Bindings have accompanied players since CS 1.6, it is impossible to overestimate their usefulness and after the release of the new part of the franchise, many players are interested in how to make a bind in kc 2. We have created for you a complete instruction with a list of the most useful console commands.
How to bindThe order of
actions to enter has not changed in any way, you need to open the console (by default “
yo”, in the settings you can change to another key), enter the command and press Enter.
It should be noted that the game is in the testing phase and some long familiar console commands are not available, but may appear in the future:
“r_cleardecals” - cleans the entire map of blood and bullets
Indispensable bind in kc 2 for weak computers. Superfluous sprites heavily load your PC and cut your FPS. It is usually binded to a frequently used key, such as shift, so that you don't get distracted by clearing the screen.Hand swapping can be assigned to one button and two buttons.
Change using two keys - bind “desired key” cl_righthand false + bind “second button” cl_righthand true.
You can change the location of the weapon in your hands with a single button - bind “desired button” toggle cl_righthand true false.
Players often put grenades on certain keys for their convenience, so that during the battle not to be distracted by switching and quickly get the necessary one. At first you will be unaccustomed, but over time you will get used to it and will not be able to give up binds for grenades in ks2:
bind “button” buy hegrenade - buy haeshka.
bind “button” buy decoy - buy decoy.
bind “button” smokegrenade - buy smoks.
bind “button” flashbang - buy flashbang.
bind “button” buy molotov - buy molotov (for terrorists).
bind “button” buy incgrenade - buy incendiary grenade (for CT).
In addition to buying grenades, you can bind to get grenades to save time:
bind “button” use weapon_flashbang - get flashbang.
bind “button” use weapon_hegrenade - get a hash.
bind “button” use weapon_decoy - get a decoy.
bind “button” use weapon_flashbang - get blinding grenade.
bind “button” use weapon_smokegrenade - get smoke.
bind “button” use weapon_molotov - get molotov.
bind “button” use weapon_incgrenade - get incendiary grenade.
If you are not very friendly with the developer console, you can set the grenade call yourself in the settings. Under the “settings tab” find “Keyboard and Mouse”, then “Weapons”. Go closer to the bottom of the list and find the settings responsible for grenades.
For binds in kc2 we advise you to use those keys that you are unlikely to press, because it will be very frustrating to accidentally get hammers in front of a suddenly appeared enemy.
Binds on mut
Are you tired of the constant conversations of allies and distracted by extraneous sounds because of the disgusting microphone of one of your teammates? You can bind to a separate mut key and forget about these problems:
Open the console.
bind «button you need» «voice_scale 0» - mutes voice chat sounds.
bind «the button you want» «voice_scale 1» - turns voice chat back on.
Press Enter.
Bind to drop bomb
In a match sometimes there are situations in which you need to drop a bomb urgently. For example, when you're on the cusp of death you give it to your teammate. In order not to switch to it, but to do it with one button it is necessary:
Open the developer console.
Type bind «required key» «use weapon_c4; drop;» and press Enter.
Bind for jumpthrow
A large number of spreadsheets require jumpthrow for longer throwing distance. However, without this bind in kc2 it is impossible to make an accurate throw while jumping, it will fly up from a random height. To solve this problem, do the following:
Enter the following commands into the console one by one: alias "+boing" "+jump".
alias "+ding" "-attack.
-attack2" alias "+dong" "-jump".
After that, enter the last bind: bind "key" "+boing; +ding; +dong".
If you do everything correctly, you will be able to perform accurate throws even while jumping or falling. Unlike in xgo, in the sequel you need to tear off the check yourself, and otherwise the bind works unchanged.
Jump on the wheel
Since CS 1.6 players are used to using the mouse wheel to jump. This is due to the popular at the time mechanics of bhop, which is absent in KS2, but some people are still more comfortable to use the wheel than the space bar.
Enter in the console bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" and separately bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump".
Press Enter and get used to using the spacebar. Now
can jump by scrolling the wheel down or up.
If you really want to try your hand at bhop, you can go to separate servers, or turn it on in the lobby:
In the console enable cheats with the command “sv_cheats1”.
Type sv_enablebunnyhopping1.
Then press Enter. This feature is now enabled.
Weapon Binds
It is hard for newcomers to quickly navigate the procurement wheel, and at the beginning of a round there is little time to comfortably purchase all the necessary inventory. We get rid of this problem:
bind “button you need” buy_name of equipment
For such binds in ks2 most often used nampad digits. Example command “bind kp_9 buy_deagle” - buy deagle. Save your time and get used to purchasing via binds.
List of weapon names for binds
:Scout (ssg08)
SG550 (sg550)
AUG (aug)
Emka (m4a1)
Emka with silencer (m4a1_silencer)
Kalash (ak47)
T automatic rifle (g3sg1)
CT automatic rifle (scar20)
Avik (awp)
Mac (mac10)
UMP (ump45)
MP7 (mp7)
MP99 (mp9)
Automatic Shotgun (xm1014)
Mag7 (mag7)
M machine gun (m249)
Duals (elite)
Five Seven (fiveseven) when buying five-seven it is important to put the bind "buy tec9" - for ST buy fiveseven, for terrs - tec9.
Tec9 (tec9)
HKP2000 (hkp2000)
USP (usp_silencer)
Incendiary for kt (incgrenade)
Molotov for terrs (Molotov)
Smoka (smokegrenade)
Haeshka (hegrenade)
Armor (vest)
Armor and vesthelm.
How to fix binds
Players are constantly faced with the fact that when you restart the set binds kc2. Given that most people have a large number of bindings, you don't really want to re-enter them. What can I do about this problem?
Go to Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg.
Locate or create the autoexec.cfg file. Make sure you don't just have “cfg”in the file name, it should be shown as an extension in the properties of the file.
Write all settings and bindings there.
Close and save the file. In the property settings, enable the checkbox “read-only”
After these manipulations, you don't have to worry about your binds suddenly disappearing.
Bind to increase volume
You are left in a clutch, you are required to concentrate fully and… a,oops, you have already been killed because you did not hear your opponent's footsteps. To avoid such mishaps, we do the following:
alias +walkvol "incrementvar Volume 0 1 0.5;+speed".
alias -walkvol "incrementvar volume 0 1 -0.5;-speed".
bind shift +walkvol.
After that, the volume is increased when you press the shifter, so you can more accurately track the sounds your opponent makes. If you wish, you can change the key from shift to any other key you are comfortable with.
Changing the radar size
In some moments, the map is the player's best friend. On it, you can track the location of your opponents and make a plan of action based on that. To increase its size you need to enter the following bind in the console “bind key incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1 0.75".
How to remove the
bindWhen installing a new config, or simply because the bind is not needed, it should be removed. To do this, use unbind “the full spelling of the bind you want to get rid of”.