We live in a world where the query «how to become a PRO player in CS:GO» is heard more often than ever. This is spurred on by successful streamers and huge prize pools at tournaments. And the industry as a whole is developing exactly in the cybersports direction, so the desire is quite obvious.
Of course, we can say that to gamble in PRO mode you will need:
a monitor with 240 Hz, 1 ms latency and HDR support;
a top-end PC based on Intel Core i7 10th generation or AMD Ryzen 7 5th generation;
graphics card at least nVidia RTX 2080;
mechanical keyboard on Cherry MX Red switches (naturally, TKL, with backlighting and macros);
mouse with OMRON optical switches and Pixart Avago PWM3389 sensor;
gaming table;
headphones with perfect positioning and 7.1 sound.
But if you think that's enough, you're sorely mistaken. No gamer device will give you an idea of how to aim properly, how to throw grenades, how to hit in a split second and react instantly to the smallest movements on the map. Although you can brag to everyone that you bought yourself a top-of-the-line hardware.
Stage 1: Gaining experience
Before you throw yourself into the abyss, play MM with the most diverse contingent. It can be boosters rocking accounts for money, twinkies, and cheaters full of cheaters. It's going to be fun and painful, but there's not much to go on. Your goal — is to get at least «Needle», or even «Needlemaster». You can even get to global, but that's the ideal scenario.
.You will have an understanding of how the enemy plays, how the map is implemented, where to run first, and how to use all the main types of weapons, not just AK47 and AWP, even though they are the most damaging.
Once you have felt all the pain in the matchmaker and realized that you can beat and anticipate cheaters — move towards the league on CS GO:
Faceit — is more suitable for the CIS region and includes many Russian-speaking players;
ESEA — focuses on America and Europe, with far fewer Russians.
The pros of leagues — about zero presence of cheaters and «cashers», who gain experience tvinkami for the sake of a new batch of boxes with skins. You'll feel very quickly that it's many times more enjoyable to play here, and the audience is more adequate. And their microphones are obviously better.
Stage 2: Training
In addition to playing in random, don't forget to pay attention to developing your own AIM. The game has a ton of relevant maps for this, which we talk about in detail in this article.
If you're too lazy to read, CS GO has a number of training maps that train such factors as:
the ability to react quickly to the enemy;
grenade throwing skills;
firing in bursts/single rounds;
sensitivity and more.
PROs call this technique «click», i.e. to hone the skill of promptly clicking pixels in record time. You can also check your mouse — in case the sensor breaks at the most inopportune moment.
Step 3: Politeness
Oddly enough, this parameter is very important for getting noticed by other players in the league. If they see that you are fluent in many types of weapons, excellent at throwing grenades and know all the firing points of AWP, then soon expect a private conversation in private or voice chat.
And here is the most important thing — not to hit in the dirt:
no palimony;
normal human attitude;
comprehensive answers to questions;
regular communication with the same pro-players.
Often you will be called to play a couple or three rinks in the rating as «backup», when the main member of the team could not do it. Try to do your best, but don't pass up the chance. A couple or three rejections and the chance is lost. Remember that you were going to this recognition far more than one month, or even a year.
Immediately tell about your strengths/weaknesses, so that the guys can quickly reassemble the lineup. In case you're not aware, a standard 5x5 squad always has a sniper, a sentry and 3 all-rounders. The latter are always a problem, so practice, practice and practice again. But never impose yourself — they will invite you themselves.
Step 4: Look at your mistakes
For some reason, this point is either completely ignored or overlooked by many people. Well yeah, you're a global and have 2-3 thousand hours of active rinks under your belt. And try recording a couple replays and discounting them to other PROs you've met on Faceit, for example. You will instantly get a truckload of comments that you got out of cover early, did not reload in time, calculated the time of grenade flight, bought the wrong stuff, missed the timings, took too long to converge from AWP, etc.
Just note that the statistics should be objective, so spread the video to a few friends and acquaintances who know how to play the game either at your level or better. Although the less experienced ones occasionally suggest worthwhile things. The main thing — is to take off the crown and listen to constructive criticism.
One more thing. Make a habit of counting the time you spend exercising. If you play a couple hours a day, or about 7-8 hours a week, you won't reach any special heights. Well, yes, you will tighten up your skills, but the very professional agility will never be — reflexes and reactions come only with hard work 6-8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. Make sure you take time off and distract yourself with other games, otherwise you'll burn out quickly.
Step 5: Upgrade
No matter how you play, you will have to improve your gaming set-up, and very much so. The first thing you should do is buy a new monitor with at least 120Hz. Better, of course, is 165 or 240 Hz, but they are priced accordingly. No matter how many people say in the comments that the matrix scan doesn't make a difference, for some reason the PRO division fights on high-speed monitors and objectively proves that the picture is much smoother and the reaction — is higher.
To make the hardware pull CS GO with at least 120 FPS, it's enough to have AMD Ryzen 5 2600/Intel Core i5-8400, which are not that expensive. It is desirable to buy a video card: either nVidia GeForce 1650 Ti or AMD Radeon RX580/ RX5600XT. It's a matter of taste and preferences, but both provide stable framerate without problems. If you have money — take something from «seventh» chips and RTX-cards, there are no options.
Our advice may be banal, but only a few people follow it. Watch some professional broadcasts and interviews with PRO players, none got into cybersport «from the street» — only through hard years of training, talent and patience.