The nickname s1mple is used by one of the best KS2 players in the world, who is a member of the famous NAVI team. His settings in a shooter are considered by many to be the benchmark. If you want to take advantage of the S1mple configuration, you may well do so with certain console commands.
Sight – one of the most important parameters in KS2. By changing its settings, you will be able to make the game easier, as well as improve your own marksmanship. Want to find out what kind of aim is S1mple (Simple) in CS 2? Then read this article carefully!
What is a scope in KS2
A scope –
is an
element in a shooter that helps players to accurately aim at the target and make the most accurate shots. In CS 2 sights are dynamic, static and hybrid.The variant of the dynamic type adapts to the ongoing changes, as well as the actions and movements of the player, that is, they react to the changing situation together with him. In accordance with the current conditions, such sights shrink or, conversely, become wider.
Static sight, no matter what happens, does not change, remains in its original state.
Hybrid sight combines the characteristics of the first two types.
According to statistics, most often players of KS2 prefer a static sight, as it is more convenient for conditions of constant movement.
In the settings
players can enter the necessary parameters, with which they will choose the best sightfor
The following settings are set in the menu:Style. In this item the user selects one of the types of sights described above: dynamic, static or hybrid.
Dot in the center. There are 2 possible options – «on» or «off».
The length of the lines that form the sighting. This parameter is set manually.
The thickness of the lines that form the sight.
Gap – space between the lines that intersect each other. This value is also set in manual mode.
Contour. You can remove the stroke or set a certain thickness if you have activated the outline option.
Color by RGB system. You can choose from red, blue and green colors with some saturation. You can also set the value «0» everywhere - then the color will be black.
Setting the sight can be done in several ways
:Through settings in the game menu.
By entering commands in the developer console.
By entering the generated code of the sight.
By loading the corresponding map.
To enter the settings through the settings, you need to enter the game menu by selecting the item «Settings». Here you select the options «Game» and «Sighting». In the menu you can set all the parameters you need for a good game.

To enter the scope parameters through the developer console, you need to type all commands in the console command line in sequential order. In the console, you select a number of parameters. First and foremost is the type of crosshair:
cl_crosshairstyle 2 – classic;
cl_crosshairstyle 4 – static standard;
cl_crosshairstyle 5 – dynamic standard.
Also in the developer console select the desired parameters of the sights:

The player also chooses the color of the crosshair crosshair:
Another option to enter the settings – use a sight code, which is a combination of letters and numbers generated by some KS2 player. You can get this code by importing it into the scope customization menu and copying it.
The last option for customizing the scope in KS2 – using the crashz map’ Crosshair Generator v4. It can be used to select the required parameters and visualize them to get a clear picture. The map allows you to see at a glance how a certain type of sight looks in the game. You can also use it to shoot bots using sights with different parameters.

After you enter the necessary parameters of the sight in any convenient way, you will be able to choose the optimal sight.
Customizing Simple's sight in KS2S1mple
uses the following parameters for the sight in the game:
In some cases, this player uses a variation of the sight in the form of a dot.
order to use the settings of Simple's sight, turn on the console.
After that, you should enter the suggested commands here and confirm the action by pressing the Enter button. These commands are:cl_crosshairalpha 255;
cl_crosshaircolor 5;
cl_crosshairdot 1;
cl_crosshairgap -2;
cl_crosshairsize 1;
cl_crosshairstyle 5;
cl_crosshairusealpha 1;
cl_crosshairthickness 0;
cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0;
cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;
cl_crosshaircolor_r 0;
cl_crosshaircolor_g 255;
cl_crosshaircolor_b 170.
Did you do it? Congratulations, now you have a scope just like Simpl!
These are proven settings, but do not think that after installing them you will immediately become the king of the game. You will also need good experience and skills. Once you have entered the sight settings, try to get used to it. For this purpose it is recommended to use a special map or play with bots. During the stage of «getting used» to the new sight, you can adjust some items of settings to use Simpl's sight with maximum benefit for yourself.
Other settings from Simpl
If you like S1mple's style of play, you can use his other settings. One of the parameters – gaming mouse sensitivity. This player is using a Logitech G Pro X Superlight mouse. The following settings affecting sensitivity are set for this accessory:
In general, these are typical settings for a mouse. Again, they are individual, and each player selects them according to their preferences.
Simple also uses certain graphics settings. With this player, they're pretty simple. For a monitor, these parameters have the following values:
– 1280x960 resolution;
aspect ratio – 4:3, stretched screen;
hertz count – 240.
Specific graphics parameters:
monitor brightness – 125%
effects, textures – low;
power saving – off;
screen mode – fullscreen;
antialiasing – 8xMSAA;
global shadow quality – very low;
contrast enhancement – disabled;
shaders – low.
Simpl's video settings are fairly minimalistic. All parameters are aimed at obtaining the highest possible number of frames per second. This top player uses the following settings:
Boost Players Contrast – disabled;
particle, model and texture detail – low;
global shadow quality – high;
ambient shading – medium;
FidelityFX Super Resolution – disabled.
Let's repeat: all settings each player selects individually, under himself. Blindly copy someone else's settings should not be: they may well not suit you, even if they are used by a top player of KS2.
Recommendations for choosing the best sight
Settings of the
players of KS2 – it is tempting, but not necessarily that they will go to you. We advise you to pay attention to some recommendations when choosing a scope in a shooter.Selecting the visibility of the scope, focus on the game background. Your scope should be clearly visible in both light and dark areas. If you do it right, you'll find it much easier to keep track of your game opponents. Most players, as statistics show, prefer the color green.
When it comes to dynamics, try to stick to the static option. If you widen your scope while walking, you'll waste extra precious seconds narrowing your scope when you encounter an enemy. This lost time is used by the enemy to open fire. This is why professional players prefer the static option. By the way, as you may have seen, Simpla's sight is also static.
When adjusting the thickness and stroke, don't make thick crosshairs because they reduce long-range shooting accuracy. It is recommended to choose medium values: thin values are not suitable either, as they will be poorly visible, especially on small monitors.
When adjusting transparency, opt for the default value. You should not install a sight that is too transparent, because it will be seen very poorly in the dynamics.
The choice of size – is an individual question. Here you should adhere to the principle of golden mean: the sight should not attract too much attention and at the same time it is important to ensure its sufficient visibility against any background.
There is no ideal and universal sight. Each player by trial and error picks it up for himself. To try out the different options, it's worth using a special test card from the workshop.