How to make a jump bind in CS 2

26 October 2023, 18:31

One of the key questions that many gamers are interested in — how to make a jump bind in CS 2? Why is this so important? The fact is that in Counter-Strike 2, as in many other computer games, speed plays a key role: the faster the character reacts to commands and executes them, the higher the probability of gaining the desired victory in the next battle.

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What is a jump bind


implies a certain additional setting in a computer game, which allows you to bind certain actions to the corresponding buttons on the keyboard or mouse. Binds are designed specifically to simplify the game. They allow you to maximize your control. 

For bind to jump in KS2 standard key is responsible for «Spacebar», but, since it is one of the longest keys with the greatest depth of pressing, from the moment when the gamer decided to jump, and until the moment of the jump itself takes a very long time, which is not quite convenient and efficient. That's why the developers recommend experimenting with the control and use the mouse wheel for jumping not «Spacebar», but the mouse wheel. Let's understand how to bind correctly jump through the console, settings and configuration file. 

How to set up a jump bind on the mouse wheel in KS2 through the settings

This method — is one of the easiest and most accessible. All that is required from the gamer — is to adhere to the following instructions:

  • Open the settings in the game.

  • Select «Keyboard and Mouse».

  • Go to the tab «Movement».

  • Find the item «Jump».

  • Reassign the corresponding button to the mouse wheel.

  • Save the settings.

Congratulations, everything is ready! Bind to jump in KS2 on the wheel will give completely different possibilities in the game. 

How to make a jump bind in CS 2

How to set the jump bind to the wheel in CS:GO 2 via console

You can also change the jump button in the game using the


. It is opened with the Fn or ~ key. The console is already enabled by default, but there are times when the key on the keyboard responsible for enabling it does not work. In such a case, you must first of all enable the console in the settings. How do you do that? Step-by-step instructions:

  • Launching the game.

  • Click on the icon «gear», located in the left corner of the screen.

  • Open the tab «Game». 

  • Find the item «Enable Developer Console».

  • Set the value «Yes» against the item «Enable Developer Console».

  • Save the changes you have made.

If you have done everything correctly, when you press the Fn or ~ key, the game console will immediately pop up on the screen.


The next task — customize bind to jump in CS 2 through the console. The procedure is as follows: write one of the following codes into the command line:

  • Bind "mwheeldown" +jump; bind "mwheelup" +jump; bind "space" +jump.  The jump will be performed when the mouse wheel is scrolled up or down respectively, and when the «Space key is pressed».

  • Bind "mwheeldown" +jump; bind "space" +jump. This command tells the game that the character will jump immediately when the gamer scrolls the wheel down or presses «Space». 

  • Bind "mwheelup" +jump; bind "space" +jump. In this case, jumps are performed by scrolling the wheel up and pressing the key «Space».

How to make a jump bind in CS 2 2

If you made a mistake when entering the code into the command line or decided that you will not use the jump bind in KS2 at all, type the same command that you used earlier, but instead of the word Bind specify the word Unbind.  

The developers recommend using a similar method when it becomes necessary to delete a jump using the key «Spacebar». For example, if you have previously jumped «Space» and can not get used to this key, but you want the command to be executed solely by scrolling the mouse wheel, write the following code in the command line — Unbind «Space» «+jump». 

How to configure the bind to jump in CS 2 on the mouse wheel, using the configuration file

If the bind jump through the settings or console for some reason you have not succeeded, there is a third way to make changes to the control of the game. Let's use the config file. 

Detailed instructions on how to configure bind to jump in CS 2 through the config file:

  • Open Steam.

  • Go to the library.

  • Right-click on the name of the game.

  • Select the command «View local files».

  • Go to: Steam/steamapps/common/game name.

  • Find the file Config_default.cfg and open it using any text editor, for example, notepad. 

  • Look for a line in the document, where the bind to jump — Bind «SPACE» «+jump»: press CTRL+F and write the word Space or Jump. 

  • Replace the word SPACE with mwheelup or mwheeldown (we get a code like this — bind «mwheelup» «+jump»). 

In this case, the jump in the game will be performed immediately as soon as the gamer scrolls the mouse wheel up.


Important! If you have changed the original code to the one above, you can no longer jump using the key «SPACE», you will no longer be able to jump. 

How to make a jump bind in CS 2 3

How to bind to jumpthrow KC 2

Another useful option that is actively used by players of the shooter — Jumpthrow — throwing a grenade while jumping. Since the old  bind to «Jump Trow» in CS 2 developers removed after the next revision of the computer game, there is a new control setting. It implies that the gamer must first pull the check from the grenade by himself, only then jump and throw it. Very often this custom bind for some reason fails after another restart in the shooter. If you encounter such a problem, be prepared to install the command yourself, using the console. 

How to reconfigure the jumpthrow bind in CS 2? The procedure is as follows:

  • Open the game console.

  • Find the line where the command to jump is written.

  • Before the bind write three codes — alias "+boing" "+jump", alias "+ding" "-attack; -attack2" and alias "+dong" "-jump".

  • We write a separate command to bind «Jump Trow»: bind "key" "+boing; +ding; +dong" (Key – is the most convenient key for you).

How to make a jump bind in CS 2 4

It is allowed to set the jumpthrow bind to the Alt key. To do this, enter the code — bind "ALT" "+boing; +ding; +dong"into the console command line.

Another useful command that helps to quickly, efficiently and skillfully scatter grenades from a jump at the highest point with the addition of one step forward — Forward Jumpthrow. It is actively used in the process of playing by professional gamers. The Runthrow script allows you to throw a grenade without a step. 

How to customize Forward Jumpthrow and Runthrow? Open the file autoexec.cfg and write the following commands in it:

  • alias "+jumpaction" "+jump;"

  • alias "+throwaction" "-attack; -attack2"

  • alias "-jumpaction" "-jump"

  • bind "c" "+jumpaction;+throwaction;"

  • alias "+forwardjumpthrow" "+forward;+jump;"

  • alias "-forwardjumpthrow" "-jump;-forward"

  • bind "x" "+forwardjumpthrow;+throwaction"

  • bind "z" "+forward;+throwaction".

Key «From» activates Jumpthrow, key «X» — Forward Jumpthrow, key «Z» — Runthrow. If you want, you can change the listed keys to any other keys that are most convenient for you. 

As practice shows, making binds to jump in KS2 is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to enter the right command correctly, and there will be no problems with the settings.

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