How to train spreads in CS GO

14 December 2020, 18:35

You want to learn how to throw grenades properly? Then here you will learn how to train scatters in CS GO. The topic is far from as simple as it seems, because the game physics is pretty tightly intertwined with real-world methods. This takes into account the force of the throw, the surface from which the grenade is repelled, and the timing of the fuse. Not a simulator, but something like that. 

And let's say at once that there will be a lot of console commands, so many hours of training with bots (or without them) will be in your near future, if you are going to master this difficult activity. You will also learn about anticipation, rebound, ricochet and kill radius.

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What you have to work with

Before you start


commands to train your scatterguns, you need to become somewhat familiar with your grenade arsenal and its purpose. There are 6 of them in the game:

How to train spreads in CS GO

  • Blinding (flash, light, blind) — brings dissonance to the enemy team, as it trivializes the view to zero for a few seconds. You can dodge the effect by trivial camera rotation. Called by the B-6-3 command;

  • Smoke (smoke, smokey) — fills the surrounding area with acrid, dense smoke through which nothing can be seen. A killer item for confined spaces with limited ingress/egress. Command to buy — B-6-5;

  • Splinter (haeshka, grenade) — is the only combat grenade in the game that can detonate enemies within a radius of several dozen meters. Command — B-6-4;

  • False (decoy, moulage) — a fun tool in skillful hands that mimics the sound of gunshots from high-powered weapons, sowing panic among enemies. Purchased by B-6-2;

  • Molotov Cocktail (fire, molik, bottle) — wick bottle available only to terrorists. When it hits a wall or asphalt, it creates a burning carpet that deals permanent damage to everyone for a period of time. Purchase — B-6-1;

  • Incendiary (molotov, fire) — alternative for Special Forces. It doesn't burn as flashy because there is high temperature chemistry inside the can, but the effect is similar. It is purchased by the command B-6-1.

As you understand, to train grenades in CS GO for each «projectile» will have to separately, because the weight and behavior in flight they have different, and the specifics of work is different.



best maps for training

If we talk about standard (competitive) locations, the leaders here will be:

  • Overpass;

  • Dust 2;

  • Inferno;

  • Mirage.

How to train spreads in CS GO 2

Also modders have prepared some great custom maps based on the standard ones, which you will find in the Steam Workshop. Below is the verbatim title: 

  • Mirage Training by Dolnma

  • Inferno Training by Dolnma

  • Cache Training by Dolnma

  • Cobblestone Training by Dolnma

  • Overpass Training by Dolnma

  • Dust2 Guide Yrpac

  • Yrpac Nuke Guide

  • Yrpac Train Guide

On YouTube you will find detailed map guides to train scatters in CS:GO with maximum profit.

Preliminary work with the console

It is best to train in the training mode with bots, because here you can safely enter cheats through the console and other not quite legal commands to train raskidki.

How to train spreads in CS GO 3

At the start you will need the following set of actions to prepare the ground for throws:

mp_freezetime 0 — reduces wait time to zero

mp_roundtime 600 — increases round time to 5 minutes

mp_maxmoney 60000 — maximum account funds limit

mp_startmoney 60000 — starting amount of funds

mp_buytime 9999 — unlimited buy time

mp_buy_anywhere 1 — no restrictions on where to buy

mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1 — unlimited rounds

mp_restartgame 1 — server restart

The last command is required for so that all the previous changes take effect and you can use the cheats.

Now let's move on to the main process.

Working with grenades and tracers

Remember that all commands during training are entered only after the main — sv_cheats 1 has been written.

Now about grenades. They are invoked with one command — give_weapon_grenade, namely:

  • hegrenade — fragmentation; 

  • smokegrenade — smoke; 

  • flashbang — light; 

  • molotov — cocktail; 

  • incgrenade — incendiary; 

  • decoy — false. 

After that, type sv_grenade_trajectory 1 in the console to visually observe the flight.

How to train spreads in CS GO 4

Experienced players suggest that a great solution for training will be binds under buttons 1-6. They look something like this:

bind 1 "give weapon_hegrenade; use weapon_hegrenade", where:

  • bind 1 — assignable button;

  • give weapon_hegrenade — give fragmentation grenade;

  • use weapon_hegrenade — instant use of the grenade.

But pressing a command every time to get one grenade each time quickly gets boring, so we recommend to write the following commands:

  • ammo_grenade_limit_default 30  — increase the limit of grenades in hand to 30;

  • ammo_grenade_limit_hegrenade 30  — buy 30 fragmentation grenades at the same time (grenade value can be changed to another value);

  • ammo_grenade_limit_total 30 — purchase 30 grenades in one go.

Let's move on and next in line are almost the most important commands that help to track the trajectory and other parameters of grenades in the game:

  • sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10 — duration of trajectory display in seconds;

  • sv_grenade_trajectory 1 — enable flight path;

  • cl_grenadepreview — trajectory when the check is clamped;

  • cl_sim_grenade_trajectory — fix trajectory (show tracer and ricochet without throwing);

  • sv_rethrow_last_grenade — rethrow.

How to train spreads in CS GO 5

Once again: all commands can be binded by creating your own CFG file inside the game. Otherwise, you'll just get tired of writing these lines of code in the console.

Useful tricks for PRO-players

Experienced gamers who want to practice in their free time have long ago acquired their own configuration files, saving them in the bowels of the game. To be precise, the path to the CFG files is located at the following route:



Program Files\ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Counter-Strike Global Offensive \ csgo \ cfg

You may have a different drive name and root folder, but everything else — is not.


Here create a file named, for example, raskidka.cfg (ordinary notepad with renaming the name and extension) and insert there all the commands you need personally, specified above.

Then in the start parameter of the game write:

+ exec raskidka.cfg

Now when you double-click on the CS GO icon, the game will automatically load the desired configuration for training with grenades.


How to train spreads in CS GO 6

Auxiliary commands

When training with bots in single player mode, there may be situations when there are either a lot of bots or not enough of them. Fixing the situation:

  • bot_add_t — add for terrorists;

  • bot_add_ct — add for special forces;

  • bot_kick — delete all;

  • bot_stop — freeze everyone.

And finally, let's remind about such command as noclip. It allows you to move through walls, which gives you a visual representation of how the grenade moves, what it pushes off of, how it behaves in flight, and what factors affect bounce. The thing is quite useful, but it only works when sv_cheats 1 is enabled. 

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