The best heroes of Dota 2

15 October 2023, 21:39

MOBA genre computer games are known for their low entry threshold, so beginners are interested in the best dota 2 heroes that have a high percentage of victories. Characters are separated by characteristics, roles, and relevance in the current meta.

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Main differences

Before compiling the top list, it should be understood that characters reveal themselves differently in different positions. To further examine the force, let's familiarize ourselves with the main roles in dota:

  • Meader. They need a lot of experience to play comfortably, which they single-handedly get on the middle line.
  • Kerry. The full potential is unlocked when you purchase items. Is the primary source of damage on the team.
  • Hardliner. The goal of the hard line player in the early stages of the game is to annoy the enemy kerry by preventing him from getting gold. In later stages, they are “tanks”, which allow their allies to gain an advantageous position in fights.
  • Sapports. Are the support of the other heroes. They get almost no gold or experience. Their job is to make sure their teammates are comfortable playing. There is a roamer on the top line who helps the other lines at the beginning. On the bottom, however, is full support, the purpose of which is to protect the team's main bark. In addition to helping in fights, their goal is to set up warlocks and take down outsiders. Often on high rankings, they are the ones who coordinate the actions of players.

Best MidersProfessional

player “Depressed kid” compiled a personal top of the best heroes of Dota 2, consisting of 10 options that are often selected on the pro scene and high mmr publiki.

S TIER - this includes exclusively procasters, whose main damage is magical, their peak power comes early, because they do not need a large amount of farming. Among them we can single out Zeus, which due to its simple skills is great for beginners. With a long attack range and huge damage, you will be invaluable in teamfights, being at a safe distance.

A TIER - Pudge, Cauldron and Invoker are on the second stage. All three characters require careful and skillful play, so they are not suitable for beginners, but in experienced hands they pose a significant threat to opponents. It takes a lot of gold and experience to unlock their potential, so you won't be able to get involved in teamfights right away.

B TIER - Pretty active miders whose main goal is to create spacing for their kerry players. They lose their power late in the game, so you need to start grabbing the advantage as early as possible through strong abilities and mobility.

The best heroes of Dota 2

The best


The best kerry hero of dota 2 is sven. His main attribute is strength, this gives him a large amount of xp, and survivability is an important quality for those who are always in the center of fights. It also has a splash attack that increases farming potential. We can emphasize the ease of mastering, the hero is suitable for beginners.

A TIER - gyrocopter, bludsiker, voyd and wyver are often found in publiki. The reason for this is their simplicity and relevance, there is a place for these kerrys in almost any meta.

B, C, D TIER - These dota 2 heroes are aimed at the long game, for their power is revealed in the leit-game when they get enough items. Their strength is both a disadvantage and a disadvantage. At the initial stages of the game they are vulnerable and without the help of allies they are often killed.

Among all the kerries, morph, terrorblade and antimage stand out. Due to the nature of their gameplay, they are not suitable for beginners. Comfortably play on these characters can only have a good understanding of the game and quick reaction, the slightest mistake provokes death and further loss.

The best heroes of Dota 2 2


best hardlinersTo

create a tir-list of the best heroes of Dota 2 for the 3rd position, we turned to the opinion of one of the professional players of the team Vici Gaming, playing in the position of hardliner.

All characters from the top is characterized by


large amount of armor and health, which they need to impose fights, where they act as an initiator, without which you can not start a skirmish. Otherwise, it will be knowingly lost, often due to the fact that without a tank allies can not choose the best position for them in a teamfight.

The best heroes of Dota 2 3

Best Sapports

An important quality of this role is the abilities that focus on dealing damage without the need for a lot of farming. Most often, these are daze and stun skills. Controlling your opponent allows you to do damage with impunity.

Rubik, Marcy, and Hoodwing are best for this. They are roamers who come to other lines early in the game, helping their teammates and using their control for easy kills.

The second type of Sapport is aimed at dealing damage. Compared to other dota 2 heroes, they don't need a large amount of time to unleash their damag. Almost from the beginning of the game they have skills that allow you to quickly kill enemy heroes.

The best heroes of Dota 2 4

How to choose a hero

When choosing a


, the first thing to do is to decide on the position you will play and make a decision based on that. Pay attention to your experience in the game and the difficulty in mastering the chosen hero. Perhaps you should hang on to the complex heroes and learn the basics on the easier ones.

Meta heroes of Dota often change, so keep a close eye on the changes of skills and characteristics. Sometimes it's worth changing your favorite character to a stronger one, don't be afraid to try something new. You can keep an eye on the relevance of heroes by viewing the pro scene or stats on dotabuff.

Don't forget to read the skill descriptions. They often hide important gameplay points that can increase your level of play and chances of winning. Not to be overlooked is the fact that some characters are stronger than some, but inferior to others. Knowing counterpicks gives an undeniable advantage from the beginning of the game.

Best Duos

There are two players on the same line, so people find the best bundles of heroes in dota. There are a large number of variations that depend on the purpose and roles. Let's consider options for each of the two lanes, not counting mid, because there is only one hero.

Bottom line (bot)

Here you can have passive gameplay and active gameplay, aimed at domination. It all depends on the character's first position character, the sapport adjusts to it. Examples of active hero bundle are juggernaut + venga, slark + lich, ember + invoker. Passive includes terrorblade + vd, moon + oracle. In this case, the main goal is to get creeps, not to press the enemy.

Top line (top)

Unlike the bottom line, passive play is unacceptable here. You need to prevent the enemy kerry from getting gold and experience by killing him and keeping him away from the creeps. The best hero bundles for this are sky mage + mars, hoodwing + bruda, bludsiker and rubik.

The synergy of heroes depends on their abilities. Ideally, they should complement each other. For example, allowing you to keep your opponent in long control, or increasing the damage on them. Equally important is the type of attack. Two melee heroes will be uncomfortable against ranged attacks. Therefore, analyze your opponents and at the draft stage choose counterpicks that form a strong duo on the same line.


It's hard to name one best hero in Dota 2 because of the large number of conventions and variation. Every day new strategies and itembuilds are created, updates are released that turn the familiar meta upside down. The best option would be to monitor the professional scene and various stats, where you can draw a conclusion regarding the strength of the hero, based on picrate and winrate.

You should not fixate on one single character regardless of its strength, develop your understanding of the game, expanding the pool of basic characters that you know how to play. This will help you to intelligently assess the situation in the game and make the right decisions.

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