What are the skins in CS:GO

21 December 2019, 07:14

Surely you have repeatedly searched for information about what are skins in CS:GO and why some cost less than a ruble, and the cost of others comes to several hundred thousand. On Lis-Skins.ru you will find the most complete information on this subject. And at the same time, share the link with newbies who are just breaking into Global Offensive and have no idea how much to value their inventory at. Suddenly there is a legendary texture or a knife that half of the Steam community is hunting for. 

In general, Steam originally came up with skins for one simple reason — hype around pixels and, accordingly, increasing the popularity of the product in the eyes of gamers. Some manage to build a good and quite profitable business on buying up cool skins with their subsequent resale. They're not even embarrassed by the latest restrictions on trades.


What are the skins in CS:GO


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What you can get in battle

Let's start by looking at what skins are dropped in CS GO during the rink. Let's just say that they fall only on official servers, which you will recognize by the icon of the branded anti-chit VAC. To start with a little bit of statistics. You can get, on average, between 2 and 6 items per week, with the rarity percentages as follows:

  • Consumer grade (white) — 95%;

  • Industrial grade (blue) — 5%;

  • Army quality (dark blue) — 1%;

  • Limited (purple) — 0.2%;

  • Secret (pink) — 0.1%;

  • Secret (red) — 0.01%.

Let's do some simple math and get some not so comforting numbers, so either you have incredibly good luck or you'll have to run around like everyone else.

There is also a so-called extremely rare class of skins (gold), marked with an asterisk, but you can get them only from cases, which also sometimes fall after another roll, as well as the keys to open them.


Statistics collected by the efforts and suffering of thousands of players and is not official, but the practice works much cooler than all the guides and dry figures.

Also remember that the longer you play — the less chance of getting anything at all. The system is built in such a way that gamers do not breed bots that stupidly stand during the battle and «farm» hours in the match, and at the same time and skins with crates.

And in general, remember a number of features that will allow you to be more productive with your time:

  • .
  • Up to 5-6 items drop per week (on average);

  • The time report timer is updated on a quarterly basis;

  • For successful farming, you must not leave the rink, or deliberately drain it. Otherwise you may get a complaint or even a ban;

  • Greater chance of dropping items on IDLE servers;

  • Watch streams and championships regularly to get anniversary or souvenir cases.

P.S. StatTrak quality items are not found in battle. Anyone who says the opposite, you realize for yourself what bad people misleading people are.


What are the skins in CS:GO 2


What falls from the cases

If you do not know what skins you can catch in CS:GO cases, then read below. Again, to start with some useful drop stats, courtesy of partners in China not too long ago, where legislation requires drop data to be as transparent as possible. Otherwise, Contra would be seen as a lottery there, and Gabe doesn't really want that. So here it is:

  • dark blue item — 80%;

  • purple item — 16%;

  • pink item — 3%;

  • red item — 0.65%;

  • gold item — 0.25%.

As you can see, the chance of finding anything of army and limited quality in the cases is already much higher. And don't forget that after a while you can exchange the shirpozhoditelnye clothes on the contract for more expensive loot with a certain amount of luck.

Also from the chests sometimes fall items marked StatTrak, which allow you to keep statistics of your kills during games from the gun for which the skin is designed. Chance of dropping — 10%.

It turns out that when dropping «rose», the chance of which is only 3%, the skin like StatTrak falls with a frequency of 0.3%. You don't need a technical degree here to realize — it's extremely small. But the value of such a gun is much higher, especially when exchanged within Steam players.

Some interesting features of StatTrak:

  • if you are killed and another player gets your gun — instead of the number of kills he will see an error;

  • StatTrak does not drop in normal matches, no matter how random, no matter how ranked, no matter how global;

  • kill counter does not react to bots killed — only real players (for those who like to raise stats and want to see cooler numbers);

  • StatTrak quality has no effect on the skill, accuracy and other weapon parameters — is a regular visual, but with a built-in counter.

About the quality of skins

If you watched videos about opening cases, and you probably did it, if you've ever played CS:GO, you've probably heard about phrases like «Worn» and «Battle-hardened». This is the so-called quality of the skin, which shows the degree of wear and tear of the pattern, the general appearance of weapons or armor, and also indirectly determines the cost of clothing. There are 5 main gradations:

  • battle-hardened;

  • worn;

  • field-tested;

  • a little worn;

  • straight from the factory.

What are the skins in CS:GO 3


Items are lined up in order of their awesomeness and cost. As you realized, getting a red StatTrak «straight» from the factory — is tantamount to hitting the jackpot in the lottery. Such skins for CS:GO are much more expensive than their more common variations. Unfortunately, no one gives detailed statistics on the quality of things — pure luck.

Important! The quality of the skin in CS:GO does not degrade over time. The pattern remains the same despite the number of battles fought. In CS in principle there is no provision for degradation of things and their breakage.

There is also a separate kind of drop — souvenirs. They are of no particular quality and are always in yellow as a sign of uniqueness. You can only get such skins while watching major championships through GOTV and similar «authorized» sources. Basically, the stuff is no different than normal, except for the sticker from the tournament they were given for. 

Skins have only 3 types of quality: normal, foil, and hologram. And they also cost a lot of money.

Why you need stick


In addition to the classic guns, knives and gloves, CS:GO also has stickers, i.e. stickers. They are only needed to decorate your weapon and add to its personalized features. These are obtained only from a capsule with stickers, which must be opened with a key for 1$.

They also have several types of quality:

  • regular;

  • holographic;

  • metallic.

The latter — are better.

Despite their rarity, stickers — are a disposable item. If you stick one or more on your favorite AK or AWP, it will be beautiful. Especially the place you can choose arbitrarily, even on top of each other. But if you decide to rip the sticker off, which is also possible — it will disappear. Maximum number of emblems that can be glued on once — 4.

If you are going to sell a decorated weapon — it in the same form and will get to the buyer, nothing will disappear.

Important! You can't stick anything on knives and gloves — feature of the game. And the area is small to make out anything.

What are the skins in CS:GO 4

Top Rare and Expensive Skins

Every year Steam updates statistics on the rarity, value and popularity of its most expensive weapon and knife textures. Oh, and users are constantly watching the economic situation, trying to buy back potentially exclusive pieces, as was the case with the M4A4 Howl. To date, this machine has been recognized as contraband, and has been removed from absolutely all cases. And all because this interesting and expensive skin for CS:GO was once stolen by Steam from user Devian Art, who sued Gabe and won the case. Today, guns can be found on sale, but their design is quite different from contraband.

And the modern top is as follows:

10. A kerambit knife «Bloody Web». It is similar to its other counterparts, but differs in both coloring and the shape of the handle itself. Depending on the quality, the cost may vary from 20 to 50 thousand rubles;

9. Skin iBUYPOWER Katowice 2014. A scheming beast shrouded in flames is estimated at 25,000 rubles and up. A collector's item, of which there are fewer and fewer every year and demand is only growing;

8. Desert Eagle «Blood Web». Partner for the tenth place, the price tag for which can vary within 30000 rubles, depending on the quality and the very StatTrak nameplate;

7. MP9 «Bulldozer». A cool heavy construction equipment-inspired coloring book from Caterpilar. And it costs not a little — about 40 thousand eternally wooden. It also shoots well in close combat;

6. AK-47 «Fire Snake». One of the most expensive automata in the game, judging by Steam stats. The price tag starts at the 45000 rubles mark and tends to more prohibitive figures;

5. AWP «Medusa». A cool skin with a detailed Gorgon on the buttstock is estimated, on average, in 50-55 thousand rubles;

4. Gloves «Bloody kimono». Quite a stylish skin in black and red colors, which also looCS:GOod. The very case when for the price of one virtual mittens (75,000 rubles and above) you can buy a couple dozen real ones;

3. M4A4 «Howl» as StatTrak. The same guns that were first banned and then redrawn and put up for sale. Price — from 210 000 rubles;

2. M9 Bayonet knife «Bloody Web». Now top-end edged weapons have come into play, which last time were valued at a cosmic 365, ,000 rubles. It was sold only once, with the transaction amounting to a whopping $20, ,000. No new owner yet;

1. AWP Dragon Lore souvenir-quality AWP.  If a classic rifle with a branded dragon costs from 40 to 120 thousand rubles, depending on the quality, this particular modification will cost collectors an unthinkable 2 million, or $40,000,000. At least that's the amount some collectors are willing to shell out for an exclusive. To date, this is the most expensive skin in CS:GO. Another thing is that it is almost unreal to meet such a thing in the game.


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