We have already published more than once a selection of skins, compiled by color, and they are always useful if you want to build an inventory in which all weapons – your favorite shade. But what if you do not want to be limited to a single color and prefer designs that present a real summer riot of colors and bright combinations? These are the kind of options you'll find in this selection. Multicolored monsters, neon patterns and dynamic ornaments – present skins that can blind the enemy.
M4A4 In Living Color
One of the most colorful skins in this collection is called – «In Living Color», and it fully justifies its name. The whole surface of M4A4 In Living Color is covered with a chaotic mishmash of inscriptions and symbols, among which you can see a portrait of a girl with purple hair in a protective mask.
MAG-7BI83 Spectrum (Bismuth Spectrum)
.MAG-7 BI83 Spectrum – is another skin that fully justifies its name. Its surface is really painted in all colors of the rainbow, and the geometric pattern in which the colored stripes are folded, inspired by the existing in reality bismuth crystals, which is denoted in chemistry as «BI83».
P250Visions (Visions)
.Not to do without psychedelic ornaments in the selection of colorful skins. A sinuous pattern of red, green and yellow lines covers the entire P250 Visions case. In the abstract curves you can see several images – such as a bird above the trigger and a woman's face on the grip.
MP9 Starlight Protector (Starlight Protector)
.MP9 Starlight Protector – is another skin for those who do not shy away from bright colors and funny drawings. The back of the case features a unicorn with a multicolored mane, while the rest of the case is painted in black and white with a few gold accents. Besides, there is just enough space in its front part to place a couple of mood-appropriate stickers.
Five-SeveN Fairy Tale (Fairy Tale)
.If you like the fairy tale mood of the previous skin, Five-SeveN Fairy Tale will also be a great addition to your collection. A princess with a unicorn, a magic castle, pink and orange colors – this picture would look appropriate in a children's coloring book, but as a gun skin it enjoys unexpected popularity – a copy with a successful float value can cost several thousand rubles.
Desert Eagle Ocean Drive (Ocean Coast)
.Wicked Sick (Daredevil)
In a similar style is colored and P2000 P2000 Wicked Sick, only here there are more black and white elements in the drawing. Both the aforementioned «Digil», and «Daredevil», the geometric pattern placement is independent of the pattern index, so you get a dynamic looking gun in your collection anyway.
AWP Hyper Beast (Speed Beast)
.Of course, the bright colors of – aren't just about geometric patterns. Equally impressive can be the intimidating monsters, such as those on the Hyper Beast series of guns. Besides AWP Hyper Beast, there are three more items in the collection – Nova, Five-SeveN and M4A1-S, but it is the sniper rifle that has the most colorful design.
MP9 Food Chain
.Another skin, designed in similar style – is MP9 Food Chain. The entire surface of the skin is covered with a highly detailed image of several monsters eating each other, and each monster is painted in a different color.
Often multi-colors and bright colors are associated with cartoons or comic books, and as a result skins like Five-SeveN Angry Mob appear . Despite the formidable name, the look of it is rather funny – «angry mob here represents four multicolored monsters on the background of graffiti-style inscriptions.