In the new Counter Strike according to the developers will significantly improve graphics, textures and lighting, so it is quite understandable the desire of gamers to know what the system requirements in CS:GO 2 to decide whether you need to update your computer or de existing «hardware» will be able to pull the game.
Guerrilla silence Valve
Valve, of course, in typical fashion
is silent as a guerrilla at the interrogation, so no official information regarding system requirements and did not report. And, given that the release should take place in the next 3 months, apparently, the official system requirements will be published along with the release of the second part of Counter Strike.The Kaeser community is not satisfied with this state of affairs. You're right to be unhappy. We need to understand at least roughly what awaits us all. Therefore, enthusiasts who have access to the CS 2 beta or have downloaded «pirate», have tested various graphics cards, processors and RAM to determine the minimum, recommended and maximum system requirements in CS:GO 2. Read more about these requirements and our upgrade recommendations below.
Let's start with the minimum requirements and here's why. Most Kaeserov do not have a cool tricked out comp with the latest models of graphics cards and processors and do not have the resources to buy them, but there is an understandable human desire to play the new CS 2.
So, first of all, update your Windows to «ten», and DirectX - to version 11. On older versions of Windows the game does not work.
On the processor you need preferably i5-10400F for 6 cores of 2.9 GHz from Intel. Together with an acceptable «» and RAM, it will pull FullHD on the lowest graphics quality settings. If not the 10400F, at least «ay five» 4590. Prots worse may not cope with the load and allow periodic frizzes.
8 GB of RAM will be enough. at least DDR3. Ideally, upgrade to DDR4 right away.
Video card. At minimum you will need GTX 950 or comparable (for NVIDIA), or Radeon RX 470 or comparable (for AMD).
You should have 50 GB free on your hard drive. A regular hard disk
do, but if you have the opportunity, it is better to buy an SSD.Compliance with these minimum system requirements in CS:GO 2 will maintain the necessary level of FPS and avoid freezes, but you will not see all the graphical beauty.
At this level you will be able to enjoy smooth game play along with some of the special effects available on the Source 2 engine. FPS will not drop below 60, but usually will be higher, only during some moments (lots of smocks and explosions at the same time) it will drop to 60. On «hardware», which we will write about below, you can play even at 2K resolution. In principle, this is a compromise option, a kind of golden mean, the most optimal ratio of price and quality, which can suit the vast majority of cachers.
So, let's start, as always, with Windows. Here you will need good old «ten» (version 11 is better) and 11 DirectX.
Processor. Need «ay five» 13400 with 10 cores at 2.5 GHz. From AMD, the Ryzen 5 1600 will do the trick. You can, of course, and cooler, but it all depends on the thickness of your wallet.
RAM will need a minimum of 12 GB, preferably 16 GB, and no less than DDR3.
It will also be good if your device will be equipped with a video card for 6 GB, for example, GTX 1060
As a last resort, a 4GB GTX 1650 will do. Among the Radeon family to support the recommended system requirements in CS:GO 2 will be able to RX 580.On the HDD should not be occupied 50 GB.
Slowly raising the bar. A computer suitable for the requirements described below will easily pull a high frame rate, which will make movements smooth, without jerks. And all of this will be possible in 2K and 1080p resolution. If your monitor is equipped with a high-speed matrix, then the positive changes will be noticeable, that is called, the naked eye. For reference, high-speed matrices pull frequencies up to 120 Hz. You can even run 4K on these requirements, but keep in mind that at max settings there will definitely be freezes or lack of smoothness. In this case, you will have to play a little with the settings to find the most suitable.
So, the system requirements in CS:GO 2 are considered high if:
The compute has the latest Windows 11 with the latest version of DirectX.
The amount of video memory on «» - at least 12 GB. For example, RTX 4070 from NVIDIA has such characteristics.
Your device is equipped with 16 GB of RAM, and here you need DDR4.
On the computer is a processor from the i7 series with 16 cores at 2.1 GHz, for example, 13700 or something similar from AMD.
There is a free 50 GB. on the disk, and the disk, of course, not the usual, and SSD.
«Iron», which will be discussed below, will be enough not only for a super comfortable game, but also for streaming. Of course, if you have your own YouTube-channel on Counter Strike, then you will have no problem recording high-quality videos, because the gameplay will be super smooth, textures - super sharp, and control - super responsive.
On FullHD monitors FPS, most likely, will not subside, even though you turn all the settings to the maximum. But we can not say that about 4K monitors, but here's what we can say for sure: even on 4K FPS will not fall below 60 and is unlikely to be even close to this value.
So, what are the maximum system requirements in CS:GO 2, on which the game turns into a complete delight?
First, the latest Windows 11 with the latest version of DirectX is mandatory.
Second, stock up on RAM to the maximum
In fact, the main difference between high and maximum requirements is the amount of RAM. You'll need at least 32GB. on DDR4.Thirdly, «a 12GB» graphics card..., for example, RTX 4070 Ti.
Fourth, a CPU from the series «ai seven», for example, 13700K with 16 cores, where each has 3.4 GHz.
Fifth, SSD is mandatory, without options, where there are 50 free gigabytes.
Results of testing «hardware» (video cards)
First of all, let's tell you about the results of testing of «visyuks» on system requirements in CS:GO 2 on FPS at 3 different screen resolutions (graphics settings everywhere are turned to maximum):
FullHD (size 1920x1080).
2K (size 2560x1440).
4K (size 3840x2160).
So, on full HD, the 3 prizes go to the 24GB RTX 4090 series Giforce. (gives an average FPS of 356, minimum 326), RTX 4080 series Giforce on 16GB. (gives an average FPS of 356, minimum 326), RX 7900 XTX series Radeon on 24GB. (gives an average FPS of 324, minimum 289).
On 2K, the top 3 prizes go to the 24GB RTX 4090. (gives an average FPS of 356, minimum 263), 24GB RX 7900 XTX. (gives an average FPS of 324, minimum 263) and a 16GB RTX 4080. (gives an average FPS of 356, minimum 202).
At 4K, the top 3 prizes go to the 24GB RTX 4090. (gives an average FPS of 297, minimum 132), 24GB RX 7900 XTX. (gives an average FPS of 211, minimum 118) and a 16GB RTX 4080. (gives an average FPS of 216, minimum 103).
The second point you should know is the amount of load on the graphics card at different screen resolutions with maximum graphics settings.
For FullHD
need at least 4 GB.
on «vision»;For 2K, at least 6GB;
On 4K - at least 8 GB.
Results of hardware testing (processors and RAM)
System requirements in CS:GO 2, of course, cooler than in the old Counter Strike, but, fortunately, not so much that you need a supercharged processor for the game. For a smooth game and the absence of problems with frizzes it is desirable to buy an i5 with 6-8 cores or a similar processor from AMD. In this case there will be no FPS hemorrhoids for sure.
There is good news. To squeeze out 60 FPS, a budget «ai tri» 13100, for example, will suffice. Most importantly, you need a minimum 4GB video card. And a minimum of 16GB of RAM. on DDR4. In this combination of «hardware» video card and RAM level out the disadvantages of a weak processor.
New Counter Strike is very fond of taking up RAM resources. And this is an argument verified on tests.
So, at a particular moment of time at maximum settings at any screen resolution the game «consumes» 1.5 times more RAM than video memory. The amount of RAM used starts at 8.5 GB. and ends with 11 GB. Keep in mind that during the test the game did not lack video memory, and, besides, all other programs, potential resource consumers, were closed. So buy up to 16 GB of RAM if you don't have enough, and it's better to buy DDR4 at once.