For a new account recently registered in the game, there is a limit of 20 heroes, so some beginners are wondering how to open all the heroes in Dota 2.
There are several ways in the toy
The first of them - let's call it «honest» - assumes that the entire set of available characters (and there are 120 of them in total) can be obtained only after playing 25 full-fledged rinks and no sooner. And keep in mind that only matches with real people are counted, games with bots in the statistics do not go.Getting access to all the heroes of Dota 2
It is clear that since you are here, you want to open all the heroes in Dota 2 right now and do not intend to wait long. Fortunately, there is a way around the game's restrictions, allowing you to experience the capabilities of any hero.
Why was there even a need for such a restriction?
Previously, in the early days of Dota 2 there were no obstacles in terms of characters, every Doter, whether experienced or newbie, had access to the entire pool of heroes.
situation changed in 2017, when the developers from Valve decided to make it easier for people to enter the game.
The fact is that, roughly speaking, all heroes of Dota 2 can be roughly divided into «light», «medium» and «complex». Classification depends on the ease or, conversely, the complexity of mastering the abilities of the character and the specifics of the game with a particular character.Therefore, Valve decided that if open all the heroes in Dota 2 for newcomers, it will complicate their choice, complicate the process of involvement in gameplay and understanding of gameplay, which will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction with the gameplay and leave Dota 2. But as you realize, Dota 2 for Valve is nothing but a business they make money from, so the more Doters, the more item sales and the more profit. Plus, there have been complaints from the community that newcomers, not knowing how to use the abilities of characters, just «ruin» rinks for experienced players.
So here are 20 heroes and do not complain, decided to Valv:)
Bypassing restrictions (Part 1)
If you are here, then, therefore, you are not satisfied with the policy Valv and you are going to open all the heroes in Dota 2, no matter what, and in this you will help you console.
Before you are directly engaged in entering commands, you need to make sure that the console is activated
The way to do it is as follows:Go to the stim client.
At the top of the screen there will be a menu where you need to find the item «Library».
Now a list of all your downloaded games will open, look for «Dota 2», then click on this inscription PCM.
A menu will appear in which you need to select «Properties».
In the next step in the window that appears, look for «Startup Options», in the line below we write «-console».
That's it, now the console is activated. By default it is started with the key «`», however, it can be changed. You are one step closer to unlocking all heroes in Dota 2.
Bypassing Restrictions (Part 2)
may happen that for unknown reasons the default key to invoke the console does not work, so you will need to reassign this key. Everything is done very simply.As usual, start the stimov client and through the game library go into Dota 2. You need to go to settings, the icon of which you will find in the upper left corner of the screen.
Once you open the settings, you will be taken to the tab «Management». That's exactly what's needed. Now look at the bottom of the window, where the phrase «Advanced Settings», you go there.
Another window will open, where you can assign keys to different actions, for example, for units or calling an ally. On the right side will be the word «Interface», below that you will see the line «Console». Click on this line and assign any key that is convenient for you personally.
Bypassing Restrictions (Part 3)
Moving on to the final stage, where you will be able to open all the heroes in Dota 2, here you will need to perform the following sequence of actions:
Go to the stim client.
Through «Library» start the game.
Find a match of interest to you and go into it.
Before the match starts you need to pass the stage of hero selection (in Doter jargon - «pic»). It is here, during the peak, that you start the console.
Now type dota_new_player 0 into it. All, you have discovered all the heroes in Dota 2, choose anyone for your taste and style of play. If you want to block this feature, enter dota_new_player 1 during the peak phase.
An alternate command that has the same effect is dota_new_player false. When you activate this command, you kind of let the game know that you are already an experienced player, so you do not need to limit the number of Persians.
Additional command
Above we have not listed all the commands that can be used to open all heroes in Dota 2. The last option is long and not very convenient, but it works when other options did not help.
This command is also entered into the console during the character peak and looks like this: dota_new_player_pool_matches_played 40.
Its essence is that this way you let the game know that you have already played 40 games, which means that you are an experienced player. Although in reality at that point you may have only played 2-3 games, if not none at all. It doesn't matter. The only important thing is that this way you 100% will unlock all the heroes in Dota 2.
Note one important nuance. Let's say you played 8 matches before entering a team. Once the team is activated, the game will count you as having played 40 games, but once the rink is over, it will be added to the stats as game 9. Before each new match, you have to punch in that team over and over until you get to 20 rinks.
One more thing. Do not attempt to activate commands in the main menu or anywhere else. It's useless, they only work at the peak stage. If you had to restart the game, the command will be lost, and it must be entered again.
Dialing status through Turbo Mode
If you do not want to constantly strain with the console, take an excellent opportunity to quickly open all the heroes in Dota 2. And the name of this feature is Turbo mode.
Its «chip» is that a normal rink lasts about 1 hour, and in Turbo - usually no more than 15 minutes. Do the math: to officially unlock all the characters you need to play about 25 hours in normal matches, and in Turbo mode you can do it in 6-7 hours. Time saving - 18-19 hours.
There is also a variant of how to speed up unlocking heroes. You'll need to gather 5 people, counting you, who don't already have all the heroes unlocked in Dota 2, then walk the rinks together. During matches, act to either drain them quickly or win them quickly. For example, we can suggest strategies such as aggressively fluffing your opponent, which is a lot of fun, or standing still, doing nothing and waiting to get smashed.