How to make an infinite round in CS:GO

28 April 2023, 15:44

There are at least a few situations when it will be useful to know how to make an infinite round in CS:GO.


By the way, the gameplay of Counter Strike is based on the idea of a limited amount of time and the need for one of the parties to take active actions to win. For example, on maps where the target is a bomb explosion, the attack should be terrorists, and when releasing hostages on the timer hangs already special forces.

In some cases, the default round time is not enough for caesers, so it is quite logical that they begin to think about how to enable an infinite round in CS:GO. First, the typical reason for removing time constraints is a desire for a quiet workout. Stretch your fingers by shooting bots, learn the spreads, see the drop-off and ambush locations, and work out timings. Second, record cool video content for Twitch or YouTube. Agree that watching the author of the video every 2 minutes is on respawn is not very cool. Thirdly, get high with a large group of friends and organize a grand shootout on the server.

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Preparing to create an unlimited round of CS GO

How to make an infinite round in CS:GO

Before we tell you how to put an infinite round in CS GO, we need to say a few words about the preliminary actions:

  1. Any manipulation of time in the game is possible only on your own local server, where you have admin rights, or in a single game. On other game modes and, including competitive, your actions will be considered cheating and penalized up to full account lockout.

  2. Commands for infinite rounds in CS:GO are entered in the console, which by default is disabled. To launch it, from the main menu, find «Options», which are in the upper right corner. Then go to «Game Settings», set «Yes» against «Enable Developer Console». Console activated. Now it can be opened by pressing the key «~» (this is the key for the letter «ё») or, if the tilde does not suit you, assign another key in the game settings.

  3. To make an infinite round in the console of CS:GO, first start the cheats mode using "sv_cheats 1", otherwise none of the commands will simply not work. 

How to make an infinite round in CS:GO 2

Making infinite round time CS GO

Counter Strike servers can work in 2 modes. The first of these is the warm-up. You may have encountered the English-language name warmup. The second mode, - actually, the game itself, during which the rounds are counting down.

First let's understand, how to make infinite round time CS:GO during the game (second mode). Strictly speaking, unlimited can not be set, because the developers of Counter Strike programmatically set the upper limit of time for 1 round - a maximum of 60 minutes. Of course, it is a bit frustrating, but an hour is usually enough to train or have fun.

Call the console to write one of the commands listed in the list:

  1. mp_roundtime 60 is a common


    . It can be used to change the round time on any type of card. Note that instead of the number «60» you can write a different number and set a different time per round from 1 to 60 minutes.

  2. mp_roundtime_hostage 60 - this is how to set 60 minutes for 1 round on maps where the goal is to free hostages.

  3. mp_roundtime_defuse 60 - the same, but on a map with bomb defuse.

  4. mp_restartgame 1 - restart the game to run the new settings of the infinite round through the console in CS:GO.

Simplify your life with binds

It is extremely tedious every time to type long commands into the console. This throws off the gameplay and prevents you from enjoying Counter Strike to the fullest. It is especially annoying when you have to enter several commands.

To solve the problem, the developers invented binds. Essentially, it is the ability to set «hotkeys» in the console itself, combine arbitrary commands in any order and set a special key for them.

Example of a bind for infinite round time in the CS:GO console on the defuse map: bind A mp_roundtime_defuse 60; mp_restartgame 1. Commands must be separated from each other by a semicolon, with a space after the semicolon. After writing the last command, a period is NOT written. Now when you click on «A» on defuse maps, the round time will increase to 60 minutes after the game restarts. If the picture lags for 5-10 seconds after restart, this is normal: the server is adjusting to new requirements.

Making unlimited warm-up

If with regard to infinite round time in CS:GO restrictions apply, the case with the Warmup mode is quite different. You can play it endlessly: shoot bots, gaining the necessary aim, learn how to make correct and timely grenade spreads, train timings with partners.

You only need to remember one command to set unlimited limit - mp_warmuptime 74635284. The number we wrote after the command is arbitrary, you can set any value and, in fact, make infinite round time in the CS:GO console for warmap mode.

How to make an infinite round in CS:GO 3

For convenience, write the bind immediately and use it after loading the map. For example, you can make this bind: bind X mp_warmuptime 387649610; mp_restartround 1. Here we specify the warm-up time and do a restart by binding commands to the key «X». After the reboot is complete, Counter Strike will start with the new settings.

And in order not to parry with bindings at all and leave the changes forever, you need to prescribe a new configuration to save commands for an infinite round in CS:GO. Console host_writecfg «configure name». Now the settings will no longer be reset to the default.

Customize the unlimited number of rounds

So, now let's go about setting an infinite number of rounds in CS:GO. The conditions are the same: only your own server or running single-player mode, enabled console and activated cheat mode. Read more in the chapter above «Preparing to create an unlimited CS GO round».

How to make an infinite round in CS:GO 4

By default, one rink consists of 30 rounds, each team plays 15 rounds for Terror and ST.


Changing the number of rounds is set by entering the following instruction into the console: mp_maxrounds «number of rounds». Keep in mind that quotation marks are not used in Counter Strike commands. This way you can do as many rounds as you want, train or have fun with friends as it suits you, not the developers.

To return from infinite number of rounds in CS:GO to the default, write in the console mp_maxrounds 30.

This command can also be bind according to


scheme already known to you


For example, a bind command might look like this: bind C mp_maxrounds 57.

If you want to make a single, but not ending round, just type mp_maxrounds 0 through the console. This is another alternative way to configure infinite round time in the CS:GO console.

Useful tricks (part 1)

If you have activated the ability to purchase at any point on the map and at any time based on the command mp_buy_anywhere 1, then, in principle, you do not need to wait for 15 seconds, which by default are allocated to purchase. You will need to write the following through the console:

  1. mp_freezetime 0 - the round starts immediately, without a procurement phase. If you do want to do a pre-round purchase, then put the number you want instead of 0. Time in this command is calculated in seconds.

  2. mp_restartgame 1 - restart the map to accept changes.

In addition to the infinite round time, there are some fun features in CS:GO that will be a great way to diversify the rinks with friends or training with your teammates. For example, you can set a shorter bomb detonation time compared to the standard 35 seconds, because of which special forces will have to retake the plente and mess with terrorists. This is done via mp_c4timer «number of seconds» and, as usual, using the console.

Useful chips (part 2)

Earlier we wrote about how to make an infinite round in CS:GO. Now it's time to tell you what other interesting things you can do with unlimited time. 

If you want to learn weapons, grenades and knives, it makes sense to use mp_buy time «number of seconds». A value of up to 60,000 seconds can be set. In terms of minutes, that's 1,000 minutes, and in terms of hours, that's 16 hours and 40 minutes. Enough to learn the intricacies of procuring.

Hurricane action will require plenty of ammo, which can be made via sv_infinite_ammo 1. It is enough to enter 1 time, and infinite ammunition is available to you until the next restart of Counter Strike.

Well, and not to worry about the economy and money, there is a reason to activate mp_startmoney 16000. 16,000 will appear in the kaeser's account. This is the maximum on a single player's balance.

Of course, all of these commands require a restart via mp_restartgame 1. Don't forget this.

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