Having figured out how to make money on skins in CS:GO you can turn your favorite game into a source of income. It's no secret that the market of game items for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is growing every year, and the cost of some rare skins can run into hundreds of thousands of rubles. However, it is not necessary to invest such large sums or chase unique items: even if your collection at first glance is unremarkable, you have a chance not only to pay off the subscription to Prime-access, but also to stay in the plus, playing CS:GO.
Selling free skins
.Even if you just want to enjoy the game, without any special efforts, the opportunity to earn money on skins ks go still remains. Some amount of in-game items you'll get by regularly dropping skins and cases, especially if you have a paid subscription. Play matches on official servers and sell items that will drop from the cases. In addition, you can use afk-servers to increase the probability of falling lucky items.
Another way to add to your collection of free skins – use sites that hold free giveaways and raffles of items, as well as give skins as a reward for completing tasks (such as watching promotional videos). You can't get really expensive items this way, but with some persistence you can compensate for it with quantity. Often such sites require login via Steam, so do not forget to check their reputation beforehand and monitor the security of your account.
Investing in skins and stickers
Let's assume that you have decided to take your intention to earn money on skins ks go more seriously. For example, you are ready to allocate a certain amount of money and want to buy game items that can be resold profitably after some time. In this case, it is useful to remember that the CS:GO skins market is fundamentally similar to other exchanges, whether trading stocks or currencies. Which means that in order not to lose your funds, you should be guided by the following rules:
Do not invest all your funds in one strategy or the same type of items. The market situation can change unpredictably, for example, with the release of updates. By investing in several types of skins at the same time, you reduce your risks and increase your chances of staying in the plus.
Don't make hasty decisions. Look at a graph of the value of any skin and you will see that it is constantly experiencing small fluctuations. But to make money from skins in CS:GO, it's important to keep an eye not on them, but on longer term trends. Therefore, you should not rush to sell your inventory at the first sign of price reduction – It is more useful to wait and weigh your decision once again.
Do not limit yourself to one site. Compare prices on the Steam community marketplace and third-party sites. Once you notice a large difference in value, you can use it to your advantage.
Short-term investments
To make money from reselling skins in ks go, you can use short-term or long-term strategies. In the first case, the skins will stay with you for a few weeks or months, after which you can sell them at a suitable time. Examine the cost history of several skins to understand what influences it. This will help you choose a good time to buy and sell.
For example, during major sales on Steam, the cost of all items on the market is reduced. Consequently, you can make money on reselling skins in CS:GO, if you buy during the sale and then wait for the price to return to its previous level. You should buy, first of all, skins for popular weapons, such as AWP and AK-47. It is convenient to make such deals through the official trading platform Steam, because you can specify in advance the price for which you are ready to give the skin, and quietly wait until a buyer is found for it.
In addition, you can see on the price chart that many skins skyrocketed in price a short time after release. By being able to procure or get a few in-game before this happens, you can make a pretty noticeable profit. In order not to miss the chance, it is important to follow the news of the game and
Another way to earn on skins CS:GO in a short time – compare prices on different sites, including not only the official market and automated services, but also thematic forums. Sometimes you may catch cases where users put up skins for exchange at a cheaper than market value, for example, forgetting to take into account the value boost that stickers give. But when comparing the prices of skins on different services, do not forget to take into account commissions and other possible costs and restrictions: if the difference is small, they can absorb the potential benefits.
Long-term investments
If you are willing to wait longer than a few months in the expectation of a larger profit, try earn on skins for CS:GO in the format of long-term investments. If you look at the price charts, you will see that the cost of most skins is gradually decreasing, but there are exceptions. When choosing which game items to invest in, it is worth evaluating the following characteristics:
How do supply and demand relate? When it comes to a skin for a popular weapon that has a recognizable design but is rare, chances are that the price will stay high or even go up as there are more people willing to buy it than there are skins of that type on the market.
What additional factors affect the rarity of a skin? For example, if the pattern index affects texture mapping, some variants may be valued more than others. It also matters if there is a «souvenir» version.
How can the popularity of a skin change? If a skin is rare, it doesn't mean it will increase in price. Some items from the first collections remain popular to this day, while others turn out to be worthless. Fashions can change with the release of game updates or simply because a skin is spotted in the hands of a famous player. Therefore, to successfully earn money on skins, you need to be aware of community news and understand what trends are relevant now.
Earning on stickers and cases
You don't have to limit yourself to coloring books for different weapon models. Stable profits can be earned by selling stickers and cases. Most team stickers that are released during the majors increase in value over time, and this is true not only for the most notorious teams, but also for the lesser-known ones. To see for yourself, just look at the lists of the most expensive stickers – for the most part they will be stickers from the first majors. The optimal option to make money on skins ks go this way – wait for the next major tournament and buy team stickers, and then wait for the price to rise.
This pattern also applies to stickers of individual players, although they usually cost less and, therefore, give a smaller profit. Other great buys can be made during the majordom – sticker capsules and souvenir skins. The latter grow in value almost guaranteed, as the period of time in which they can fall is limited. And if you're lucky, you might own the next Dragon Lore – skin, the souvenir version of which skyrocketed in price after the card it was part of the collection was removed from the competitive mapple.
Astralis Boston 2018 sticker price history
Another category of items that is rising in price with a high probability – are transaction cases. The reason is the same – new cases are available only during the operation period, and then they can only be bought on the trading floor. As those wanting to add a limited edition firearm to their collection continue to remain, the case is getting more expensive. For the profit to be tangible, the number of cases you will acquire at the start should number in the dozens.
Broken Fang operation case value history
The main disadvantage of this method to earn money on skins – the need for a long wait. It is not uncommon for one or two years to pass before the price rises sufficiently.
How to avoid mistakes when buying skins?
Not always investments in CS:GO turn out to be successful. As an example, we can cite the story of a trader known as Lunar, whose actions were characterized by the portal Jaxon as «the most unsuccessful investment in the history of CS:GO. Lunar announced himself in 2021, when in several tweets he boasted about his collection, which included rare knives and gloves, and voiced his intention to collect even more expensive items in his inventory.
Soon he decided to invest in Katowice 2014 stickers, in particular, he purchased several Titan Holo stickers, which at that time cost 60 thousand dollars each. Soon Lunar owned thirteen of the fifteen unused Titan Holo stickers that existed on the market.
Lunar then decided to capitalize on the skins by investing in gloves, but chose the direction of the investment poorly. After he bought up Moto Gloves Blood and Driver Gloves Black Tie en masse, not only did their prices not go up, they started to fall. The thing is, the cases that these gloves fall out of are still available, which means that the stock of these items on the market is constantly being hit. As a result, despite investing in rare stickers, Lunar lost about 40% of his initial capital.
In addition, Lunar soured relations with the community, becoming the subject of mockery on Twitter after repeatedly asking sellers to raise the price of gloves and threatening those who criticized his behavior and manner of communication. His story ended with one more mistake: at the moment when the value of bitcoin rose sharply, Lunar decided to sell his collection of stickers and buy cryptocurrency, the value of which, as you know, soon fell.
This example shows what mistakes are best to avoid if you are seriously seeking to make money selling skins in CS:GO. Don't make impulsive decisions, monitor community sentiment and analyze before making major deals. And if you don't have the time or desire to invest large sums of money, you can always provide yourself with a small profit by simply selling the skins you get while playing.