How to create a server in CS 2

19 December 2023, 23:27

Recently released Counter Strike 2 has a lot of flaws, so often players do not know how to create a server in kc 2. There are a myriad of ways to play together with friends. You can start your own server, make a lobby or enter an already ready-made one.

In the past parts of the game it didn't cause any difficulties. All you had to do was just launch the bot training mode and your friend could join in. In Counter-Strike 2 it doesn't work like that, you have to either connect to other people's servers or create your own network using third-party programs. Perhaps in time the developers will pay attention to the inconvenience of creating your own server and fix it.

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How to add a person to the FriendlistIn

order to play together with your acquaintance, the first thing you need to do is to add him to your friends list in Steam, for this you need:

  • Open your friends list in steam.

  • Click on the icon next to the search bar.

  • Enter a nickname or friendship code that your friend can tell you. The code can be found in the profile settings.

  • After sending the request, your friend must confirm it.

How to create a server in CS 2

After confirmation, your friend will be added to your friends list, now you can play together not only in ks 2, but also in any online games that support the friend finder function.

If your friend is not in the Steam Friendlist, you will not be able to add him to your lobby to play in official modes. For example, partners or the usual mm. However, this does not prevent you from adding it to your own server, because in this case the connection is IP

How to play with a person from Friendlist in CS 2There are

several ways, which differ in the way of connection and the possibility of customizing your game:

  • Official game - competitive matches and partner mode


    If you want to have fun with a friend, then this option is not suitable.

  • Closed matchmaking - thanks to closed matchmaking you can create your own server in kc 2, which can be accessed by your friends. The game takes place on Valve's servers. If you just want to have a friendly match, this is the best way.

  • Community servers are unofficial servers created by other players. They often have mods and plugins that change gameplay and textures.

  • Own local server - this server will be hosted on your computer, you will have full access over it.

How to create a lobby in CS 2


order to create a lobby you just need to open the friends menu in the main menu and invite him. If the invitation is accepted, a lobby will be created. Now you can play all official ranked modes together, just click on the game search.

How to close a lobby

Once you have created a lobby, you can close it so that no one but your invited friends can enter. To do this, go to card selection, there will be a toggle on the left panel. Turn it off, then your group will be closed.

If you want to find a new teammate for your group, or you want to play with someone, but acquaintances are busy, then leave the slider on.

How to create your server in kc 2

There are several ways that will create a server in kc 2


One of them is provided by the functionality of the game itself, the second will require the intervention of extraneous programs. 

Radmin VPN

The RADMIN VPN application allows you to play with a friend on an unofficial server. The order of necessary actions is as follows:

  • Install the Radmin VPN application from the official website.

  • Enable the application and go to the “tab”.

  • Next, create your network, set a name and password for it.

  • Start the server with bots in the main menu of CS 2.

If a friend wants to connect, he needs to:

  • Also install the application and run it.

  • In the tab “network” find the button “join the network”.

  • In the input window you need to write the name of the network and the password from it, which you have set.

  • If the data is entered correctly, you will be given an IP to join.

  • Go to CS 2, open the console and type “connect (ip)”.

There are alternative applications, but Radmin VPN allows create a server in kc 2 without too much effort, and connection to it is also simple.


This application is known to everyone since ancient times


It allows you to play together with friends even on pirated versions of games. Hamachi is inferior to the previous application in terms of convenience, but it is worth paying tribute to the old man and consider its principle of operation.

How to create a server in CS 2 2

To create a local match is required:

  • Download the Logmein Hamachi application

  • Find the necessary files on the Internet. The request will look like this: “CFG to create a server in kc 2 Hamachi”. 

  • After that open hamachi and in the tab “Network” create a server, set a name and password for it.

  • Run Counter-Strike 2.

  • Replace the files in the game folder with the downloaded files.

  • In the console, type connect *ip*.

After your friend has installed hamachi, to connect he needs to:

  • Under the “tab, network” join the network using your password and name.

  • Having copied the IP, enter it into the CS 2 console to log in to the server.

How to create a local offline server

If you want to play with your friend on an offline network, you will have to do a lot of fiddling. The first thing to do is to open port 27015. This is done differently on each device, so you will have to look it up on the Internet yourself.

Only IPv4 and UDP protocols need to be opened. You can skip this step if the computers are on the same LAN. If your computers are not connected by a local network, closed ports will prevent a friend from joining your server.

Find the .exe file of the game and move it to your desktop, open properties by right-clicking on it. In the “object” field, enter -dedicated -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +map de_dust2. The command must be after the closing quotes.

Instead of de_dust2, specify the map you want to run on your server. The list of map names can be found on the Internet. 

Open Counter-Strike 2 through the Steam app, and then run the shortcut in which you entered the commands and map name. A console should appear on your monitor.

How to create a server in CS 2 3

Open a window with xs 2 and type “connect localhost”into the console. If your server is up and running - congratulations, the hard part is over. You can now add your own customizations to the common config folder. To install them, type in the console from the shortcut “exec configure name”. If the config installation was successful, the round on the server will start again with the new settings. 

In order for your friend to join your offline server, you need to provide an IP. To find it out, type “status”. into your server console. Your friend should enter in the game console “connect ip”. 

How to create a server in CS 2 4

Creating a server in kc 2 this way remember that the host is your computer, it loads the system and reduces performance, so you can forget about stable FPS.


If you leave the server, it will remain on as long as the game console remain running. If you want to change the map, enter “changelevel map_name” in the server console and restart your config with the command “exec file name”.

Possible problems

During the creation of an offline server or lobby, questions may arise. Answers to the most common:

  • What to do if the session is full in kc 2 - most likely it is due to the fact that you are trying to enter through the training mode. You could do this before, but now you have to create your own network through third-party apps or console.

  • Why my friend's lobby invite isn't coming - disable your invisible mode, if it's enabled, re-enter Steam and Counter-Strike 2. 

  • Why is there such a big ping on the server - if you made your own network, it may be due to weak internet or host location. If you are playing on an off server, just wait, the servers closest to you are full and will eventually free up.

  • I can't invite my friend to the lobby - log out of the game, put xs in the firewall exclusion list and log in again. If this does not work, then let the friend himself invite you to the lobby.

If you carefully follow the tips from the article, you should have no problems with creating your own server in kc 2. It is worth noting that you should not use your computer as a host for the offline server, if it is weak, you simply will not be able to play normally. In this case, it is better to place the server on a friend's computer, or rent online hosting for 1 day and place your server there.

If you can not find information on how to open ports on your router, then if possible connect your computers with a local network, then closed ports will not prevent a friend to join your match.

If you want to install any mods or textures on your server, your friend must also download them in order to access




Adding plugins is easy if you use online hosting. If you want to add plugins to the server hosted by your computer, you should know that it will be a big additional load, which can cause high lag and crashes from the game. 

If your friend can not access your server by IP, then double-check the address that he was thrown, most likely it is wrong.

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