Information on how to enable rewind demo in ks go, will come in handy for those who are engaged in analyzing their matches to improve tactics. You can save the past match in a special format to view it directly in the game. In this way, it is possible to study the situations that arose during the match, to understand how optimal the team's actions were and to find new tactical solutions. To make watching a demo not too time-consuming, it is useful to understand the commands that allow you to control it.
What is a demo?
Since the vast majority of commands to control the recording and viewing of the demo are given through the console, you should make sure that it is enabled in advance. To do this, find the item «Enable Developer Console» in the game settings and make sure that the value «Yes».
A demo is a file with a special extension DEM, in which the game recording is stored. The following console commands are used to create it:
record mydemo (where mydemo should be replaced by any file name of choice) – to start recording;
stop – to stop recording. As a result, the file will be saved in the same folder where the game is located.
Thus, you can record the whole match or a separate fragment. To study it later, you need to know how to enable rewind mode in ks go, to spend time to study only those fragments that are really interesting.
How to view the demo
To go to the study of the demo, first you need to enter the command demoui. An interface resembling a regular video player will appear on the screen. It has the following functions:
selecting the playback speed;
selecting the desired moment on the timeline;
start and stop playback;
fast forward and rewind;
switch to the beginning of the next or previous round;
switch to the moment of the player's death.
By clicking the Load button, you can select the desired file from among the saved files. Of course, you can open not only your own matches, but also the records of other players downloaded from the Internet. Another way to display the rewind interface – is with the Shift+F2 key combination.
In this way, you can enable the rewind menu with the demoui command, being able to navigate through the entire mast and view it at a comfortable pace. Please note that fast-forwarding is faster than rewinding due to the technical features of the engine. If you move the slider forward a little, new frames will appear almost instantly, but if you move it backward, for example, to repeat a passage, you will have to wait for some time for it to load.
Another useful feature is – , which allows you to select the playback speed. You can choose one of the fixed values (with deceleration or acceleration), or you can use the slider to select the desired speed with the accuracy of a percentage.
Rewind with
After you have enabled rewinding of ks go demos, you can think about binds that will help you move through the recording faster. There are buttons to jump to the beginning of the previous or next round, to the death of a player or to any moment, but it will be inconvenient to reach for the mouse every time, especially if you watch demos often. Therefore, in addition to the visual interface, you can make bindings for various rewind commands, binding them to convenient keys, for example, to unoccupied keys from the row F5 – F9. Since they are rarely used, you won't have to worry about binds crossing over with any other commands.The structure of creating a bind via the console is as follows:
bind key «the name of the desired command».
For example, to bind pause to F9, you need to enter the following:
bind F9 «demo_pause».
Using this scheme you can create convenient binds for other commands of viewing control as well:
demo_timescale 8 – viewing at 8x speed. You can also use numbers from 1 to 8 to specify the desired speed.
demo_timescale 0.1 – view at 0.1 of normal speed. Other fractional values can also be used.
demo_timescale 1 – return to normal viewing speed.
demo_resume – resumes viewing after a pause.
Interestingly, this is the method used in CS 1.6. There was no visual interface for viewing the demo, so enable rewind in CS:GO was possible only with the help of keys. If you want, you can write all the bindings in the console at once, separating them with semicolons.
Thus, you can control the viewing speed with one hand: one key will be responsible for fast viewing, one for slow viewing, and two more for pause and start.
Solving problems when viewing the demo
If you know how to turn on the rewind console in ks go, to view the demo, then and deal with possible difficulties too will not be difficult. One problem that players often encounter is that after typing the demoui command, the mouse cursor disappears, which means that it becomes impossible to select the desired buttons. This is because the demo preview opens in a separate window that sits on top of the game. To avoid this problem, you need to open the game settings and select in the image parameters «Full Screen mode in the window». Then the cursor will always be visible, regardless of which window is active at a particular moment.
And if the demo does not open, it may have the following reasons:
an internal bug in the game, because of which the file was corrupted;
too old demo, which is no longer compatible with the current version of CS:GO;
CS:GO conflicts with other programs;
file corruption as a result of file system failure.
Recommendations in these cases are the same as in the case of other bugs in CS:GO: you can exit to the lobby before reopening the file, restart the game or restart your computer. Most of the problems are solved in this case.
In addition, problems may arise if you used Russian words in the demo name for convenience. Perhaps, to open the file correctly, it is enough to change its name to one with only numbers and Latin letters.
Having learned to turn on rewind in the ks go replay, should not be abused moving forward and backward in the video. If you often change the speed of the video and move around a lot, it can cause a noticeable drop in FPS, and you'll have to reopen the demo to get rid of it. Especially often such problems are noted on HDD, so if possible, CS:GO, as well as other modern games, it is better to run from a solid-state drive.
Now you know how to turn on the rewind console in CS:GO and use it to study demos, you can solve several problems at once. First of all, you can watch the most important moments of the match in the recording to find your mistakes and try not to repeat them in the next games. Viewing successful demos saved by other players can be quite helpful too. Finally, by examining the match recording, you can incriminate a cheater. The actions of players using walhack may not catch your attention during the game when there is no time to think, but in slow motion, it will be immediately obvious by the way your opponent moves and where they are looking.