How to create a lobby in Dota 2

15 October 2023, 21:36

To improve their skills, dota players hone their procrastination on bots, ignorant people wonder: how to create a lobby in dota 2? In addition to rolling, you can also study the map and run tests there.

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Why create a lobby?

There are a large number of heroes that have complex mechanics or require refined actions for procs. Beginners should not immediately rush into the online game without familiarizing themselves with the features of your hero, play a couple of games with bots and get used to the management, the location of camps neutrals, etc. For example, you can find new places for wards, sharpen the ability to stop creeps, withdraw and stack.

The lobby functionality allows you to:

  • Create enemy and allied heroes, manage them and give out items.

  •  Experiment with builds, testing damage on heroes.

  • Learn procasts on Invoker and other complex characters.

In addition, creating lobby in dota 2 you can play a match with your friends without outside players, setting their own rules using cheat codes, the use of which can be allowed or prohibited in the settings.

How to create a lobby?

To create your match you need to perform the following order of actions


  • Click on “play” in the bottom right corner of your screen.

  • Find and click on “create lobby”. The function is located in a separate category of the same name.

  • If you wish to change the rules of the game, a wide range of customization functionality can be found in the section “Change”.

  • After creating a lobby in dota 2 you can invite friends from the list to join, or give the data on which to enter you. They are located in the tab “Modify”.

How to create a lobby in Dota 2

In addition to the regular modes, you can run customization:

  • Go to the toy library.

  • Select the desired customization.

  • Click on “create lobby”.

You can't customize a kastomka like a regular lobby, but you can play with your own and try unusual modes without anyone else.

How to create a roshan

There are ways to kill a roshan alone, but it takes practice. For example, you can do this by switching the armlet on the Huskar. It's hard and it will be very frustrating to die in a ranked game because of a mistake. You can train in the lobby, but you need to know the console command that will revive roshan. Without it, you'll have to wait for the full revive time, which is quite long and unproductive.

To create a roshan in the dota 2 lobby there are several commands:

  •  -createhero Roshan - spaves an allied Roshan (you won't be able to attack it);

  • -createhero Roshan enemy - spawns an enemy Roshan (you can attack it);

  • A few spare commands in case the previous ones didn't work for some reason: -createhero npc_dota_roshan, -spawnroshan, -createunit npc_dota_roshan. Don't forget to add enemy at the end of each command if you want to spawn an enemy npc.

You can control it, use its skells and even give it items. It's a great way to mess with a friend by sending a roshan to tear down the throne. Or just for fun while searching for a ranked game.

How to create a lobby in Dota 2 2

How to create a target

In the old days there was a command  -createhero dummy enemy, allowing you to create a kura with a DPS counter, but in modern Dota it is impossible. If you need to check damage, you can do it on enemy heroes, but there is a more convenient method:

  • Open the tab “heroes”.

  • Select the desired character.

  • Click on “try out the hero”.

  • This will open a small map where you can create a target with a DPS and damage counter.

How to create a lobby in Dota 2 3

This is a great way to test new and interesting builds and skill bindings. Just like in the lobby, you can create and manage allied and enemy characters there.

How to create an enemy or ally

In dota 2 lobby you can create enemy units and fully manage them. To spawn you will need the command “-createhero” to which you add the name of the desired character and “enemy”. Examples:

  •  -createhero abbadon  enemy.

  •  -createhero arc_warden  enemy.

Replacing “enemy” with “neutral” creates a friendly hero that cannot be controlled. When creating creeps and others with this command, npc they will be neutral. If you remove the prefix, then the zaspavlennye heroes will be allied.

To the interesting features of this console command can be attributed the ability to create buildings and various npc from events, even those that are in development. The full list can be found on the Dota 2 Wiki.

It is worth remembering that the artificial intelligence of the created heroes is different from the ones you can create in the lobby settings at the beginning of the game. Console characters and npc can only attack nearby opponents.

How to create a team


a team in the Dota 2 lobby is easy. Valve took care of those who don't have friends and created artificial intelligence so that you can play a game close to the online rankings. To do this you need to:

  • Before starting the lobby go to “change”.

  • The next step is to find the setting responsible for bots and turn it on.

Of course, bots are very different from real players and have little functionality. They do not know how to stack, coordinate their actions, but this option is suitable for newcomers who have just entered Dota and want to learn the basics of gameplay without unnecessary stress. You can not control bots with AI, for this you need to create npc yourself.

How to create a tormentor

Recently appeared tormentor and many players do not know how to spawn it. There are two ways to do this:

  • Through the console command -createhero npc_dota_miniboss neutral.

  • Rewind time. This option is less convenient.

On terzatel you can learn to kill him in the early stages with the help of different builds, or the old way in the form of khuskar with armlet.

Basic commands

in the


Create in the lobby


dota 2 can be anything from towers and ending with a fountain. In addition, you can give out experience, gold, and characterization changes. The first thing to do is to remember to enable console commands in the lobby settings before launching the lobby. You should enter commands in chat, no matter if you do it in general chat or team chat.

How to create a lobby in Dota 2 4

The list of basic commands:

  •  -gold *number* gives gold to your hero.

  •  -respawn returns you from the tavern to the battlefield.

  • -refresh regenerates your mana, mana, and rolls back the cd of all your skills and items.

  • -spawncreeps creates a wave of creeps on all lanes.

  • -lvlup *number* increases your level.

  • -killwards destroys all observer and sentry wards.

  • -spawnneutrals resurrects all neutral units (including enchantments and other forest creeps).

  • -levelbots *number* increases the level of all bots.

  • -item *id* gives a given item. Check out the list of id's for items on the dota 2 wiki.

  • -startgame starts the game and sets the game timer to 0:00. Often used in one-on-one lobbies to avoid waiting for creeps to come out.

  • -tp moves you to the cursor position.

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