How to display CS:GO skins

07 March 2020, 13:14

You've been riding your favorite shooter for months and still don't know how to output CS:GO skins? Then you've come to the right place. Let's start right away with why this is even needed, because it's just a set of colored pictures on weapons that look cool in the game. Not quite so, it is also a great investment, and at the same time a way to earn real money, which is always in short supply.

The Steam trading platform offers something similar, but Uncle Gabe does not allow you to directly transfer your balance into money. On the other hand, you'll be able to trade your luck for a new game in the same Steam, which is already a win. But these restrictions are a bit stressful. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to withdraw the skin in CS:GO, transferring it to free funds for further disposal at your discretion. 

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Quickly and with minimal losses

Let's start with the very trading platform inside Steam, since many people trust only it. We don't know where this well-established stereotype comes from, but it's a personal matter. What you see on the main page of the service — is your current balance in rubles. By the way, you'll have to deposit at least $5 dollars with Gaben to unlock most of Stim's features. If anything, such restrictions are prescribed in the client itself — we have not invented anything.


How to display CS:GO skins

As soon as you have achieved that the account is fully working and it is not imposed restrictions, go to the trading platform, open your inventory and put unnecessary for you to withdraw skins CS:GO for all to see. Just don't forget to pre-monitor the market for specific guns or knives, so as not to get cheap.

Once you have been dropped a trade offer and you are satisfied with everything — confirm the deal and get a Steam account recharge. Wait, what's the next step? And then you have several options:

  • Buy some paid game in Stim to push it to friends, acquaintances, or in relevant groups, demanding real money for the key;

  • Find on the Internet services to convert balance money into real money (we will not advertise anyone, just give you an idea);

  • Do nothing if you want to buy some upcoming AAA masterpiece like Cyberpunk 2077; .

  • Offer to buy the skin or game to your friends and they'll give you real money.

At least on the question of how to withdraw money skins CS:GO we answered, and then offer the simplest and most effective option to earn not some virtual currency, and quite real money.

Earn on the sale of skins here and now

Judging by the fact that you are now reading this guide. You have found yourself on the site, which offers you favorable conditions for buying all the items from CS:GO, which only hinder you in the inventory. Moreover, absolutely no one in the community is interested in them, either because of their low cost or because of their low quality and high degree of wear and tear. And if you skate actively, the inventory is quickly clogged with penny slag, which simply has nowhere to go.

We offer you just a bombastic option to convert garbage into money, just like Green Peace for gamers. Want to bring out the CS:GO skins? Then do the following:

  • Go to the main page of;

  • Click on the button «login via Steam»to get access to your game account;

  • Insert in the appropriate field the corresponding link to the exchange, which is given to you in Steam on a permanent basis. If anything, you can grab it at «Inventory — Swap offers — Who can send me swap offers — Third-party sites». By the way, it can be in case of what and change, if there are too many people who want to crack it;

  • Choose in the drop-down lists of skins CS:GO to output from the site, or in general you can select all. Cases are different, and clicking through several hundred, or even thousands of items is very long.

You probably noticed the button «Get money», which automatically becomes active if you select at least one skin for withdrawal. All that remains is to choose a payment system, enter your e-mail address and your card number. We work as transparently as possible, so you can see at a glance how much skins are valued, how much is charged as a commission and what the final amount you get in hand. 

Then all that remains is to finalize the transaction and wait for the money, which on the Lis-Skins website is sent within 5 minutes. You may be able to sell items more profitably, but with us you do it here and now, without having to deal with a long multi-day wait. And in some cases, haste is much more necessary than a methodical study of the sales schedule and popularity of this or that skin. 

A few words about scammers

If you want to withdraw skins CS:GO as safely as possible, take a few minutes to read these notes. First of all, never fall for dubious resources that require manual entry of login and password, even if they look 1 in 1 like the original Steam. It is better to check the service through resources like WhoIs to protect your progress and nerves.

Carefully read the name of the links that are thrown to you. The original domain is — No Steamcomunity, steamscomunity or steamcomunity. And always look at the site details. 

One last thing. Only items can be safely transferred between inventories via Steam. No keys, no real money, no bank accounts. The latter — only at your own risk. And always check what you're being offered in exchange. Don't let yourself be fooled.  It takes a few seconds to quickly swap an item — , which is what most scammers take advantage of. If the picture is small — it is almost impossible to see cosmetic differences.

And lastly: change your Steam item exchange link periodically. And at the same time, create a new password every 2-3 months if you value your inventory. 

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