love is dominated by shades of purple and pink, and the body is decorated with a portrait of a girl in anime style.
AK-47 Ice Coaled
Of course, we can't do without skins for AK-47, which, moreover, is available for purchase only for terrorists. Unsurprisingly, colorful designs for this gun abound. Let's focus on AK-47 Ice Coaled – skin with blue-green tones, which stands out from the general background thanks to a rare combination of colors.
SG 553 Dragon Tech
Finally, let's mention one more interesting skin – SG 554 Dragon Tech. Despite the relatively low price of the skin, the body of the weapon from the Recoil collection is decorated with a detailed image of an Asian dragon, which combines traditional motifs and modern technology. The designer only needed three colors – black, white and various shades of green to create an image recognizable from afar.
If you like any of these skins, don't miss the opportunity to buy them at at a bargain price. Add to your collection with us!