As of today, there are 2 ways to enable FPS in CS 2: using the console or through third-party applications.
Enabling FPS in the console
Since CS 2 is a very fast and dynamic game, where often a fraction of a second decides in a firefight, it is critical to monitor the FPS on your computer
FPS is an English abbreviation and stands for Frames per Second, i.e. the number of frames displayed on your monitor, per second.If FPS is high, the image will move smoothly, without jerks, freezes, blurs. In case of low FPS you risk to face with frezes, jerks and poor picture quality.
There are also situations when the game goes easily, without problems and frezes, but sometimes, for example, when the enemy throws smokies or light grenades, starts to dull and «slow». The first thing to do here is to check FPS, and to do that, turn on FPS in CS 2. Then it is necessary to find out why it is falling down. Usually FPS «jump» for 2 reasons: either your monitor has a low refresh rate, or weak «iron».
If you previously had questions about whether the developers in the new Counter Strike will leave the console or remove it, we hasten to rejoice: everything will remain in place, and even most of the commands will not change.
So, to enable FPS in CS 2, you need:
Start the game.
After that, you need to enable the console with the key that is assigned to you in the settings, or by clicking on «~» (is the default). The key may not work, which means only one thing: the console has not been pre-activated in the game settings. Below we will tell you how to activate it specifically in CS 2.
In the console write cl_showfps 1, to confirm press Enter.
Now pay attention to the upper left corner of the screen. If you enabled FPS in CS 2 correctly, you should be able to see the counter there. If there is no counter, then carefully write the command again.
In order to remove the FPS indicator, it is enough to call the console and write cl_showfps 0 in it. The counter should stop appearing on the screen.
Console Activation
activation problem is probably the main difficulty you will encounter if you decide to enable FPS in CS 2. It is solved in a few steps.First, you should start a new Counter Strike, and then go to the so-called main screen. This is necessary to be able to go to the game settings.
Secondly, on the main screen at the bottom, on the left side, you will see an icon representing a gear. Click on it and among the tabs that drop down, click on «Game Settings».
Third, when you click on this tab, you will see a list. In this list, there will be an option called «Enable Developer Console». Click on it to change the value of the option to «Yes».
Fourth, confirm your choice by clicking «Apply» at the bottom of the screen. If you don't click the button, you will have to go through steps 2 through 4 again.
Fifth, if you want to set a new button to open the console, in the game settings, click the tab called «Keyboard and Mouse», scroll through the list, find «Open/Close Console». Click on it, then press the key that will be later used to open the console.
Enable FPS in CS 2 through third-party programsIn
this case, you first need to know what video card from which manufacturer you use:
NVIDIA graphics cards will require the NVIDIA GeForce Experience program.
On graphics cards from AMD will require the program AMD Radeon ReLive.
addition, with the help of this software you can not only enable FPS in CS 2, but also use additional tools built into it to improve the experience of the game.
To activate FPS in the NVIDIA GeForce Experience program, first go to the settings menu
Then find the In-Game Overlay option and activate it. After that, without exiting the program, find CS2 in the list of games and launch it. If you have done everything correctly, you will see the FPS counter. To remove it, disable the In-Game Overlay option.As for the Radeon ReLive program, it is convenient because you can open the full-screen version or limit yourself to the sidebar. The ALT+R combination launches the full-screen version, and the ALT+Z combination opens the sidebar. In the program go to settings and activate the option “Enable FPS counter". Now you enabled FPS in CS 2 for Radeon video cards.
Comparison of FPS in CS 2 and CS:GO
Based on the scanty information that comes from Valve, we came to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between screen refresh rate and the minimum value of FPS, without which you can not reach the threshold of playability, ie a comfortable game without lag. So:
For monitors with refresh below 144 Hz, the minimum FPS should be at least 200, and it should be a stable 200, not jumping to 60 and below. So higher is possible, lower is undesirable.
For monitors with refresh above 144 Hz, the minimum FPS should be at least 300.
It is worth saying that at the moment there are reasons for concern. Apparently Valve has not yet fully optimized the new Counter Strike and there are some problems.
For example, if you enable FPS in CS 2 on good «hardware» with i7-processor, 32 GB RAM and AMD 6900 XT graphics card, you will squeeze out only 315 FPS at maximum. While in CS:GO such a computer would give from 600 to 800 FPS.
If you take a computer with an average «hardware», then at maximum settings will get at best only 70 FPS. Reset the settings to minimum and raise the value to 200. To compare to CS:GO, multiply these numbers by 2.
Tips to increase FPS on your device
You turned on FPS in CS 2, saw its value, and you were not satisfied with it. We will offer you some tips to help you raise the FPS value.
First, adjust the graphics settings. This is the most effective way to quickly fix the FPS problem. First of all, you need to reduce the resolution, shadows, and shader detail settings. After that, check if the gameplay is smoother
Second, check if you have any background programs enabled. They take up a significant RAM resource, which is often not enough for the game.
Third, update the drivers, especially on video cards. The old «» drivers severely limit the capabilities of the newer «»visions, so don't be lazy to find newer versions of the drivers.
Fourth, update your Windows and install a more up-to-date version.
Fifth, check if your hard disk is cluttered, remember how long ago you cleaned or defragmented it
.Sixth, put your device in high performance mode, however, keep in mind that this mode will increase the amount of electricity consumed.
Seventh, clean the device from dust.