How to enable bullets in CS:GO

05 February 2023, 13:49

To improve your game, it is useful to analyze in detail what is happening, and for this information about how to enable bullets in ks go – with the help of this function, you can see what spread gives this or that weapon, as well as find the optimal positions for the shot.


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Why do you need tracers

The ability to enable bullet tracers in ks go, can be useful both in training and in regular matches. Tracers – are bullet marks in the air that look like bright sparks and display the flight path. Since the line along which the bullet flies, not always perfectly coincide with the aiming point, having allocated some time to play with tracers, you can understand the differences in the spread of different types of weapons, and therefore learn to better aim. 

How to enable bullets in CS:GO

How to enable tracers

In fact enable bullet flight in ks go very simple – it can be done through the console. First, make sure that the console is activated: to do this, go to «Game» in the settings and check the status of the option «Enable Developer Console». 

How to enable bullets in CS:GO 2

Then you can use the following commands: 

  • r_drawtracers_firstperson 1 – enable bullet trails display; 

  • r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 – disables bullet trails. 

Once you enable bullet tracer in CS:GO, you can link its commands to keys for quick switching so you don't have to type a long sequence of letters into the console every time. This is accomplished using the console command «bind», which is used as follows: 

  • bind key «required command». 

Thus, for example, to bind the tracers to the Z key, you need to enter the following into the console: 

  • bind z «r_drawtracers_firstperson 1»

Choose a convenient pair of keys and bind the above commands to them to quickly hide or show bullet trajectories during the game. Now you not only know how to enable bullets when shooting in CS:GO, but also how to create a bind for this command. This knowledge will come in handy in other situations as well, as it noticeably saves you time on customization. 

Should I turn tracers on or off?

Opinions differ on whether to enable bullet tracing in CS:GO not only in training, but also in regular play. Some of the pro-players leave the tracer active, claiming that it helps them act more efficiently. Others disable this feature, believing that unnecessary visual elements on the screen only get in the way. Sometimes the best option – is to bind enabling and disabling bullet trajectories to hotkeys to activate them only when it is important, for example, to aim from a difficult position. When choosing which option is best for you, you should consider the following factors: 

  • Depending on the characteristics of your computer, enabling tracers can reduce FPS by 5-20 frames per second. 

  • If you are good at catching the moment when to turn on bullet display in ks go, it increases your chances of spotting an enemy who is shooting from afar with a sniper rifle. 

How to enable bullets in CS:GO 3

You will need to practice for a while to choose which tracer mode best suits your play style. In any case, this feature remains indispensable during training, as it allows you to understand in detail how this or that weapon shoots, adjust for scatter and rehearse shooting from key points on the map. Whether it's a sniper rifle or a shotgun, understanding what the trajectory of the shot will be will help you to hit the enemy accurately. 

Commands for customizing shooting

Having learned how to turn on the trajectory of bullets in ks go, it is useful to look at other commands that can be useful for customizing shooting. It is worth considering that some console commands that affect the way weapons behave can only be used in local matches, as they are considered cheating. Therefore, you will only be able to use them on a local server with friends, or during a training session when you are exercising alone. In this case, temporarily disabling the recoil can be useful to observe the spread of your chosen gun. 

Using such commands starts with entering «sv_cheats 1» - the command to enable the cheat mode. Next, the following parameters may come in handy: 

  • weapon_recoil_scale 0 – remove horizontal recoil

  • weapon_recoil_cooldown 0 – remove vertical recoil 

  • weapon_accuracy_nospread 1 – disable scatter.

Many players are also interested in the possibility of enable fast bullets in ks go, that is to increase the speed of fire. There is no authorized command that directly affects rate of fire – rate of fire differs with each weapon. However, it can be affected by other game settings – for example, if there are constant lags, you will not be able to shoot as fast as possible. Therefore, it is useful to check the server settings, graphics, as well as mouse settings, so that they do not become an obstacle to fast shooting. 

Setting bullet trails in ks go

To make the game even more convenient for yourself, it is worth paying attention to another setting - enable bullet trails in ks go. Each shot leaves traces on the walls of buildings surrounding the player. Thus, holes and traces of blood appear on them. Some players feel that such visual details are too distracting without providing any useful information. 

How to enable bullets in CS:GO 4

To get rid of them, all it takes is one console command: r_cleardecals. When it is introduced, gunshot residue disappears from surfaces. Since the need for such a function in the game occurs quite often, it is useful to make a bind for it as well. Often the command enable bullet hits in CS:GO tied to the Shift key, because it is convenient to press it without distracting from the game. But there is another alternative option – to link it with the W button, so that the cleaning of surfaces from unnecessary elements occurs automatically every time the player moves forward. 

Thus, command to enable bullets in ks go or turn off their display, helps to make the gameplay more convenient, as well as reduce the load on the computer, which is relevant for weak computers, where changing these settings can really affect the FPS.


Other useful settings

You can not only enable bullet visibility in ks go, but also use similar commands for other weapons. If you want to practice not only shooting but also using grenades, the sv_grenade_trajectory 1 command will come in handy. However, unlike tracers, it is only available in practice mode and not in regular matches. With the help of other commands, you can make the ammunition stock infinite, see the time of the shot in seconds, simplify the purchase of equipment. 

Thus, knowing how to enable the display of bullets in CS:GO and owning other console commands, you will be able to customize the game optimally for each situation. The variety of parameters allows you to practice individual elements, concentrating only on them during training to improve your skills faster. In addition, some of the parameters described are also applicable in normal matches. Use them to optimize FPS, shoot more accurately and act more efficiently.

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