How to put a skin in KC 2

19 December 2023, 23:34

After the announcement of Counter-Strike 2, the prices of old cosmetic items have risen, so some people wonder how to put a skin in kc 2 for free. It is worth noting at once, if you want your skin can be seen by other players, then no extraneous program will not help, you will have to splurge and buy it on the trading floor

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How skinchangers work in kc 2

Skinchanger is a program that allows you to put any skin from kc, while not buying it. There is an opportunity to use even non-existent on the trading floor skins, which are added to the program as exclusive. 

Usually such programs have a monthly subscription, but if you try hard, you can find free quality analogues. Skinchangers have two disadvantages:

  • They cannot be used on official Valve servers. If you go to any ranked mode or server with anti-cheat, you will almost instantly get a Vac Ban for using extraneous programs.

  • Skins that you put only visible to you, other players see the standard model of weapons in your hands.

Use such programs better on your local server, or go to servers where there is no anti-chit. It's unknown why the developers feel this way about skinchangers, they don't give any advantage in the game, just change the standard client-level modeling. If a player wants the skin to be visible to other players, he will have to buy it anyway.

In fact, this is not due to the greed of Gaben, but due to the fact that anti-cheat sees the changes at the client level and simply perceives it as WallHack or another cheat. If you managed to play for a while and not get banned, it's only a matter of time, sooner or later you'll get a virtual slap on the wrist. 

How to put a skin in KC 2

If you got a ban for skinchanger, you can  don't even try to appeal the ban in tech support, you won't get it removed. Therefore, if you want to play with skins, it is better not to risk your account, and buy them in our store at a bargain price.

How to install skinchanger for kc 2

We will not recommend certain programs to swap skins, choose at your own risk and remember that you risk not only your account, but also your computer. A large number of files with cheats contain viruses that can break your system, or steal your Steam account.

Before installing skinchecker we advise you to carefully read the reviews and check the files for viruses with anti-virus software.

In order to put a skin in kc 2 first need to download




The principle of operation all a little different, but all skinchenjera work on a common pattern:

  • The first thing you need to download the cheat on your computer.

  • Then go into the program and download from the Internet model skin, which you want to see.

  • After that, choose your skin, with which you constantly play and replace its model with the one you downloaded.

Some skinchangers in addition to replacing weapons have other functions, such as optimize the game and increase FPS by changing the game config. The main advantage of such software is that you can use skins that have created other players and they are not on the trading floor. If you really want to, you can even make yourself a skin and play with him thanks to the changer.

How to put a skin in KC 2 2

How to play with skinchenjer in kc 2If

you still want to go to the servers with antichit, despite the risk of getting a vak ban, then observe the following tips:

  • Go in from your left account, which will not be sorry if banned.

  • Use quality software. If you can, buy a skinchanger with a monthly subscription, this will reduce the chance of detection and subsequent punishment.

Every month the anti-chit system gets better and better at detecting any interference from the client side, so sooner or later you will be banned. If you stopped using skinchanger and did not get punishment, then do not rejoice, there is a possibility that the ban you will be given with a delay of several weeks.

How to put a purchased skin to kc 2

Put a skin in kc 2 official way is much easier. All you have to do is go to the marketplace and buy it. After that, go to your inventory in the game, select a weapon and install the purchased model.

You can buy skins not only on the trading floor, for this purpose also used various online stores that offer exactly the same skins, but at a lower price.

If you want to put a skin on the revolver, then first you need to put it as the main weapon


To do this, go to xc, then to the inventory, click not revolver and choose it instead of Desert Eagle. After that you install the desired skin, now you can admire it during matches.

How to put a skin in KC 2 3

How to put a skin on your server

If you are the owner of the server, you can add to it unique skins that will be visible to other players. To do this, you need to:

  • Install the models you are interested in on your computer.

  • Download them to the archive of your server.

  • Install new paths for saves.

  • Upgrade your hosting.

For downloading choose the Gameserver folder, FastDL is not suitable for us. The second one is for compressed files that are downloaded immediately to the hosting. Models that fall into the first folder are installed on the server itself.

Prescribing paths to download skins rely on how players will get these skins, through the in-game store, through the VIP, or immediately instead of standard models, it depends on the prescribed path



How to put a skin in KC 2 4

The last step will be the configuration of content hosting. If you are adding unique content like sounds, maps or skins to your server, you need to set up content hosting so that it downloads these files to the players client. Otherwise, they simply will not be able to enter the server, or do not hear the sounds you



Installing skins in kc 2 on your server is not a difficult task, but if you have any questions, you can contact tech support company that provides you with hosting services, they will advise you and help.

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