Are there better maps for CS:GO? And not only for classic matches, but also for training, learning mechanics, aim and weapon handling. It's one thing — to get into random and have no idea what the recoil of a Kalash, P250 and other guns is. Another — know all the subtleties of fire, recoil, accuracy and accuracy of the flight of bullets and other elements, so long studied by many cyber athletes.
You can practice and within the framework of normal combat, but there is always a chance to crash out of the server due to inappropriate training, or the very nubity. That's why we offer you the best maps for sight customization in CS GO, where you can improve your shooting skills.
Top arenas for training
Here you can find the best maps for both beginners and experienced players who want to improve their shooting skills with unfamiliar weapons. Strange as it may seem, not everyone can shoot with the same AK-47 in the queue mode, because the recoil is high and the accuracy is not optimal. That's what training arenas were created for. We offer the best maps for CS:GO from the workshop, where you can practice long and thoughtful.
Recoil Master
If you translate the name of the map literally, you will get something like recoil training. In other words, this is the best map for CS GO in terms of practicing over point-and-shoot or spray shooting. It's not always possible to shoot only at the head. Sometimes you have to press the button, and this arena will allow you to do everything competently.
On the left side you can see all kinds of weapons, in front of — the parameter panel and the main target with a floating point, on which you have to shoot. Here you can slow down time, choose to shoot single or bursts, and make ammo infinite. There is a screen at the top that demonstrates how the barrel behaves in spray mode.
Calling the map via the console — command «map recoil_master».
YPRAC Bot Arena
A compact map where you can try your hand at one of 6 modes to choose from. Here you are given to shoot at bots, to hone the skill of heap shooting at targets. You decide what you want to practice.
You choose a mode, jump on the central round platform and shoot random bots from close and far distances (body or head) in a certain period of time.
To select a map, enter the command «map yrpac_arena».
in the console.
Aim Botz
The best map for training and warm-up in CS:GO according to many streamers and cyber sportsmen. The variation is frantic: control the speed of the bots, place obstacles, surround yourself with enemies and shoot with all the weapons available in the game that look at you.
At the start, you jump with your knife to the first barrel, then with a shot you choose your weapon of choice for single-shot or spray. Settings are scattered around the walls: number and speed of bots, armor, running target, strafes, etc. The 360-degree view is also useful for improving reactions. Like the Long Range mode for practicing with the AWP and the like. You can even change the terrain here. Yes this is the best map for a CS GO maniac who has set himself the goal of honing his skills to the maximum.
You can summon with the command «map aim_botz».
Training Center 1.5c
One of the best maps for aim training in CS GO. You choose the counter-terrorist side and a menu with five modes appears in front of you. The customization menu is controlled via shots, though everything is quite intuitive. Training options:
marksmanship with AWP;
reaction speed to bots;
Reaction speed in circle mode;
practicing shooting accuracy;
complex mode for skills consolidation.
The map is very variable, so we highly recommend it as a training ground.
Called by console command «map tr_trainingcenter»
Fast Aim/Reflex
The last in line of the best maps for CS GO customization in terms of reflexes honing. There is no detailed scoreboard with settings, as in the previous maps, but it certainly did not become worse. The main task of — is to make as many shots as possible, standing in one place and turning 360 degrees at breakneck speed. The player is standing in one place, and the bots are running all over the arena with knives, trying to get to the spot you're standing on. The terrain here is relatively simple, but there are plenty of obstacles too, so try to aim at your head and get them behind the crates.
Output via console — command «map_aim_reflex»
Training Aim CSGO2
Here is the best aim map for CS GO, in which you can and should train your reflexes, i.e. the sense of your mouse to tear off the sensor. Experienced gamers now know exactly what we are talking about.
The principle is quite simple. Once on the map, you select left and right the type of barrel, mode, speed of dots and their color on the scoreboard. After that, you turn straight around and look at the huge wall. You have buttons 1 through 4 (modes) and a start button in front of you. The target points appear in random order and your task — is to score as many points as possible. And it's not as easy as it sounds.
Called by the command «map_training_aim_csgo2»
Aim Challenge
Next is the best map for passing in CS:GO, where everything falls on your head at once: bots, terrain, reaction and other elements that are important in combat. Somewhat reminiscent of Fast Aim/Reflex in terms of gameplay, but here you run around the map and have to shoot as many terrorists as possible in a confined space in the minimum amount of time.
In essence, you create your own challenge, experimenting with firearms, improving your own record, while honing your marksmanship and reaction speed to the enemy. Simple but effective for practicing before a real fight.
Challenge command «map aim_challenge».
Park Hide and Seek
Not all maps require the player to practice marksmanship and reaction. There are also those that allow you to pump up the skill of finding various hidden nooks that will give you an advantage during combat. One of the best hide and seek maps in CS GO is right in front of you. You don't need to shoot here, but you will have to move your brain and figure out where to find the perfect hidden area for a shot.
In the future you will surely need these skills when you will have to play in random with a significant advantage from the enemy, and open combat will mean instant death from a stray Kalash. This map is not the only one, so for the sake of interest download yourself some similar versions for variety.
Available in the console via the command «map park_hideandseek»
Not all interesting training maps for CS GO are listed here, but we have selected for you only the most interesting ones, which are in great demand among players and professional cyber sportsmen. Some people use them as a training ground before championships, spending 6-8 hours honing their skills.
You want to bend like a king — practice.