How to display ping on the screen in CS:GO

12 November 2020, 19:29

Many CS GO players regularly search forums and websites for how to display ping to regularly monitor the situation on the field. Some people this parameter allows them to drag quite briskly or realize that the ISP is going crazy today. Yes and in some cases you can provide evidence that your hands are fine, but your connection — not so much. 

If we talk specifically about the ping, it is influenced by:

  • the choice of a particular server in the game (the closer to the player — the lower);

  • the tariff plan of the Internet provider;

  • the age of the home router (an old model can not transmit the signal at the proper speed);

  • wireless connection of a PC or laptop (ping «over the air» is always higher);

  • general clutter in the operating system;

  • enabled VPN (ping can go up to 300+);

  • running torrent trackers or download clients;

  • utilities that constantly consume traffic.

Most average gamers do not know anything about ping, just flickering numbers on the screen. But don't be surprised if you can suddenly get kicked out of the server for no apparent reason — ping is perfectly visible in the statistics, and no one wants to play with those who always slow down and react to what is happening with a long delay.


How to display ping on the screen in CS:GO

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How to display ping on the monitor

For those who are extremely important to know all the information about the game, whether it is ping, number of frames per second and not only, the developers have come up with a few special console commands inside CS GO. To enable the console itself — go to the settings and enable the corresponding checkbox.


How to display ping on the screen in CS:GO 2

At the same time do not forget to limit the allowable ping in matches to 30-50 ms to automatically limit yourself from slowdowns, unstable server and other network problems that can be encountered during the game on the Internet.

Now the most important — how to display the ping on the screen.

To do this, open the console with the key «Tilde» (~), aka orthodox «


» and write the command net_graph 1.


How to display ping on the screen in CS:GO 3

If you use zero instead of one, the graph will disappear from the monitor. Useful thing in case someone is very annoyed by the highly flickering numbers at the bottom of the screen.

The counter shows the following indicators:

  • FPS in the game;

  • Frame time (in milliseconds);

  • Ping of your home/office network;

  • Number of lost packets (in %).

There are other parameters there, but not everyone is interested in them.

Command line correction

By default, many instructions show only how to output ping in CS:GO, but do not write anything about customizing this graph. Let's fix the situation.

You can reduce the size of digits with another command — net_graphproportionalfont 0. If you want to stay with large print — replace zero with one. But such dimensions are useful only when you play on a FullHD monitor with a diagonal of 22 inches or more. With a smaller diagonal, the numbers draw a lot of attention away. But in general, you decide for yourself the optimal value.

Moreover, the ping block can also be moved. And there are some appropriate console commands for this:

  • net_graphpos 1 — lower right corner;

  • net_graphpos 2 — center;

  • net_graphpos 3 — lower left corner;

  • net_graphpos >3 — ability to move pixel-by-pixel (for widescreen monitors it will work just fine).

How to display ping on the screen in CS:GO 4

Let's assume that these parameters are sorted out — the picture is clear, the ping is visible. But why is it so high if the tariff is 100 Mbps or higher, the network card is installed separately, the connection is by cable and in general you have a gamer machine bought for several thousand dollars. 

And then several parasitic moments come to mind, which do not care at all about the cost, power and manufacturer of the device:

  • mass of tasks running in the background;

  • bad antivirus (or its complete absence);

  • remoteness of the server from your region;

  • neighbors hooked on free Wi-Fi;

  • relatively battered and bitten/broken cables;

  • not the most licensed software;

  • the phase of the moon.

Lower ping in the game

As corny as it may sound, but standard recommendations with a probability of about 90% are always the most effective. We are used to looking for the problem on dubious sites, writing unnecessary information in the registry, hosts file and router settings, which often only worsens the picture. But let's go over the basics first:

  • Disable all third-party applications and processes, including automatic system updates, which can greatly reduce internet speed in general and ping in particular;

  • Update system drivers (motherboard, video card, chipset, sound, network);

  • Check your PC for viruses, and use not only the classic Kaspersky, AVAST, NOD32, but also the so-called Malware-clients that look for third-party links and internal processes that pour traffic «to the left»;

  • Make sure your ISP provides proper quality of service. Surely there are a few guys you know who are on the same provider, but they are doing fine. Ask them what router they have, and what they changed in the console (if they did).

There are also a number of console commands that you have probably come across:


CI_cmdpate XX


They may help, but they are designed for the weakest Internet connection


to 10 Mbit/s and ADSL connection, which today is provided only by Rostelecom and a dozen other providers. In such a case, it is better to seek information from the company providing the service, otherwise you will only make things worse. And we do not want to provide dubious information on this matter.

And in general, the main rule when playing CS GO — do not touch the settings that are provided by the application initially. The same is true for console commands. If you're not sure how they work and what they're responsible for — don't self-diagnose. At best, nothing will change. In the worst case — you will have to reinstall the client and waste precious time. 

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