Every FPS player knows that console commands in CS2 make the gameplay more interesting and convenient, significantly increase performance. They can be used to bring the game settings to optimal values, to improve the quality of interaction. Such commands are available through the developer console.
How to use the commands?
Console commands are entered through the developer console in CS2. It can be accessed by opening the settings menu: in the «Game Settings tab» you need to activate the «Enable Developer Console» option, if it is not enabled by default.
By changing this value to «Yes», you can open the console at any time by pressing the ~ key (it is located under the Esc key on your keyboard).
After opening the console, you have access to various console commands for CS2, using which you can communicate with your friends in the game, effectively conduct training, take advantage of non-obvious opportunities to gain an advantage.
CS2 supports several thousand commands, most of which were borrowed from the previous version of the game, CS:GO.
xml-ph-. The console in CS2 has one disadvantage: when you start the game, you will have to re-enter commands each time, as they are not saved. You can solve this problem by using a special file – autoexec.cfg. It will allow you to store any commands as well as binds that are loaded into the game. Thus you can not enter every time console commands for CS2, and use the previously installed.
To create such a file, you need to find on your computer folder with configurations for the game. You can easily find it in your Steam library. To do this, right-click on Counter-Strike 2, successively select «Control» and «View local files». After that open the folders «game» — «csgo» — «cfg». In the latter you need to create a text document autoexec.cfg (it is very important that it has this extension, not .txt).
After that you have a file ready, where you can add the most popular, most frequently used commands. In order for such a file to be loaded at game startup every time, without the player's intervention, you need to enter +exec autoexec.cfg in the game startup parameters. This is done through the Steam library.
Console commands for CS2 that will be useful for playing with friends
If you like running custom lobbies, you will find the following commands useful:
bot_kick – remove all bots in the current session;
noclip – activate flight mode, getting a unique ability to overcome any obstacles;
sv_infinite_ammo 1 – to get infinite grenades, ammo, ammunition;
god – activation of immortality;
mp_buy_anywhere 1 – making purchases anywhere;
mp_warmup_start – start warmup;
mp_warmup_end – disabling warmup;
mp_warmup_pausetimer 1 – setting warmup in continuous mode;
r_drawOtherModels 2 – ability to see outlines of bots and players through surfaces;
mp_autoteambalance 0 – disable player autobalance;
sv_grenade_trajectory 1 – visualization of the path the grenade took;
sv_rethrow_last_grenade – activation of the grenade that was thrown last and exact repetition of its trajectory;
mp_roundtime 3 – setting the round time (in minutes);
sv_showimpacts 1 – demonstration of bullet traces (this allows you to determine which of the walls in the game can be shot through, and which – cannot);
sv_visiblemaxplayers 25 – defining the maximum possible number of players on the map;
cl_showpos 1 – show enemy coordinates;
r_drawparticles 0 – remove weapon animation, water splash and other effects;
mp_restartgame 1 – restart server;
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 / mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 – instant player recovery after death;
mp_roundtime_hostage – customize round duration for hostage matches;
bot_add_ct/bot_add_t – add one bot per side for each team;
launch_warmup_map [Map Name] – to load a specific game map in warmup mode;
mp_restart_game 1 – restart the server.
Console commands for CS2 that increase FPS
FPS – is a metric that reflects the number of frames per second displayed by the game. The higher this score, the more enjoyable it is to play. Many players noted that after the new version, when CS: GO was replaced by CS 2, performance dropped significantly on many older systems(FPS – below 10%).
To increase FPS, you should use the following commands:
cl_showfps [0/1] – display your FPS on the screen during the game (1 – enable, 0 – disable);
fps_max [number] – set a limit on the maximum possible number of frames per second;
rate [number] – setting the data transfer rate to the server (the higher the values, the better the performance – for very high speed values 786432 will do, for high speed values – 196608);
cq_netgraph 1 – display the stability of the Internet connection.
Console commands for CS2 that optimize the game optimization
Performance plays a crucial role in how comfortable and enjoyable the gaming experience is. To make participation in the shooter exciting and comfortable, take note of such commands:
+cl_forcepreload 1 – preload textures and models even before the game starts;
+fps_max 0 – eliminating FSP limitations so that the game can run at the highest possible level;
-fullscreen – switching the game to fullscreen mode;
-tickrate 128 – increase the speed of work by setting the refresh rate to 128;
cl_autohelp [0/1] – enable or disable in-game prompts;
-console – opening the console at game startup;
-novid – removing the launch video to speed up CS2 loading;
cl_crosshair_friendly_warning [0/1] – enable or disable friendly fire warning in crosshair;
cl_hide_avatar_images [0/1] – enable or disable the visibility of avatars of game members;
cl_disable_ragdolls 1 – eliminate some physical elements that overload the processor, affecting its performance.
Console commands for CS2, which will help to customize the mouse in the game
The mouse is crucial for CS2 if you want to succeed in the game against real players. The outcome of a fight is greatly affected by how comfortable and convenient the player is in using it. You can use special commands to improve controllability, to make interaction with the mouse-manipulator more convenient:
sensitivity 5.5 – setting sensitivity;
m_customaccel 0 – disable mouse acceleration;
m_customaccel_scale 0.04 – set mouse acceleration default value;
m_mousespeed 1 – mouse acceleration factor in Windows.
Console commands for CS2, which will make the game more fun
In case you are bored with the normal playstyle, you can make the duel more intense and interesting thanks to these commands:
sv_party_mode 1 – activate party mode;
mat_showlowresimage 1 – set low resolution graphics;
ent_fire player addoutput health -1 – freeze player;
sv_gravity «-999 to 999999» – setting gravity and attraction values;
ent_create hostage_entity – create hostage;
mat_wireframe 1 – ability to view wall frames.
Console commands for CS2 that are responsible for issuing weapons in the game
Counter-Strike has a big selection of weapons. To obtain one outside of the traditional buy menu, just enter the appropriate console command. It will always start with the same – words give weapon_, followed by the name of the weapon you are interested in. These are:
_ak47 – purchase an AK-47 (available only to terrorist team members);
_aug – obtaining an AUG rifle with telescopic sight;
_xm1014 – XM1014 automatic shotgun with high damage at close range;
_tec9 – Tec-9 semi-automatic pistol suitable for long-range combat;
_usp – semi-automatic USP pistol, which is quite quiet and has good damage ratings;
_nova – inexpensive Nova shotgun, effective for surprise attacks;
_awp – Awp sniper rifle, which instantly causes the death of an opponent when hitting almost any part of the body;
_p90 – the P90 submachine gun, which is characterized by consistent accuracy in continuous fire;
_galilar – Galil assault rifle, which is characterized by its rapid fire rate;
_deagle – a powerful Desert Eagle semi-automatic pistol that kills an opponent when it hits him in the head, even if he is protected by a helmet;
_ssg08 – the Ssg-08 sniper rifle, which, although it does little damage, is characterized by its cheapness, lightness, and accuracy.
Console commands for CS2 that allow you to control bots
If you prefer to play with bots on the map, you will be useful commands to control these characters. They will start the same way, with the word bot, followed by the desired action:
_add – add bot (in this case, the character will automatically be added to the team where there are not enough players to equal);
_add_t – add a character to the team playing for terrorists;
bot_add_ct – add a character to a team playing for terrorists;
_kill – kill all bot characters on the map;
_dont_shoot – stop bots from shooting;
_stop – stop them;
_zombie 1 – freeze all bots;
_kick – kick all bots;
_place – place a bot directly in front of you in the game;
_crouch 1 – bot squats;
_difficulty – set bot level (use a value from 0 to 2);
_mimic 1 – the bot repeats actions that a certain player performs;
_kick Jon – kick a particular bot (specify the name).
Console commands for CS2, which will help to customize the voice chat in the game
Voice chat is a very important option in Counter-Strike2. This is one of the main ways of transferring information in the game, with its help you can organize competent teamwork. Basic console commands begin with the word voice, followed by the action indication:
_enable 1 – enabling voice chat in the game;
volume 1.0 – to set the volume level;
_modenable 1 – activate voice chat in mod;
_forcemicrecord 1 – enable microphone recording in the game;
windows_speaker_config 1 – switch speaker mode to headphones;
_scale 1 – set volume level for all players;
_loopback 0 – ability to hear your own voice in headphones.
Console commands in CS2, controlling the issuance of grenades in the game
Grenades are actively used in CS2, their correct use significantly affects the result of the game. They only work when sv_cheats is active. To use grenades, you will need the following commands starting with give weapon_ (followed by the name of the grenade of interest):
_c4 – c-4 bomb;
_incgrenade – incendiary grenade;
_defuser – defuser;
_smokegrenade – smoke grenade;
_flashbang – «flashbang»;
_hegrenade – battle grenade;
_decoy – false grenade.
We have suggested quite a few console commands for playing CS2, but this is by no means a complete list. It is impossible to tell about all of them in one article, but we have selected the most popular and demanded ones. They will definitely make your game more convenient, interesting and fun.