Whether you're buying CS2 skins as an investment or just want to diversify your game and impress your teammates, knowing when to buy can help you save money. There are many factors that affect the cost of skins. Although the upcoming release of the updated version of the game has become the most discussed recently, we should not forget about other events that can change the situation on the market of digital items.
If you look at the graph of the cost of any skin, you can see that the price is constantly making small fluctuations, even if the general direction of its changes remains constant. Some factors, such as changes in the characteristics of weapons or other such innovations from the developers, are difficult to predict, while others can be used to match the time for the most successful purchase on Lis-Skins.ru. Here's what you should pay attention to first of all.
Sales in Steam
Sales and promotions in Steam are held regularly, but not all of them can affect the price of skins. If you look at the price chart of gaming items for a year, you can see how the periods of the biggest sales – summer, fall and Christmas clearly show up on it. Their influence is not as great now as it was a few years ago, but it is still prominent. Even if the price of a skin has decreased by 1-2%, it will give a noticeable saving if you are going to add some rarity to your collection.
Seasonal flu
ctuationsPrice fluctuations during the year are not limited to sales. Typically, skin prices drop during periods when user activity drops. First of all, it is the end of summer, the beginning of fall and the New Year's holidays. Regardless of which country users are in, during these periods, less appears online, the number of transactions on the market decreases, which means skins can get a little cheaper.
Release of new cases and transactions
Prior to the announcement
Valve released an average of one transaction and a couple of cases each year. While no one can accurately predict what the content release schedule will be in the future, these events will undoubtedly remain among the significant factors.As soon as new content appears in the game, some players are eager to add it to their collection as soon as possible. This explains the sudden price spike that is noted in the beginning shortly after the release of a skin or case. If you are lucky enough to get a rare item – don't miss out on a great bargain. And if you plan to buy, it makes sense to wait a few days until the excitement dies down.
Difference in price between different services
Don't forget that CS2 skins are bought and sold on several sites. The price dynamics on the Community Marketplace in Steam may differ from what you will see on third-party resources, because on the latter, in addition to the factors already listed, the price is affected by their own discounts and promotions. Stay tuned to Lis-Skins.ru and you're sure to find great deals that will help you diversify your collection.