The best series of skins in CS:GO

10 May 2023, 20:42

Often skinmakers make similar skins for several weapons, hoping to get at least some of them into the game. This can result in items being added to the game incrementally. So, for example, it turned out with the Asiimov series – five of them are already in the game as part of different collections, and a few more from the same author are still in the Workshop. Here are the skin series that have gained the most popularity.

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The best series of skins in CS:GO

The skin series with its distinctive black-white-orange coloring, inspired by classic science fiction, is consistently popular among players. Even newbies have likely heard of AWP Asiimov, but it remains quite expensive due to high demand. AK-47 from the same series is a bit easier to get, and the cheapest one is P250 Asiimov.



The best series of skins in CS:GO 2

Skinmakers donschi and Blazer, who became the authors of Neo-Noir series, were inspired by comic book stylistics. All designs are dominated by dark shades of blue, pink  and purple, and the main detail by which this coloring is recognized is the images of girls against a background of cityscapes and ornaments. Due to the fact that the pattern is quite detailed, the difference between high and low float options will be very noticeable, so it is better to buy Factory New or Minimal Wear.


The best series of skins in CS:GO 3

Skins with gradient – is a topic for a separate discussion. Their appearance is highly dependent on the pattern index, and the distribution of colors on the surface, in turn, affects the price. When talking about gradient skins, first of all knives are in mind, but firearms also have such variants, for example AWP or MAC-10. Thus, this series can be called the most extensive.

Hyper Beast

The best series of skins in CS:GO 4

Fans of psychedelic drawings and fantastic creatures should pay attention to series Hyper Beast, created by Renegade. It includes four weapons – AWP, M4A1-S, Nova and FiveSeven. All of them are decorated with detailed images of monsters, as if ready to attack the enemy. Of course, this is not just the same picture applied to different weapons – skinmaker has done a great job to add unique details and fit the pattern into the outline of the gun.

Crimson Web

The best series of skins in CS:GO 5

For those who collect inventory in red colors, skins from collection Crimson Web will be useful . In addition to knives, there are firearms including the R8 revolver and Desert Eagle. The cost of knives can fluctuate quite noticeably depending on the pattern index, but guns remain reasonably priced either way. By the way, another series – Candy Apple will also be a great addition to the red inventory. These are skins with minimalistic design, but many players agree that this is their thing.

Regardless of which series you prefer, whether you buy skins as an investment or just to diversify the game, on you will find each of them in a variety of options at very  attractive prices.

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