Red stickers for CS2

08 June 2024, 11:27

Stickers in CS2 are very diverse – these are team emblems, and funny drawings, and numerous inscriptions and symbols. Red stickers are invariably popular among players: they are perfectly visible on monochrome weapons like AK-47 Slate, and on guns decorated with «fire» ornaments, and on the background of geometric patterns. If you want to make the appearance of your favorite gun unique, choose a couple of bright stickers from this selection to buy at for a very good price.

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Paris 2023

Red stickers for CS2

One of the most affordable options if you want to decorate your gun with bright scarlet ornaments – symbol of one of the famous teams, namely Mouz. Stickers from recent majors have not yet had time to rise in price, so a few copies will cost a few rubles. And you can also pay attention to the more expensive holographic version of this skin - it is not so bright, but it is decorated with a thin pattern. 

TYLOO (Foil) 2020 RMR

Red stickers for CS2 2

Another sticker with the team symbols is TYLOO (Foil) 2020 RMR. It depicts a Chinese dragon that is ready to unleash a torrent of flames on the opponent. Not surprisingly, it is acquired not only by those who can call themselves fans of this Chinese team.

Heroic (Holo) Rio 2022


Red stickers for CS2 3

Other stickers with team emblems are often mentioned among the red stickers, but many of them were issued in honor of competitions that took place nine to ten years ago, making them extremely difficult to obtain now. But stickers from recent events remain quite affordable. For example, this Heroic emblem sticker is notable for .It not only depicts the team's emblem, but also a plant ornament around it.

Battle Scarred

Red stickers for CS2 4

Battle Scarred, added to the game in December 2020, depicts claw marks as if tearing up a surface. This sticker will look best on a solid color background, such as on Printstream or Whiteout guns. Its cost is several hundred rubles.

Showdown (Foil)  

Red stickers for CS2 5

Approximately in the same price category falls Showdown. Apparently, its creators were inspired by two famous rare skins: the sticker depicts a fight between a dragon from Dragon Lore and a hellhound from Howl. Fortunately, the sticker itself is much cheaper than these rarities, while still looking good on almost any skin.  

Bite Me (Foil)

Red stickers for CS2 6

Not to do in the selection of red stickers for CS2 and without stickers with images of fearsome wild animals. One popular option is Bite Me (Foil) , featuring a bear with its toothy maw open. The inscription under it translates as «Bite me».

Seeing Red (Foil)


Red stickers for CS2 7

Of course, red stickers for CS2 – are not only flames and fire monsters. Seeing Red (Foil) depicts the menacing face of a man with a scar. «Seeing Red» can translate to «lose your temper» or «go into a rage», so this sticker definitely hints that your opponents better not piss you off.

Romanov’s Fire (Foil)

Red stickers for CS2 8

Another sticker in a similar style is Romanov’s Fire (Foil), which was added in 2022 as part of the game's tenth anniversary collection. The sticker depicts one of the popular agents surrounded by flames from «molotov».

Good Game

Red stickers for CS2 9

If you are looking for a sticker that will look good on a skin with vintage or realistic coloring, check out Good Game. The white pattern on a red background looks strict and refined, and the abbreviation GG reminds of the approving line, which can be seen quite often in chat rooms. Thanks to the white frame, the sticker will look good against any color background.

Howling Dawn

Red stickers for CS2 10

Let's finish our selection by mentioning one of the most expensive stickers. Its design is reminiscent of the famous Howl skin, which exists only in a small number of copies. Like it, Howling Dawn doesn't fall out of capsules either, and you can only get it if you buy it from someone. As a result, copies of this sticker are found on sale very rarely, and its cost can exceed a thousand dollars.

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